
Gharghulak, known as The Defiler or The High Chieftain is the chief Deity of goblins and hobgoblin. He is a god of war and leadership who rules over all the goblinoid deities with an iron fist. As a god of war and a great general he is also known as The Lord of Battle.


Gharghulak appears as an 11 foot tall goblin with black skin and flaming eyes, with strong arms ending in sharp talons.


Gharghulak is a strict and hateful god, full of spite and rage. He always wants for more, never content with that which he already has. He urges his followers on to conquer, kill, and steal, tearing down other races and elevating the status of the goblinoid races.


Gharghulak is able to cause a berserk fury to rise in his worshipers and minions, driving them into a horrible bloodfury that urges them into battle and to continue raiding and pillaging. This appears to be a blood-based power, as even the most good-hearted of goblinoids can be easily driven insane and turned aggressive through this "blessing".   Additionally, Gharghulak can bestow a powerful blessing known as the Flames of Gharghulak, causing the targeted creature—typically a priest or shaman of Gharghulak and always a goblinoid—to have their eyes engulfed in bright red flames and greatly enhancing their strength and personal magnetism among other goblinoids, causing goblinoids to flock to the blessed member.


In combat, Gharghulak flies into a fury, charging in alongside hordes of goblinoids with his burning eyes and ever-bloody axe. All goblinoids around him fly into a similar rage, charging in and swelling with strength.


Foe Splitter

Foe splitter is the axe of Gharghulak...




Gharghulak rules over the goblinoid pantheon and subjugates the other deities under him through force. He is an unpopular deity with many gods, including those of elves, dwarves, orcs, and others.   Gharghulak covets the control of and dominions of the gods of the Bhuka, who refuse to follow him.


The priests and shamans of Gharghulak are his mouthpieces on the Material Plane. They fulfill his demands for blood sacrifices by dispatching victims with an axe. They believe that these sacrifices strengthen Gharghulak. His clergy is almost always drawn from the goblin and hobgoblin races, with some worship from other goblinoids such as bugbears, norkers, varags, and vril. The tasloi also worship an aspect of Gharghulak.   Gharghulak communes with his priests through omens. Blood flowing from the edge of an axe, abnormal behavior in worgs and wolves, and speaking directly through shamans in a trance are all ways he makes his will known.   Gharghulak's holy day is that when Arus, which many goblinoids refer to as the First Born or the First Son, is in its new moon phase, and when all four moons are in full moon phase the goblinoids see it as a particularly powerful time for Gharghulak. His holy weapon is the battleaxe, often made from stone or obsidian. His goblin worships are sometimes referred to as the "sons of Gharghulak".


The primary symbol of Gharghulak is that of a bloody axe, typically a stone battleaxe and occasionally showing a dwarf or similar creature dead nearby.

Notable Worshipers



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Table of Contents

Divine Symbols and Sigils
Bloody axe

Divine Classification
Greater Deity

Lawful Evil

Current Location

Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Defiler
The Mighty One
The Great One
The Great Scourge
The High Chieftain
The Battle Lord
The Lord of Depths and Darkness
The Conquerer



Skin Tone/Pigmentation

11 feet

650 lb.


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