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Arní e eriphos optós (AR-nee eh eh-REE-fohs OP-tos)

Marinated Meat

Relive the culinary grandeur of the ancient Mediterranian with this sumptuous Roast Lamb or Kid recipe, drawn from the pages of Apicius. The recipe embodies the opulence of Roman feasts, marinating the meat in a blend of milk, honey, and fragrant herbs, elevating it to a feast for the senses.

Recipe Directions

For best results, you'll want to marinate the meat overnight.
Combine the marinade ingredients and leave the meat overnight in the marinade, turning it occasionally to ensure full absorption. At the same time, soak the fresh or dried dates in a little red wine.
The next day remove the meat from the marinade, pat it dry, and then roast it in an oven pre-heated to 200°C, well-seasoned and with olive oil.
The timing should be 20 minutes to each 1lb (450g) and 20 minutes in addition.
When the meat is nearly ready, pound the dates to a pulp and add to the remaining red wine, honey, fish sauce and oil.
Bring to the boil in a saucepan and cook out briefly and then thicken with cornflour (corn starch, you can mix with a little water to avoid lumps).
When the joint is cooked, remove it from the oven and leave to rest for 10 minutes before carving thick slices and serving with a little of the sauce on the side.


This recipe is from Apicius, a Roman cookery book of different recipes thought to have been compiled in the 1st century AD. This recipe is one of the few in the book that gives quantities, which has led some to believe that this might in fact be an old ancient Greek or Phoenician recipe. Such dishes were often reserved for special occasions, reflecting the extravagance and richness of their culinary traditions.
The recipe is particularly good with kid if you can find it but otherwise you can use lamb.
'Marinated kid or lamb: 1 pint milk, 4 oz honey, 1 oz pepper, a little salt, a little asafoetida. For the sauce: 2 fl oz oil, 2 fl oz fish sauce, 2 fl oz honey, 8 crushed dates, half pint good wine, a little starch.'
— – Apicius 8, 6, 7.
Prep Time (hours)
Items Needed
Roasting pan, mixing bowl, brush for olive oil.


Shoulder of kid or 1.25 kg leg of lamb
Olive oil


570ml milk
120g clear honey
1 tbsp pepper
1/2 tsp asafoetida powder or 5 drops asafoetida tincture (you can use garlic or onion powder as a substitute)


8 crushed fresh or dried dates
280ml red wine
4 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp clear honey
4 tbsp fish sauce
A little cornflour (corn starch)

Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
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