Krivun Character in Elaris | World Anvil


Krivun is a demon lord that serves as master of the undead from the depths of The Pit. The Master of Fallen Dragons is believed to be one of the mightiest demon lords, one that inspired dread in the hearts of gods. The Grinning Darkness is among the powers of the Abyss most often worshipped as deity by the mortals of the Prime Material Plane, and even more than the Prince of Demons himself, and is close to obtaining true divinity.


Krivun is easily mistaken as not being a demon at all, a powerful figure in the shape of a dragonborn standing just above 6 feet tall. His frame is strong, but not overly so as to be clearly otherworldly. He bears the distinctive frills and head ornamentation of a gold dragonborn, but with scales black as night. Massive draconic wings extend from his back and trail down, connecting to his tail in a manta ray-like pattern.   Despite his title as a demon prince, Krivun carries himself with an air of distinction and control. Despite this, he walks a constant line between life and undeath. His wings trail clouds of reeking, diseased air and his body radiates a malice laced with pwoerful negative energy, causing the living around him to be constantly weakened and sickened, bringing them closer to undead and true service to him.


Krivun is wholle concerned with bringing low the pretenders that seek control over undeath in any form and stand as the true embodiment of death. He cares for little outside of this goal, and sends his devotees forth to cut down those that would see themselves as even approaching his equal. He grants the secrets of undeath to his chosen few, allowing lichdom—including his own creation of dracoliches—but any that manage to puzzle out these secrets on their own or seek to extend their lives through undeath without his express permission are hunted down. This extended even as far as the gods above who would seek to claim dominion over death or undeath. In many ways, this act is seen as a purifying act by some of the Prime, and thus Krivun is not as wholly hated as some demon princes, but this is no act of mercy or aid from him. Truly, Krivun would care for little more than for them to join under his banner and walking corpses.   While undead typically do not require food for sustenance, Krivun has a powerful gluttony of his own that seems to never truly be satiated. Many claim this to be related to his draconic heritage, while others believe this may simply be related to the immense power he exudes causing him to constantly need more nourishment. Regardless of the reason, his servants gather food—especially those that would seek unpermitted control of death—from across the planes of existencein the ongoing futile attempt to sate his cravings. Throughout his existence, he has tasted among the finest delicacies originating from myriad worlds across the universe and some of the foulest, consuming all with the same refined voracity.


The Prince of the Undead holds dominion over the portfolio of undeath, and holds influence over the domains of chaos, death, evil, and darkness as well.   Krivun does grant limited powers to the mortals who slay others in his name, and when their death comes, he would transform them into mindless zombies or ghouls. While his most famous creation is and likely always will be that of dracoliches, Krivun is said to have made many unique forms of undead, such as one made from a specific group of assassins that were extremely loyal to him, carrying out assignments on both the living and dead alike. Krivun would also bless some demons with transformations into undead, the most revered example of which involved the creation of a devourer.


Krivun can not be harmed by non-magical weapons, highly resists the elements, and is nearly impervious to supernatural effects, and wholly immune to any supernatural or mundane charm or fear. He can appear as an aspect of himself to any of his deathpriests that performs the appropriate ritual.   The Lord of Skulls is versed in Dark Speech, the language of ancient evil deities. He holds the unique ability to see through the eyes and readily access the memories of any bodak, the lingering remains created when one of his more powerful followed succumbs to death.   He is believed to be capable of destroying the phylactery of any lich at will, and will readily do so if they displease him or assume the form without his permission. However, for the latter case he tended to have his followers destroy the phylactery themselves to prove themselves to him. Similarly, if the physical form and phylactery of any lich is destroyed, Krivun can return them to existence as a vestige.


While Krivun most often directs his servants to carry out his will, he is capable of fighting with a refined grace. He prioritizes hit and run tactics, sweeping in with his mighty scythe from afar before pulling back, blocking the path to him with undead servants or walls of bone and flesh while hailing explosive skulls down upon those using ranged combat.   Anyone that dares to enter Krivun's lair is subject to horrid mental anguish that will eventually leave them with a form of madness. These poor souls can be struck with intense feelings of self-loathing and hopelessness, compelled to inflict cruelty upon others, or left with the need to spread undeath throughout their existence. By merely speaking a single, resounding word Krivun can instantly slay mortals that stand within his lair. He can similarly raise scores of undead within moments and conjuure massive skeletal arms to instantly neutralize any threats or simply carry him around should he not feel like using his wings.


On the occasions when Krivun decides to personally engage in battle, he wielded numerous specialized objects to tear through those that stood against him.

