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Leath-Dhia (Lah-Thee-ah)


Leath-Dhias are the progeny of gods and mortals, embodying a blend of divine and human characteristics. They are often elevated above mere mortals due to their enhanced abilities, longevity, and sometimes supernatural powers, but they also face unique challenges. Their existence is marked by a quest for purpose and identity, as they balance their mortal inclinations with divine responsibilities. Leath-Dhias frequently feature in heroic tales and epic struggles, their lives a tapestry of challenges that reflect their dual heritage. They may act as intermediaries between the gods and humanity, playing crucial roles in mythic events and cultural lore.

Basic Information


Humanoid, with potential divine features such as glowing eyes, ethereal voices, or a palpable aura of power.

Biological Traits

Enhanced physical and mental capabilities, longevity far exceeding normal human lifespans, and inherent abilities related to their divine parent's realm.

Genetics and Reproduction

Can reproduce with humans and other Leath-Dhias. Offspring may inherit varying degrees of divine traits, which can dilute over generations

Ecology and Habitats

Often found in environments that echo their divine heritage, such as high mountains, deep forests, or near ancient temples.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While they can consume normal human food, some may require elements that sustain their divine essence, such as ambrosia or nectar.

Biological Cycle

Longer lifespans that include periods of rapid development followed by extended phases of minimal aging.


Their behavior reflects a blend of human emotion and divine duty, often driven by a strong moral or ethical compass instilled by their godly parent.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Though often solitary, many Leath-Dhias find themselves in leadership positions, whether as rulers, heroes, or spiritual guides.

Facial characteristics

Majestic and compelling, their faces often radiate an intrinsic nobility that can inspire both awe and admiration.

Average Intelligence

Extremely high, combined with wisdom that often seems beyond their years, a reflection of their divine lineage.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Enhanced sensory abilities, including the potential for prophetic insights or the ability to perceive true intentions.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Fluid, as they often transcend typical human notions of gender and are defined more by their divine characteristics.

Relationship Ideals

They tend to have complex relationships, often shaped by their duties and the expectations of both their mortal and divine families.


Fully sapient, with an innate understanding of both the mortal and divine worlds.

Common Myths and Legends

Central figures in many myths, their stories are often used to explain natural phenomena, moral lessons, or the origins of key cultural practices.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Viewed with a mixture of respect and fear, they are often placed on pedestals, which can lead to isolation or misinterpretation of their intentions by other species.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Born from the union of a god and a mortal, their ancestry is rich with mythological narratives from various cultures, depicting the interactions between deities and humans.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Often depicted as the epitome of human form, with strong, well-defined muscles and a commanding presence.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their appearance can vary widely, often reflecting the characteristics of their divine parentage, such as unusual skin tones (golden, silver, or ethereal glow) and symbolic markings.

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