
Vril are the product of dark wizards' experiments over many generations. These goblinoids are imbued with innate sonic ability and can alter the consistency of their own flesh.


Vril share few traits with their goblin kin. The wizards who created them sought to expunge many of the race's characteristic weaknesses. They superficially resemble goblins with their height, but their skin is a deep blue-purple color covered with black stripes. Their ears have frown from their normal round shape into long, pointed shapes and grown larger, resembling those of certain species of Underdark bats. Their eyes are bright yellow and glow slightly in the darkness, while their features—and especially their upturned noses—have become extremely angular. Their size has been left mostly unchanged, averaging about 3 and a half feet and weighing about 50 pounds. They rarely stand at full height, however, and instead tend to walk in a slunched and crouched position, standing barely 2 and a half feet tall. Their fangs and skull have grown longer, resembling something akin to an ape. Despite being created originally, the race now breeds true, but attempts to cross vril with other goblinoid races produce only stillborn offspring, perhaps as a result of deliberate design.


Like their progenitors, vril are malicious little creatures, but while goblins are cowardly and undisciplined, vril are bold, daring, and organized. Generations of mistreatment at the hands of their creators has also built up a fiercely stubborn resolve. Vril view ordinary goblinds as inferior but have a cautious respect for larger humanoids such as orcs, half-orcs, and hobgoblins. They avoid bugbears, which dislike the strange little creatures.


Most vril are warriors that serve in the armies of the wizards who command them. Vril are usually agnostic, since the wizards crush any religious inclination and do not permit them to serve the gods above, for fear that religion will help them break their chains like many before them. Thus, clerics are exceptionally rare. Vril clerics sometimes worship Gharghulak in secret, but mages are more common.   By manipulating the size of their vocal cords, lungs, and throats, all vril can emit a powerful shriek loud enough to cause physical damage and potentially stun prey.


The wizards that created them treat vril little better than animals, yet generations of specialized breeding have produced unquestioned loyalty. Vril fear and obey the wizards instinctively. They serve as shock troops and city defenders, and they are the only slave race allowed to formally train for combat. Vril are usually quartered in warrens and barracks separate from the other troops and thralls of the wizards, through their living conditions are no better. Although they might grumble about their lot in life, rarely do they think to do something else.   Some exceptional individuals have managed to throw off the yoke of servitude and escape their wizard masters. Small, hidden communities of free vril exist throughout the Underdark and secluded regions, and they include members of various backgrounds and "wizard tribes". Clerics are more common in these settlements, and Gharghulak is worshiped openly.


Those vril that break free of their wizard lords often seek safety in the underdark, where their specialized shrieks can echo around and be used as a form of long-range communication, or find dark forests, caves, and similar areas where the bright light of day won't burn their eyes. They tend to congregate with other vril, but naturally avoid bugbears, goblins, and larger creatures that could easily dominate them again.


Vril have very little culture of their own, having only escaped from wizards in any large number in recent times. Those that have been in hiding for long periods of time tend to turn to those few clerics that exist for leadership, rather than following a strength-based culture like other goblinoids. Thanks to their specialized breeding, the vril tend to be slightly smarter than other goblinoids, and will occasionally intermingle with blues, despite them resembling goblins so much.


Free vril will often turn to the worship of Gharghulak, seeking the strength the religion provides and instills into their culture to help them continue this new life in a world not made for them.
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Ability Score Adjustment. The initial ability scores are modified by a +1 to Constitution, but a -1 to Charisma.
Strength 4 17
Dexterity 5 18
Constitution 10 18
Intelligence 5 18
Wisdom 3 18
Charisma 3 12
Fighter 10
‎ ‎ ‎Paladin
‎ ‎ ‎Ranger
‎ ‎ ‎Barbarian
Mage 8
‎ ‎ ‎Specialist
‎ ‎ ‎Warlock 8
Cleric 9
‎ ‎ ‎Druid
‎ ‎ ‎Monk
‎ ‎ ‎Shaman 7
Thief 12
‎ ‎ ‎Assassin 12
‎ ‎ ‎Bard
  Special Advantages. Once per day, a vril can emit a horrible shriek, either as a 15-foot radius centered on itself or as a 30-foot-long by 15-foot-wide cone. Any victim caught in the area other than the vril itself takes 1d4 points of damage for every three levels of the vril (1d4 for levels 1-3, 2d4 for levels 4-6, etc.). A victim can make a saving throw versus paralyzation to half the damage taken.   Once per day, a vril can alter the consistency of its flesh for one turn per level of the vril. During this time, the vril must choose either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage and takes 2 less damage from that source.   Special Disadvantages. Vril were conditioned to serve through the use of vile poisons, and were created naturally susceptible to such things. As such, they take a -2 penalty on saving throws versus poison.   Bright light hurts vril eyes, giving them a -1 penalty to their attack rolls when in bright sunshine. When a vril first enters bright light (such as sunlight or a continual light spell), the vril is blinded for 1 round.   The bodies of vril were bred to be exceptionally dense, and as such they cannot swim regardless of their encumbrance, and sink into water.   Role-Playing Suggestions. Vril are unnatural creatures mutated through powerful magic from goblins. They fear spellcasters but the most trusted of them are occasionally taught to use some magic, causing them to rise above other vril in station. These vril often become far more evil than others.   Vril PCs are exceptionally rare individuals that have not only escaped from their wizard lords, but managed to set off on their own. They tend to be less vile than others of their kind, seeking to make up for their deeds or perhaps spread their more peaceful ways amongst their kind, freeing them from other wizard lords.   Languages. goblin, undercommon, high draconic, dwarven, elvish, giant, gnomish, orcish, common.   Monstrous Traits. Appearance   Superstitions. Fear of spellcasters, fear of bugbears, hatred of goblins   Weapon Proficiencies. Bastard sword, battle axe, broadsword, club, light crossbow, dagger, javelin, knife, mace, morning star, pick, scimitar, scourge, shortbow, shortsword, sickle, spear.   Nonweapon Proficiencies. Alertness, animal noise, begging, blind-fighting, close-quarter fighting, danger sense, hiding, information gathering, looting, observation, voice mimicry.

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