
Karazengdor is an exarch of Krivun and the ruler and originator of dracoliches..


Karazengor takes the appearance of a massive gold dragon, mostly skeletal with stips of scale and skin hanging from his bones. While the bones and skeletal structure of Karazengor is unmistakeably that of a gold dragon, the scales are all as black as obsidian. His skull has been permanently twisted into a grin, and he has thousands of magical runes etched into his bones.   He is known for bestowing the secrets of dracolichdom upon his most fervent and loyal of followers, whether draconic or not, and allowing them to use it as they wish so long as they do not go against the whims of Krivun.


Early History

Karazengdor was once a mortal gold dragon that thought himself above all that surrounded him, particularly in terms of intellect and guile. Approaching the end of his mortal lifespan, the dragon began to fear its coming death, and sought out Krivun, thinking to trick the Demon Lord into a deal, believing himself smarter than the archfiend. Krivun turned the dragon into the first Dracolich, twisting his once beautiful hide into a dark black thing akin to Krivun's own and permanently binding the dragon to his service. The transformation into undeath had unforseen circumstances for Karazengdor, breaking his once pristine mind and drenching his soul in vile evil. The dragon did what it could to resist, and kept a mostly virtuous outlook and personality for many decades, but the evil crept across it like a rot, eventually twisting Karazengdor into a creature completely loyal to Krivun of its own will.

Rise to Divinity

Karazengdor, having fallen so completely in line with Krivun's views and will, became a servitor of the Demon Prince. There he was imbued with a shard of Krivun's own divinity and became known as the King of Dracoliches. There, he began creating hundreds of skeletons and experimenting with them, reshaping the bones and converting them into numerous materials after animating them, leading to a multitude of new skeletal undead roaming the lands.


Karazengdor has many followers, particularly Undead and especially dracoliches. He is known to venture to the Negative Energy Plane and seek out necromancers that were meddling there with the goal of converting them to his worship and spreading the plague of dracolichdom on the Prime Material Plane. Karazengdor's holy symbol is a skeletal dragon claw gripping a gold bar, and though many dracoliches see themselves as above others and thus do not worship divinities, those that do are known to pay homage to Karazengdor as their progenitor.
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Table of Contents

Divine Symbols and Sigils
A skeletal dragon claw clutching a bar of gold

Divine Classification

Chaotic Evil

Current Location

Dracolich (Previously Gold Dragon)

Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Dracoliches


Glowing Green Motes

Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Scales

Body Length

Tail Length


174,300 lbs.
2nd Edition Statistics



Activity Cycle

None required for sustenance, but often eats alongside Krivun, primarily eating pearls or small gems and fresh meat.

Supragenius (21)

B, H, S, Tx3

Chaotic Evil

Number Appearing

Armor Class
-14 (X With Magic Equipment)

12, Fl 40 (C), Jp 3, Sw 12

Hit Dice


Number of Attacks
3 + special

1d10/1d10/6d6 + 2d8 points of cold damage per successful attack + 2d6 rounds of paralysis (save vs. paralysis allowed)

Special Attacks
Karazengdor has three breath weapons: a cone of fire 90' long, 5' wide at the dragon's mouth, and 30' wide at the end; a cloud of potent weakening gas; or a cone of black flames filled with negative energy 90' long, 5' wide at the dragon's mouth, and 30' wide at the end. Creatures caught in any effect are entitled to a save versus breath weapon for half damage and to avoid additional effects.

Special Defenses
Strengthened dragon fear aura; immune to charm, sleep, enfeeblement, polymorph, cold (magical or normal), electricity, fire (magical or normal), hold, insanity, or death spells or symbols, poison, paralysis, and turning; no attack or damage roll bonuses allowed against them; injured only by magical attacks from 8th-level or greater spellcasters, by attacks from 8 or more HD monsters, or weapons with +3 enhancement or greater.

Magic Resistance


Fearless (20; 19 if Karazengdor knows its phylactery has been destroyed)

XP Value



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