The Association of Explorers

Founded in 220 PD by members of the original expeditionary team that settled the Otterman Coast, The Association of Explorers is based on 'a desire to travel, to discover the mysteries of the world and to understand one's existence and purpose'.
  During the first dozen or so years the guild was mostly about gaining publicity and funding for small expeditionary groups to venture out into the world. However, as time went on the skills that these explorers developed were being sought after as guides for those looking to establish new trade routes, find hidden treasures of their own or as escorts for trade caravans.
  As the original members of the guild began to age past their prime, or died, the guild opened up to new members. Those who could prove themselves to be skilled navigators, survivalists and fighters were invested as members of the guild and with its popularity and opportunity for coin the structure of guild changed to accomodate this. The Association of Explorers formalised the provision of three core functions; Expeditions - Leading exploratory trips to previous undiscovered locations, Escorting - Providing protection to a trade convoy or individual specifically from dangerous flora and fauna and Hunting - Fulfilling contracts to hunt or trap a specific creature.
  With the abounding success of the guild came expansion and by 350 PD the Association of Explorers had branches across much of Elantris. During this time a fourth function of the guild was added, Cartography, which was previously done by skilled individuals who happened to accompany the Explorers or mostly very rudimentarily by the Explorers themselves. This was adopted as a core function due to the unreliability of these maps which had led groups significantly off track and into danger numerous times.


The guild has no central leadership, each branch operates like a franchise and has almost complete autonomy over its practices. The only expectation is that nothing should impact the reputation of the guild as a whole. Not often are central decisions made, though when they are this is done through a meeting of the guild leaders. This is usually in circumstances where a request is made for services outside of their core functions and the guild leader is unable to make a decision on the appropriate course of action.
  Within the individual branches there is usually a guild leader along with a few experienced members who guide the direction of the guild and assess new recruits. Contracts are submitted which fit into one or multiple of the four functions of the guild and are openly available to any members who believe they have the skill to complete them.
Founding Date
220 PD
Guild, Adventuring


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