First Summit of the Verdant Pact

Diplomatic action


The Summit of the Verdant Pact was a pivotal diplomatic event where Castival first established crucial alliances and trade agreements with those that already lived off the lands of what would become Cetandar.

In the blossoming days of Castival, not even a year after its founding, the city sought to solidify its presence and ensure its survival through strategic alliances with those nearby that were not a part of Cavellas already. The Summit of the Verdant Pact was thus held starting on the 15th of Graenios and was a critical diplomatic endeavor meant to help protect the burgeoning town from those that lived nearby, named for the primary signers of the pact—being the priests and protectors of the natural land, druids, rangers, seekers, and wardens.
  The summit took place in Harmony Hall, a large venue constructed expressly for this gathering, but still used today, albeit, being repurposed to serve as the Council Chambers in modern Castival. During this summit, Lorcan Castivir set out what he desired for this land and its inhabitants, and sought to learn more of what the priests of the land wished to happen in return for both their agreement of peace and aid in teaching the new settlers of the land.
  During this ten-day event, Castival's makeshift leaders, headed by Lorcan, worked tirelessly with their counterparts to draft and sign several foundational agreements. These included trade treaties with the priests to open up routes and markets, defense pacts that promised mutual military support, and cultural exchanges that were designed to foster a deeper understanding and respect among the diverse populations.
  The signing of the Verdant Pact proved to be instrumental in shaping Castival's early economic policies and defense strategies, often relying on their allies and aiding them in turn when the time rose. These early decisions helped stabilize and grow the nascent city, ensuring that it had reliable allies against any potential threats, both economic and military. The priests taught the settlers the ways of the land, crops that grew best, and how best to sustainably harvest the land.
  The legacy of this summit continues to influence Castivian culture to this day, being celebrated annually as a testament to the city's foundational principles of unity and mutual prosperity, reminding its citizens and allies of the beginnings that shapes the now thriving city and giving back to the druids that supported the people so long ago.

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