
Banshrae are spiteful, musical, and dangerous fey known to live split lives between Faerie and the Prime, primarily living throughout Lungao.


Banshraes appear as frail humanoids with golden, insectile eyes on otherwise featureless faces. They typically stand about 5 feet tall and weigh around 100 pounds.


Banshrae have certain abilities typical to fey, such as possessing low-light vision and a weakness to cold iron. While they understand ryushin, elvish, and sylvan, they cannot speak, instead relying on telepathy that has a range of 100 feet.   Banshrae all possess a singular weapon: a masterwork flute that also functions as a masterwork blowgun; they can only possess one such weapon at a time, and it vanishes if the banshrae loses possession of it. These instruments are the only ones that banshrae can play—with terrifying magic behind either songs or darts.   When they use their flutes as instruments, they can effect enemies within a 60-foot radius with their music, in the form of either a fear-inducing dirge, a catchy but nonsensical sing-along, or a ditty that compels those effected to move a considerable amount.   Used as blowguns, a banshrae can spray a 15-foot cone of darts once per day, or fire off a single dart that sickens the one struck and damages them as locusts proceed to crawl out of that victim and form a swarm under the banshrae's command.   Banshrae also possess certain fey magics that make them harder to hit with attacks. They can also, once per day, produce a bestow curse-like effect that induces anger at the cursed.


Banshrae are far more dangerous and martial than their frail appearance suggests; besides their potent blowgun-flute and magic, they will also attack with their bare hands. They also summon their blowgun-flute first in battle, then use their speed and agility to dance around opponents. Banshrae will also take stronger enemies down first so that they can toy with weaker enemies in relative safety. When spellcasters are amongst the enemy, they direct their locust swarm against them first.


Banshrae typically live in communities with other evil fey, serving the masters of such places as minstrels, spies, and soldiers. Both verdant princes and evil nymphs are known to enjoy their services, and reward the banshrae's loyalty with honor and treasure, or disloyalty with death.   Banshrae adore fine clothing and jewelry, and their love of music leads to collections of masterwork instruments made from or decorated with precious materials. They also enjoy tormenting humanoids, and any nonfey creature that falls into their hands can expect only torment and death.   They are typically known to train as fighters or rogues. However, whatever they train to do, they never use divine magic, for they despise deities and have no conscious connection to nature.


Banshrae "eat" by absorbing nutrients from the nearby soil and plants while they sleep. They breathe through holes located on the sides of their head, hidden under their hair.   They typically dwell in temperate forests, preferring to stay near mortal settlements so as to have a supply of people to torment.


Banshrae were originally far less malevolent and harmful fey who sang and danced alongside more benevolent fey. The banshrae were cursed after an elder of their kind, whose name and crime are long forgotten, betrayed a capricious fey queen. She cursed all banshraes to lose their mouths. However, a mighty and terrible verdant prince made a compact with the banshraes and dark powers to give the cursed fey back a measure of their musical skill.   The ryushin people, who had once lived in harmony with the banshrae, abandoned them as to keep peace with the other fey who dwelled within their lands. This caused the hatred within the already hurt banshrae to be worsened, causing them to lash out at the mortals.
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