Ligurian Dynasty (Lie-gur-ian)

The fates of the Ligurian Dynasty and Empire have always been interlinked, for one could not exist without the other. Yet there was not always such an empire, nor any need for things such as bloodlines or houses. Following in the footsteps of the goddesses they would bare children with their closet of kin, with their daughters doing the same, ensuring the divine purity of their blood. It was however not uncommon to take multiple wives, even taking cousins as secondary wives, most often if it would result in heightened purity of the blood. This purity would become one of Liguria's most ancient and esteemed traditions, passed down through many the generations.   Yet ever so slowly change would begin, families would form, bloodlines would become apparent, and no longer would a pure lineage be guaranteed by marriage alone. Yet this would not spawn conflict, for there had ever been a strong sense of communion and kinship between the daughters of the Wyrm. And though one bloodline would grow to great prominence above the others, still they acted as motherly guiders rather than conquerors or rulers over those beneath them. And though minor houses would form, all would be under the branch of their Ligurian tree, for each could trace back their lineage to one princess or another of their line, and thus would marriage continue between branches, be it between daughters of the fifth in line, or distance cousins who bore only slight relation.   In the centuries that followed the dynasty would flourish as their magic continued to blossom, drawing near to the goddesses themselves. None could be considered common nor lesser, for all were children of the Wyrm just as much as any other daughter of the palace.


Before the rise of the dynasty merely blood of pure descent was enough to grant nobility, with any able to claim the palace as their rightful seat by that merit alone. With the blood of the dragon however came true royalty, a purity and magical prowess unmatched by any daughter of Liguria. The ancient daughters of the Wyrm, which they called dragons, could shift their form at will, even changing the very structure of their blood. One of the most ancient of these dragons, that which the very crest of Liguria represents, would take on the shape of a beautiful elven princess. It was then that she fell in love with one of the then small family, one unwed and without any sister to name her own.   The girl did not know who her lover truly was, nor would she until many years later, when it seemed time for them to be wed. She gave herself willingly, believing it no dishonour, for all knew was but an exchange between two people. In the centuries that followed the daughters of their line would sire many children, with dragons blood flowing through the dynasty and it's branches as thickly as sap from a tree.   As these branches extended into families of their own they were granted lands to govern and care for, for the empire could not survive without its daughters. Some family's, however, like the Preshyra's, would govern entire aspects of the realm, while others had only small manors or estates. As the dynasty grew so did intermarriage between the branches of its tree, with countless members all leading back to the first days of the divine era.
Founding Date
Some time during the divine era
Political, Family
Leader Title
Family Leader
Notable Members
Related Species
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