Charm Person


2nd Edition
This spell affects any single person it is cast upon. The term person includes any bipedal human, demihuman or humanoid of man-size or smaller, such as brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, lizard men, nixies, orcs, pixies, sprites, troglodytes, and others. Thus, a 10th-level fighter could be charmed, but an ogre could not. The person receives a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect, with any adjustment due to Wisdom. If the person receives damage from the caster's group in the same round the charm is cast, an additional bonus of +1 per hit point of damage received is added to the victim's saving throw. If the spell recipient fails his saving throw, he regards the caster as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. The spell does not enable the caster to control the charmed creature as if it were an automaton, but any word or action of the caster is viewed in the most favorable way. Thus, a charmed person would not obey a suicide command, but he might believe the caster if assured that the only chance to save the caster's life is for the person to hold back an onrushing red dragon for "just a minute or two." Note also that the spell does not endow the caster with linguistic capabilities beyond those he or she normally pssesses (i.e., he or she must speak the victim's language to communicate his commands). The duration of the spell is a function of the charmed person's Intelligence and is tied to the saving throw. The spell may be broken if a successful saving throw is rolled, and this saving throw is checked on a periodic basis, according to the creature's Intelligence (see the following table). If the caster harms, or attempts to harm, the charmed person by some overt action, or if a Dispel Magic spell is successfully cast upon the charmed person, the charm spell is broken. If two or more charm effects simultaneously affect a creature, the result is decided by the DM. This could range from one effect being clearly dominant, to the subject being torn by conflicting desires, to new saving throws that could negate both spells. Note that the subject has full memory of the events that took place while he was charmed.
Intelligence ScoreTime Between Checks
3 or less3 Months
4-62 Months
7-91 Month
10-123 Weeks
13-142 Weeks
15-161 Week
173 Days
182 Days
19 or more1 Day
Note: The period between checks is the time period during which the check occurs. When to roll the check during this time is determined (randomly or by selection) by the DM. The roll is made secretly.
3.5th Edition
This charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target’s attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus on its saving throw.   The spell does not enable you to control the charmed person as if it were an automaton, but it perceives your words and actions in the most favorable way. You can try to give the subject orders, but you must win an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldn’t ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing. Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed person breaks the spell. You must speak the person’s language to communicate your commands, or else be good at pantomiming.
4th Edition

5th Edition
You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you.   -At Higher Levels::When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.--
Pathfinder 2e
To the target, your words are honey and your visage seems bathed in a dreamy haze. It must attempt a Will save, with a +4 circumstance bonus if you or your allies recently threatened it or used hostile actions against it.   You can Dismiss the spell. If you use hostile actions against the target, the spell ends. When the spell ends, the target doesn't necessarily realize it was charmed unless its friendship with you or the actions you convinced it to take clash with its expectations, meaning you could potentially convince the target to continue being your friend via mundane means.  
Critical Success
The target is unaffected and aware you tried to charm it.
The target is unaffected but thinks your spell was something harmless instead of charm, unless it identifies the spell (see Identifying Spells on page 303).
The target's attitude becomes friendly toward you. If it was friendly, it becomes helpful. It can't use hostile actions against you.
Critical Failure
The target's attitude becomes helpful toward you, and it can't use hostile actions against you.

Heightened (4th)
The duration lasts until your next daily preparations.
Heightened (8th)
The duration lasts until your next daily preparations, and you can target up to 10 creatures.

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Table of Contents

Spell Descriptors
2nd Edition
120 Feet
Spells Negates
V, S
1 Person
Casting Time
1 Segment

3.5th Edition
Bard 1, Sorcerer 1, Wizard 1
V, S
Casting Time
1 standard action
Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
One humanoid creature
1 hour/level
Saving Throw
Will negates
Spell Resistance

4th Edition

5th Edition
Bard 1, Druid 1, Sorcerer 1, Warlock 1, Wizard 1
Casting Time
1 Action
30 Feet
--Components:V, S--
1 Hour

Pathfinder 2e
, , , , ,
Arcane, Occult, Primal
30 feet
1 creature
1 hour



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