Academy of Magic Arts Building / Landmark in El - Rah | World Anvil

Academy of Magic Arts

Maksti Academy does not divide magic into dark and light, as they do in Sheheron. Rather, the division goes according to specialization and purpose.

Here, students from diverse backgrounds and realms converge to explore the boundless possibilities of magic, each guided by their unique talents and aspirations. From the arcane arts of enchantment to the practical applications of elemental manipulation, Maksti Academy nurtures the potential of every entity, fostering a culture of creativity, innovation, and inclusivity that transcends traditional notions of magical alignment. In the hallowed halls of this esteemed institution, the pursuit of knowledge knows no boundaries, as students embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and mastery, united by the shared passion for the mystic arts.


  • Alchemy
  • Elemental and Chrono Magic
  • Healing
  • Interlayer Magic
  • Necromancy
  • Sound and Light Magic
  • Shamanism and Druidism
  • Priestry
Parent Location
Academy of Magical Arts (Maksti Island)


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