Spirit Folk

Spirit folk are mystical descendants of humans and natural spirits. These creatures are uncommon throughout most of Elaris, but are relatively well known within Lungao where the general populace has a close connection to the spirits. They are loving and peaceful creatures, in tune with the natural world around them.


In appearance, spirit folk seem extremely human. Their eyes are slender and their mouths are small. Their eyebrows are very thin and their complexions are very pale or golden. The men are always clean shaven, without beards or mustaches. They appear in all the diversity of humans, but all radiant a robust love of life and nature. Many come close to the ideal of human beauty in society.


  • Bamboo Spirit Folk: Bamboo spirit folk can move in forests without creating a trail, understand the languages of forest animals and can hide themselves magically in forests. They are also resistant to magic involving earth or wood, including magic items made of wood. Their lives are tied to certain sacred groves, and they will be injured if these groves are damaged.
  • Mountain Spirit Folk: These mountain dwellers are physically similar to other spirit folk. Mountain spirit folk can see in the dark, twice as far humans, and they have the ability to talk with some animals.
  • River Spirit Folk: Physically similar to other spirit folk, river-based subraces have the amazing ability to breathe underwater and speak with aquatic animals.


Spirit folk are highly attuned to nature and possess special powers dealing with natural forces and events.


Spirit folk are often particularly skilled with magic, and make use of it in combat when possible. They tend to be skilled with divine magic more than arcane magic, drawing upon their spiritual ancestors.


Because part of their ancestry is human, all spirit folk belong to a family or clan. They can, therefore, hold land and establish a family within Lungao. However, spirit folk have an additional responsibility to their spirit lord—the Lord of the Wood, the Lord of the Mountains, the Lord of the Rivers, or the Lord of the Sea. While the spirit folk can never obtain honor from the actions of this spirit lord, they are required to answer and obey his summons. Failing to do so, or acting in a manner that dishonors the spirit lord, will be punished by natural disasters visited on the spirit folk and its human family. In cases where the human family's and the spirit lord's interests conflict, spirit folk are expected to support their spirit lord first.


The spirit folk were originally native to Lungao, but have since spread out beyond the bounds of the nation.


The spirit folk have little culture of their own outside of that which is established through their spirit lords and human family.


Spirit folk share the religious habits of humans, venerating a host of spirits and deities. They typically venerate their human ancestors as well as their spirit forebears.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Spirit folk get along well with most races, as they are friendly and noninvasive.


Spirit folk usually blend in with human socieities. They live their lives as normal humans do, but are usually considered as wise or spiritual by their peers. Humans who live around spirit folk usually assume they are just eccentric humans rather than a separate species. In Lungao, spirit folk enjoy legal privileges, such as land-owning, that are normally restricted to humans.


Although rarely integrating with elven society, spirit folk tend to get on well with elves.
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Ability Score Adjustment
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