Amanita Character in El - Rah | World Anvil


Place of birth: El Geru.

Homeless wanderer. Octe level: 4-5. Estimated age: 18-25

Hereditary Mage Alchemist, Potion Master.

Education: Academy of Magic Arts

After three warnings, fate intervened, leading to her expulsion from the esteemed institution after fifteen full moons. With no solace to be found within her family's embrace, she set forth into the world, a solitary wanderer in search of understanding and purpose. However, her path took a perilous turn when she became embroiled in the pursuit of the elusive Sibulius egg, drawing the ire of the Magical Rare Species Preservation and Protection Service. Now, as she navigates the winding roads of uncertainty and danger, Amanita must confront the consequences of her actions and discover the true meaning of redemption amidst the chaos of her existence.

  • Potion Making (Advanced).
  • Spell currency.
  • Combat magic (Intermediate).
Bad habits.
  • Kleptomagiac.
  • Vindictive, but does not admit it.
  • To acquire magical vehicles control skills.
  • After several unsuccessful alchemical experiments, she wants to learn how to prepare basic antidotes.
  • To master elemental magic.
Note: Has a connection with cats that allow her to ride on them
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Jul 27, 2021 23:04

"Vindictive, but does not admit it." So basically she's an Aries hahaha

Oct 30, 2021 07:57

I wonder of we are gonna see any prequel videos that show Amanita's younger years