
The Doll Maker Rosemary Valbanise

The ancient Rosemary is an odd figure in history; a headmistress for a time at a Ligurian academy, though hardly had she spoken outside of meetings. Not much was known of her personal life, nor of what research she had been conducting. And yet upon the ceremony of her elevation to archmage would mark too the day of her disappearance. To the world she seems and oddity, though only her apprentice knew the truth of the matter, though not how far it went.   After years of failed attempts at crafting a perfect magical doll, Rosemary would be offered a gift. To become to childe of Nezera Taerel, and to be given the soul of her friend. Though it was quite the suspicious offer her acquaintance had made, still she had no desire to live. And so it was that on the day of her elevation ceremony, so too would she finish her perfect creation. There was no longer a need for the mortal world; and so would she vanish as quickly as she had risen to the position.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rosemary has ever been stronger than poor Kylanthia, much to her distain. It had always been her greatest wish to take her friend to a distant forest, to see how the flowers there shun in the early morning light, though never was it possible. Rosemary's form, too, grew far more than hers, for she would grow into much the same woman as her mother.

Body Features

Much to the jealousy of her doll, Rosemary grew to have a fine form, well suited to that of any lady; being always pleasant to gaze upon.

Facial Features

With a face that is ever sharp, one can not help to ponder if she is upset, though in truth her heart is often kind.

Apparel & Accessories

While once she had been one for robes and fine dresses, she took quite a liking to her uniform at the academy, for its silhouette was pleasing and its function simple. Many such garments would be commissioned by her, suiting the style of old Liguria in which she might wish herself arrayed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The life of Rosemary is one of great suffering, which begun the moment her friend had died. For many years there was nothing left but an empty husk, a girl who knew nothing of life save her own tears. And then, one day whilst exploring her mothers library, she came across a book of an ancient sort. Inside was described the necromantic process, though it had been far too many years for that. A skeleton does little to alleviate the heart, yet it gave her an idea. Ever since that day it became her goal to reunite with her friend, which would cause her to join many a Ligurian academy. Library after library, book after book, then finally she came across her prize; an old toy of her childhood. The animation of clay had always been a favourite amongst children, and she found herself attempting to create a life-sized doll. It would be many years and many attempts later, however, that she would have a chance meeting with lady Nezera, to whom had given her an offer. They had become passing acquaintances for a time before, where Nezera would offer to give her friends soul, in exchange for Rosemary's blood. It was then that she had gained her immortality, and with it her most prized accomplishment; her friend returned.


Rosemary had never been one for magic, preferring instead matters of etiquette and poise. Yet that would be forever changed upon receiving the letter of her friends death; where she became ever more interested in the magical arts.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Little is known in the history books of Rosemary, save her fairy tale. She had only one apprentice, whom she cared little for, that would learn the secrets of doll-making. Without this apprentices work, none may have ever known of the magical achievement save Rosemary herself. And yet none know of the secret, none know still of the price of a soul for a perfect doll, for it was only shortly after Kylanthia's construction that Rosemary dismissed her apprentice, and further still vanished from the known world.

Failures & Embarrassments

Many a broken or incomplete doll have been created by Rosemary's hands, discarded and left behind in corners; for she was not fond of their imperfect nature. Each time she was made to kill one her heart would break just a piece, as if she were silencing her friend by her own hands. Yet their deaths were not painful; they were merely to be constructed again, reassembled each time until she reached the perfection she so desired.

Personality Characteristics


Ever since reviving her darling, Rosemary has had little other need for motivation or goals. Now it seems all she wishes is to spend their days together, never once parting again.



Thrall (Vital)

Towards Rosemary




Sire (Vital)

Towards Kylanthia




The story of Rosemary with Kylanthia is a complicated tale, yet one of eternal love nonetheless. From their childhood, to the death of Kylanthia, further still to Rosemary's quest to bring her back; their early lives were filled with nothing but troubles. Yet now they are free, free to do as they wish and go where they please, with nothing to stop them but their own desires.

Nicknames & Petnames

Though it had always been just a cute petname, it became almost a way to show her ownership of her friend; a true dolly, not just in looks, but in spirit too.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Kylanthia had rarely gone outside, thus had she acquired a love for literature. And yet she had always longed to see the garden, something which Rosemary often took her to. It was on a certain anniversary that she had found the most pretty of roses for her, kept in stasis by magic, though Kylanthia had said she already was the prettiest rose.

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1823 323 Years old
Kylanthia (Thrall)
Pools of crimson, deep and pure.
Hair of raven black, which flows in waves akin to the Ligurian sea.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale of complexation, deathly so.
170 cm
59 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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