Scythe of Krivun

The relic most-often associated with the Bone Lord was the artifact known as the Scythe of Krivun, a pole topped with a skull identical to the demon prince's that, when activate, caused a blade of errie reddish-black energy to protrude, emitting a fog of negative energy around it at all times. The scythe is said to have the power to slay any living being. The scythe is believed by some to be the only way to nullify Krivun's power, and is highly coveted across the planes. It is occasionally left available for mortals to seize in order to grant them the power to carry out the demon prince's will across their world.   While the scythe of krivun can be destroyed, it can be rebuilt by krivun over the course of one hundred years. Despite this, the wand has reappeared throughout the planes numerous times after being destroyed within a single century's time, hinting at a greater power backing the Prince of Undeath. Krivun himself is greatly weakened during the time when the scythe is vanished from existence, but gains a boost to his power even greater than his normal strength in the short time after it is recreated.

Other Artifacts

Krivun also wears a powerful suit of armor white as bone and seemingly connected by living, pulsing muscles. Both the armor and the scythe were used by Krivun during his time as a mortal being, but are greatly more powerful than they were at that time.   Krivun himself crafted the infamous evil artifact known as the True Amulet of D'hurgen. While most are unsure of the source of the name, many planar scholars hypothesize it was named after a companion of Krivun during his time as a mortal. None are entirely sure of what the amulet's true function is, and it has never been seen to fully activate outside of a protective device that radiates powerful abjurative and necromantic magical signatures when viewed under the lens of a detect magic spell.




Enemies and Allies

Krivun is one third of the triad of demon lords—including Nergul and Xyralith—that have engaged in an ongoing war with one another. He views Nergul as a self-aggrandized narcissist and is believed to have warred with Xyralith for hundreds of thousands of years.   The Prince of the Undead has a powerful enmity with any deity that seeks to claim death or undeath as a portfolio, and seeks to stamp them and counter their plans at any turn. Followers of these deities thus vehemently oppose those that venerate Krivun. Many of Krivun's followers have carried out series of schemes seeking to strip the divine powers of such deities.   Krivun has a tenuous alliance with Kauket, but this is mostly an alliance of opportunity and they have no true loyalty to one another. Their domains do not conflict at all, and thus they have no reason to fight with each other.


Worship of Krivun is spread across numerous isolated cults that operate independently of one another. They operate within the shadows of society, often congregating in locales linked to the dead, including graveyards and secluded tombs.   His worship often attracts malevolent humans, orcs, ogres, and dragonborn. He has a particularly strong affiliation with goblinoids—in particular hobgoblins—who seem to feel his call stronger than others for an unknown reason. His cults also attract twisted creatures with a morbid fascination with undeath. Notable among these followers are necromancers and others deliberately seeking the path to unlife via lichdom or vampirism. Among the undead that dwell within Krivun's palace or otherwise join his army are zombies, wights, shadows, huecuva, nightwalkers, phantoms, and death knight.   Leaders within the various cults of Krivun are known as Black Scales. To attain this title, Krivun's followers were tasked with either taking control of a horde of undead from his own realm and setting them loose upon the Prime, or cutting down a rogue lich, dread soul, vampire lord, or similar intelligent undead who either left the command or Krivun or found this path without his power and permission. Those that failed were slain and raised as liches or similar undead, doomed to dwell within Krivun's domain for eternity, completely domainted by his power.


Krivun's primary symbol is a grinning gold dragon's skull, or that of a gold dragonborn who did not follow his call, sometimes set atop a pole resembling Krivun's own scythe when not activated. This symbol was not universally used throughout his cult, and some cells adopted similar, but distinctly different iconography.

Notable Worshipers of Krivun

Karazengdor, Krivun's Exarch; a gold dragon that, fearing the approaching end of his life and in a foolish thought that he could overpower the demon prince, sought Krivun's power to extend his life, transforming him into the first dracolich and trapping him in a pact that he eventually began to revel in, sealing his service to Krivun.


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Divine Symbols and Sigils
A grinning gold dragon's skull

Divine Classification
Demon Prince

Patron Classification Group

Chaotic Evil

Allowed Warlock Alignments
Any Evil

Patron's Wrath Damage Types
Fire, Necrotic

Patron Signature Invocation(s)
AD&D 2e
D&D 5e

Current Location
The Wyrmwastes


Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Undead
Prince of the Undead
Prince of Undeath
Bone Lord
Lord of Skulls
Master of Fallen Dragons
Grinning Darkness



Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black scales


200 lbs.


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