
The Ryushin people of Lungao are a civilization deeply rooted in the embrace of nature, their cultural identity intricately woven into the fabric of their environment. Guided by their revered Guardian Dragons, these people have cultivated a profound connection with the natural world, fostering a harmonious coexistence with the land that surrounds them. Their society, while distinct, thrives in close proximity to the elves, fostering bonds of mutual respect and cultural exchange.   A notable feature of their civilization is their formidable naval presence, which ranks among the most significant in their world, enabling them to engage in far-reaching trade networks and exploration. Under the wise leadership of their Dragon Emperor and the watchful gaze of their pantheon of gods, the Ryushin have flourished, forging enduring ties with the world around them and nurturing a legacy of reverence for the earth and the skies.
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Game Mechanics

Custom System
Ability Score Adjustment.
+1 Wisdom
Racial Skills.
You gain a +2 Racial bonus to Acrobatics checks.
Quick Learner.
You gain an additional 10% experience points.
You can speak, read, and write Ryushin.


5th Edition
You gain expertise with the Insight skill.
Ryushin Weapon Proficiency
You gain proficiency with the glaive, quarterstaff, and shuriken.
You can speak, read, and write Ryushin.


4th Edition
To Be Made

3.5th Edition
To Be Made

2nd Edition
Ability Score Adjustment.
Humans from Lungao gain a +1 bonus to their choice of their initial Dexterity or Wisdom scores.
Throughout Lungao, the arts are highly important and serve as a form of expression, worship, and livlihood. Due to this, all Ryushin humans gain the Alertness skill without spending a nonweapon proficient slot.


Pathfinder 2e
To Be Made

Encompassed species


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