Blink Dog

A blink dog is a mysterious, intelligent canine creature. Most blink dogs have yellow-brown fur and large ears. They are well known for their ability to blink—a supernatural teleportation ability.


Blink dogs have an average intelligence on par with humans. They have powerful senses, including the ability to see in low-light and see in the dark, as well as possessing acute scent detection and tracking.   A blink dog's most well-known ability is its ability to blink, as well as use dimension door.



Blink dogs speak a language of their own, which can be learned by some intelligent canine creatures. They can additionally learn sylvan, but cannot speak it.


Blink dogs have a long hatred of displacer beasts, and tend to attack them on sight. Blink dogs were originally bred by archfey to hunt down displacer beasts after they had outgrown their shackles. While blink dogs are individually weaker than a displacer beast, they are far more loyal and prone to making packs than the feline creatures.

Additional Information


Blink dogs were created by the archfey as an already domesticated creature, and few if any have broken free to become wild creatures.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The eart of a blink dog can be used as an alternative material component for the spell faithful hound.

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