

The Titanforged are a majestic race, born from the ancient union of giants and humans, embodying the raw essence of both lineages. They reside in the loftiest peaks of Elaris, far from the hustle of the common folk, a testament to their origins' grandeur and the world's intrinsic might. Towering over most life with their impressive stature, males average 9 to 11 feet tall, while females range from 8 to 10 feet. Despite their potentially long lifespan of up to six hundred years, the harsh reality of their environment and their valor in combat often cut their journeys short.   Their physical appearance mirrors the formidable features of their giant ancestry, with skin and eyes that showcase the spectrum of the elements they are descended from. Yet, traces of their human heritage are evident in their diverse skin tones and occasionally white hair. Titanforged display a preference for adorning themselves with jewelry and trophies, a practice that spans genders and sub-races, especially among the frozen titanforged, marking their achievements and strength.


The sub-races of the Titanforged are distinguished based on their Giant ancestor.
  • Burning Titanforged are descended from fire giants and are broad and stocky, with dark skin and red veins.
  • Earthen Titanforged are descended from stone giants and have deep gray skin resembling the deep earth.
  • Frozen Titanforged are descended from frost giants, bearing the same striking blue or white skin.
  • Grave Titanforged are descended from the strange death giants and have dark gray, almost black, skin with sharp teeth.
  • Misty Titanforged are descended from fog giants and share their shifty nature and bright white skin.
  • One-Eyed Titanforged are a race of fey-bred titanforged descended from the cyclops of Faerie, bearing the same crown of horns.
  • Skybound Titanforged are descended from cloud giants and share their murcurial nature.
  • Spellbound Titanforged are descended from the nearly-extinct race of eldritch giants created by ancient mages. They share the purple-black skin and bright eyes of their giant ancestors.
  • Thundering Titanforged are descended from the mighty storm giants, standing tall and powerful above others.
  • Wasteland Titanforged are descended from desert giants.


Titanforged personalities are as vast and varied as the landscapes they inhabit. They share a common thread of being somewhat removed and misunderstood by the smaller races, their sheer size and the weight of their heritage often misconstrued as intimidation or aggression. At their core, they are beings of depth and contemplation, molded by the elemental forces of their lineage and the towering peaks they call home. Their interactions are marked by a straightforward honesty and a profound respect for the natural world.   Despite their peaceful nature, Titanforged are not to be underestimated. Their society values strength, both of character and in combat, fostering a sense of duty and responsibility towards their clans and the world around them. This dichotomy of peace and readiness for battle defines their complex nature, balancing the tranquility of their secluded homes with the storm of emotions and power that lies within.


In combat, the Titanforged are a force of nature, each blow echoing the ancestral might of giants and the strategic acumen of humans. They prefer wielding large, heavy weapons that complement their size and strength—such as their ancestral mok'tal—or relying on the elemental powers inherited from their giant ancestors. The battlefield for a Titanforged is an extension of their being, where they can fully express the depth of their heritage and the power of their convictions.   Their strategies in combat often reflect the particular affinities of their sub-races. Thundering may call upon the fury of tempests, Burning warriors might harness the destructive force of fire, and Frozen could summon the biting chill of winter for example. Regardless of their method, the Titanforged fight with a purpose, embodying the very essence of the primal forces that course through their veins.


Titanforged society is deeply entwined with the elemental majesty and the towering solitude of their mountainous domains. Leadership is determined by a combination of wisdom, strength, and the ability to connect with the ancient powers of their lineage. They live in clans, each led by elders who command respect and authority, earned through deeds, wisdom, and the successful pursuit of their birth missions. The concept of the birth mission is central to their culture, a divine task derived from the circumstances of their birth, guiding their life's path and place within their community.   Their societal structures are built around the fulfillment of these missions, with each Titanforged's role and status reflecting their progress and achievements. Success in one's birth mission not only elevates their standing but also enriches their clan and the broader Titanforged community with tales of valor, wisdom, and the accumulation of power or artifacts. Those who stray from their path face a profound spiritual unrest, compelled to atone and realign with their fundamental truths.


The Titanforged are intrinsically linked to the high peaks of Elaris, where the air is thin, and the world seems to touch the sky. These lofty realms, far removed from the lowland civilizations, are cradles of elemental power and ancient mysteries. Their homes are carved from the very rock and ice of the mountains, fortified strongholds that blend seamlessly with the natural splendor around them. Here, in these elevated fortresses, the Titanforged live in harmony with the elemental forces.   These mountainous territories are not just homes but sanctuaries, imbued with the magic and majesty of the ancient world. The Titanforged navigate these realms with a reverence for the natural order and an understanding of the delicate balance between the elemental forces that shape their lives and destinies. Their connection to these high places is not merely physical but spiritual, binding their essence to the stone, storm, fire, and ice that define their heritage.


