Aegean Watch Assassin's Guildhall

Purpose / Function

The guild hall works as a staging location for all of the activities of the Aegean Watch Assassin's Guild members. The leadership, including the Aegean Watch's Father of Assassins reside here.


The hall is relatively cramped, having been a recent addition to the town. Buried under a home in what would normally be the basement, the hall is well-insulated and defended against the soft coastal ground, using a combination of magic and strong materials to hold everything together.


The building the hall is buried under is always to remain locked, with two guards within the house at all times. Should they fail, the trapdoor down to the hall is also locked, and forcing the lock causes traps to be armed in the stairway down to the hall.
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Founding Date
24 Prolixis, 212
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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