Magic Doll

The magic doll is a toy and companion to many a noble daughter, with almost every household in the land having its own. The dolls are often created as young children so that they may grow with their owner, though this spell only lasts until their eighteenth year. Upon reaching maturity, the dolls are almost immortal, though they require regular doses of magic lest they fall ill. Dolls are often kept as lady's maids for their owners as well, serving their mistress not only by tending to her needs, but as a confidante as well.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Magic dolls cannot have children of their own, though there are some stories which speak of a sort of blood magic, where the magic essence of the doll may be imbued with its owners blood; giving briefly the ability to create offspring. The binding of the blood, however, works quite differently than with mortals. If a child so wishes it, their blood may be taken and infused, enabling the doll to be reconstructed into her sister. A mistress who had given her blood to her doll, however, shall be forever bound to it. Rather than their usual magic infusion, it becomes required of the mistress to offer some of her own blood in order to keep her doll healthy. Due to this spell, it is not uncommon for heirs bare of any siblings to be wed to their doll, rather than marrying into some other house.


The animation of small clay toys had always been the joy of many a child, though the story of the first true doll is a much more tragic tale. It is said that there were once two little girls, who played and dances their days away, until one day came where it would be no more. A letter would arrive on the very next day, one which would shatter the poor girls heart.
The girl would grow into a cold young woman, one whom none could approach. Perhaps necromancy would have come to the girl, yet it was far too late for that. A rotted corpse does little to satiate a broken heart, and so the girl would go down another path. First it began as monstrous amalgamations, animated clay beasts with barely the capacity to speak; yet then they grew more advanced, taking up her entire life in pursuit of a perfect replacement.   The young lady however would never find her sought after friend, only imitation after imitation.   And though the fairy tail my differ from the history books, still the lesson is to kept close to heart; that when you lose something precious, nothing may replace it.
Item type
Though dolls of clay melded into elven shape have existed for millennium; those of pure magic have always been rare. Golems are trifling toys when compared to dolls, though they are quite rare and seldom escape the abodes of nobility. It takes a great mage to craft even one, therefore they are mostly used as playthings or childhood companions for noble daughters.
Base Price
Varies dependant on the casters skill.
Raw materials & Components
The finest of enchanted clays craft it's flesh, while gems cut and refined in different colours shall form the eyes. The most crucial part is what makes these dolls so rare however; ash of bones, vials of blood and other such things are necessary for the spell, though it matters not what creatures they come from.
Though not explicitly required, mages of lesser skill may still use it to refine their spell. The shaping of the clay into desired shapes may improve the quality of a would-be average doll, while a perfect model could turn a great mages work into a masterpiece.


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