Culture among the Titanforged is a rich and full of ancient traditions, worship, and a deep respect for the power and beauty of nature and the gods that formed it. Their art, architecture, and daily practices are imbued with the symbols and motifs of their giant ancestry, reflecting the elemental energies that flow through their veins. The crafting of jewelry, the collection of trophies, and the weaving of tales are not just expressions of personal achievement but acts of homage to their forebears and the elemental forces they embody.   Music and storytelling play a crucial role in Titanforged culture, with epic sagas recounting the deeds of heroes past, the origins of their people. These narratives are more than entertainment; they are a means of passing down wisdom, instilling values, and preserving the history of their people through the generations. Each clan has its own collection of stories and songs, which are shared during gatherings and ceremonies, strengthening the bonds within and between clans.   These tales and stories are especially important for the Titanforged. Literacy is a priviledge and duty reserved for women and the priesthood. While Titanforged men, with the exception of those serving in religious capacities, are traditionally not taught to read and write, women are expected to be literate. This distinction underscores the women's role in maintaining and passing down knowledge, as well as managing many of the clerical and scholarly tasks within their communities. Priests, regardless of gender, are also expected to be literate, serving as keepers of religious texts, historical records, and sacred lore.


The spiritual life of the Titanforged is deeply rooted in the worship of giant and human deities and the reverence for the natural world, while many also pay reverence to the spirits of nature, often taking up the role of shaman. Their pantheon consists of mighty beings that embody the elemental forces of creation—earth, air, fire, water, and spirit—combined with deities of both true giants and humans whom they worship alongside their own. The deities of the Titanforged are not distant gods but present forces, intimately involved in the world and the lives of the Titanforged. Rituals and offerings are made to honor these beings, seeking their guidance, blessings, and favor in all aspects of life.   Religious practices are interwoven with the concept of the birth mission, as the circumstances of a Titanforged's birth are seen as divine signs, indicating the deity's will and the path the individual is meant to follow. Temples and shrines, often located in places of elemental power, serve as focal points for worship and meditation, where Titanforged connect with the elemental spirits and seek insight into their birth missions. These sacred spaces are not just places of worship but centers of community, where the spiritual and social lives of the Titanforged intertwine.
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Game Mechanics

Custom System
Ability Score Adjustment
+1 Constitution, -1 Dexterity
Hit Points
You are a Large humanoid with the giant and titanforged subtypes. Your reach is 10 feet. Large creatures take a -1 penalty to Dodge and attack rolls and twice the carrying and lifting capacity of a medium creature. Equipment made to fit you costs twice as much.
30 feet.
Racial Skills
You gain a +2 Racial bonus to Athletics checks.
Ancestral Combat
You gain a +2 Racial bonus to all attack rolls and to Dodge against Dragons.
You have a special Giant rune carved into you. Once per day as a swift action, you can activate it to regain stamina equal to 1d12 + your Constitution modifier. Any stamina regained in this way above your maximum is gained as temporary hit points which last for 1 minute.
You can speak, read, and write Common and Giant.

5th Edition
Ability Score Adjustment
Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Creature Type
You are a Monstrous Humanoid
Titanforged mature slower than humans, reaching full maturity around the age of 30, and they live for an average of 600 years.
A typical Titanforged stands between 9 and 11 feet tall, with females around a foot shorter on average. Your size is Large.
You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
Titanforged are created in the pact of the giants formed with the law of men. Almost all of them are lawful, but their morality ranges as much as it does in humans.
Titanforged carve runes into their skin with intrinsic meaning to them and that confer small boons upon them. All titanforged share the rune of community. As a bonus action, you or a creature you touch gains 1d12 + your Constitution modifier temporary hit points and the rune is discharged. You can only have one of any specific rune carved into your skin. All runes you have carved onto you recharge when you complete a short or long rest.
You can speak, read, and write Common and Giant.

4th Edition
Ability Scores
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution
6 squares

Common, Giant
Skill Bonuses
+2 Athletics, +2 Nature
Mountain's Tenacity
You have a +1 Racial bonus to Will.
Powerful Athlete
When you make an Athletics check to jump or climb, roll twice and use either result.
Rune of Community
You have the rune of community power.

3.5th Edition
To be made
2nd Edition
Special Advantages. Titanforged are exceptionally hardy, and any hit points they would normally gain at 1st level are doubled before their bonus from a high Constitution score, if any, is added.   Titanforged have an intense hatred of anything draconic or related to dragonkind. A titanforged character gains a +1 bonus to all rolls to hit or damage a dragon or draconic creature such as a wyvern or kobold.   Titanforged infravision lets them see in the dark to a range of 60 feet.   Titanforged are well respected by both giants and dwarves, and gain a +2 bonus to reaction rolls from these peoples.   Special Disadvantages. Titanforged are massive beings and are considered giants and humanoids. Due to this, they are affected by anything that affects either, such as a giant's penalty to rolls to hit a dwarf or similar small creature. Additionally, titanforged take damage as a large creature.   Titanforged are naturally lumbering and their massive body makes them an easy target. They take a +1 penalty to AC.   The equipment and dietary needs of a titanforged are as large as they are. As such, all personal items such as clothes, armor, weapons, food, etc. cost double for a titanforged. Other considerations, such as transportation or lodging, are also considerably more expensive when they are available at all. In areas not dominated by titanforged, things such as buildings, furniture, wagons, boats, etc. aren't made to support their weight. Even in cities, they tend to camp outside to avoid destroying things.
Pathfinder 2e
Hit Points
Ability Boosts
Strength, Constitution, Free
Ability Flaw
Common, Giant, Giant Dialect (Based on your Heritage), Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive.) Choose from Dwarvish, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, Terran, Undercommon, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).
Low-Light Vision
You can see in dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, so you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.
You have odd Giant runes carved into your skin with intrinsic meaning to you and that confer small boons upon them. All titanforged share the Rune of Community, granting them the Rune of Community action.

Genetic Ancestor(s)

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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