Emerald Lavafall Geographic Location in Ekozia | World Anvil

Emerald Lavafall

The Emerald Lavafall is an astonishing view in the center of Jewelstone Deeps. All time of year, masses of lava are pouring down from the very top of the cavern where most of the settlement is located, down into a large basin.   Around the lavafall many emeralds - and other jewels - are exposed, stcuk in the wall glowing and shimmering in the red hot color of the lava flowing past it. A sensitvie person would be able to feel the massive amount of magic flowing through the lavafall. It continually charges the jewels in the wall with magic, creating an exceptionally valuable treasure.   The people who lived at this ancient settlement apparently used the phenomenon to their advantage. The basin where the lava falls down has be artificially widened and many chanels are leading from there into the walls of the cavern, contributing to a clever heating system in this cold climate.   Surprisingly, the lavalfall does not feel as hot as one would expect when standing directly in front of it.   Located directly at the bottom of the lavafall is the largest workshop in the settlement. In fact some channels of lava lead directly trhough the workshop, illuminating and supposedly powering the machinery used for Gemstone-based Artificery in there.  
Yesterday I found some old carved stairs at the edge of the fall. They seem to lead to the top. Oddly enough, it is not as hot as I would fear. If I can sneak away, I will explore what I can find at the top.


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Aug 18, 2022 09:06

I wonder: What will happen if someone tries to get the magic fueld gemstones...

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