
Based on the Blackguard from Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
Classes AllowedPaladin
Ability Score RequirementsStrength 14
Constitution 14
Wisdom 9
Charisma 141
Prime RequisitesStrength, Wisdom, Charisma
Races Allowed

Alignments AllowedNeutral Evil, Lawful Evil
1Unlike most kits, these requirements replace the typical requirements of a paladin, so long as the character abides by the rest of the kit. Should a character abandon this kit, they become a fighter, not a paladin.
  The blackguard epitomizes evil and is nothing short of a mortal fiend. The quintessential black knight, this villain carries a reputation of the foulest sort that is very well deserved. Consorting with demons and devils and serving dark deities, the Blackguard is hated and feared by all. Some people call these villains "anti-paladins" due to their completely evil nature.


    • Immune to level drain and fear
    • May rebuke undead as a Paladin of the same level
    • Once per day, a blackguard can drain 2 hit points per experience level from a creature they touch with his or her open hand. The blackguard must make a melee attack in order to touch the opponent in this way if they are not in some way held, but the AC that must be struck is only 10 + any bonus from the target's Dexterity. This damage bypasses magic resistance but not resistance to negative energy damage. The blackguard regains hit points equal to the damage dealt in this way.
    • The blackguard may cause a melee weapon he or she is holding to be poisoned by their evil essence once per day plus once per day per 5 levels of experience (1 use at 1st level, 2 uses at 5th level, 3 uses at 10th level and so on. Each successful hit within the next 5 rounds will inject this poison into the target. Each target can only be affected once per round. The amount of poison damage depends on the blackguard's level:
      • 1st - Target suffers 1 poison damage at the end of each round (Save vs. Death at +1 negates) for 5 rounds
      • 5th - Target suffers 2 poison damage at the end of each round (Save vs. Death negates) for 5 rounds, and also immediately suffers 2 poison damage (no save)
      • 9th - Target suffers 3 poison damage at the end of each round (Save vs. Death at -1 negates) for 5 rounds, and also immediately suffers 4 poison damage (no save)
    • 13th - Target suffers 4 poison damage at the end of each round (save vs. Death at -2 negates) for 5 rounds, and also immediately suffers 6 poison damage (no save).
    • 3rd Level: May cause an Aura of Despair to emanate from his or her body (no save, blocked by magic resistance) once per day. When this ability is used, all creatures of the blackguard's choice suffer ill effects based on the Blackguard's level:
      • 3rd - All enemies suffer a -1 penalty to hit and damage rolls and a +2 penalty to Armor Class for 1 turn.
      • 6th - All enemies suffer a -2 penalty to hit and damage rolls and a -2 penalty to Armor Class for 1 turn
      • 15th - All enemies suffer a -4 penalty to hit and damage rolls and a -4 penalty to Armor Class for 1 turn; enemies with 8 or fewer Hit Dice are panicked as well and must flee from the blackguard for 1 turn
    • 20th - All enemies suffer a -4 penalty to hit and damage rolls and a -4 penalty to Armor Class for 1 turn; enemies with 18 or fewer Hit Dice are panicked as well and must flee from the blackguard for 1 turn


    • Alignment is restricted to Neutral Evil or Lawful Evil
    • The Blackguard may not cast Detect Evil.
    • The Blackguard may not cast Protection from Evil as an innate ability.
  • May not use the Lay on Hands ability.


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