

Species Demographics

  • Human: 79%
  • Halfling: 8%
  • Felarid: 5%
  • Elf: 3%
  • Dwarf: 2%
    • Lost: 88%
    • Gold: 10%
    • Shield: 2%
  • Gnome: 1%
  • Half-Elf: 1%
  • Half-Orc: 1%
  • Trade Demographics

    • Bakers: 48
    • Barbers: 42
    • Bathers: 18
    • Bear-ward: 1
    • Beer-sellers: 14
    • Blacksmiths: 20
    • Bleachers: 14
    • Bookbinders: 10
    • Booksellers: 4
    • Buckle Makers: 26
    • Butchers: 38
    • Carpenters: 64
    • Chandlers: 62
    • Coopers: 34
    • Copyists: 12
    • Cutlers: 14
    • Doctors: 12
    • Fishmongers: 26
    • Furriers: 84
    • Glovemakers: 14
    • Guards: 164
    • Harness-makers: 20
    • Hatmakers: 18
    • Hay Merchants: 10
    • Illuminators: 10
    • Inns: 10
    • Jewelers: 66
    • Locksmiths: 20
    • Luthier: 5
    • Magic Shops: 3
    • Maidservants: 190
    • Masons: 34
    • Mercers: 54
    • Old Clothes: 120
    • Painters: 10
    • Pastrycooks: 92
    • Plasterers: 30
    • Pursemakers: 34
    • Reedmaker: 6
    • Roofers: 44
    • Ropemakers: 10
    • Rugmakers: 6
    • Saddlers: 40
    • Scabbardmakers: 42
    • Sculptors: 6
    • Shoemakers: 194
    • Spice Merchants: 10
    • Tailors: 182
    • Tanners: 6
    • Taverns: 114
    • Watercarriers: 22
    • Weavers: 48
    • Whitesmiths: 32
    • Wine-sellers: 14
    • Woodcarvers: 18
    • Woodsellers: 14


Government Structure

Castival is governed by a Council of Magistrates, elected officials who serve in the capacity of both judges and administrators. This council, comprised of esteemed citizens—scholars, military veterans, and successful merchants—oversees the various facets of city life, from trade regulations to public festivals. The position of Chief Magistrate acts as the city's figurehead and mediator in council disputes and works directly under the Monarch.   The Monarch holds a high level of power, but can be overruled by the Council of Magistrates should they unanimously vote against him or her.

Laws and Justice

The laws of Castival are a complex blend of traditional edicts passed down from the time of Emperor Castivir and progressive legislation that addresses the needs of a growing city. Justice is administered in public forums, where citizens can bring disputes before a magistrate. Punishments range from fines for minor offenses to exile for more severe crimes. The city's legal system emphasizes restitution and rehabilitation, reflecting Lorcan's belief in the inherent goodness of his subjects.

Taxation and Economy

Castival's economy is bolstered by its strategic location on the country's largest river, serving as the primary entry point for trade. Taxation is implemented with a traditional Cetandari structure; merchants and wealthy landowners contribute a larger percentage of their income to the city's coffers, which funds public works, the military, and welfare programs. In return, they are granted certain privileges, such as priority in trade disputes and exclusive access to new market opportunities. Those that do pay taxes are welcome to have a say, including bringing problems to the Magistrates, while those too poor to be eligible to pay taxes do not have a direct say.   Castival also has a rich patronage system, in which wealthy individuals and families sponsor artists, inventors, and philosophers, providing them with the means to pursue their work. This system has turned Castival into a cultural powerhouse, attracting talents from across the known world.


Outer Defenses

  • The Great Walls: Encircling the city are the Great Walls of Castival, towering structures of stone and reinforced steel from the city's blast furnaces. These walls stand at an impressive height, designed to deter invaders and resist siege engines. At regular intervals along the wall, guard towers rise, providing watchmen with vantage points to monitor the surrounding landscape and the approach of potential threats.
  • Moats: Beyond the walls, a deep and wide moat filled with water from the river encircles the city, serving as the first line of defense against ground forces. The moat is engineered to be difficult to cross, with hidden deterrents below the water's surface.
  • Palisades and Barbicans: In strategic areas, especially around the main entrances and weaker points of the wall, additional palisades made of hardened wood and barbicans provide extra layers of defense, funneling attackers into killing zones where they can be easily targeted by the city's defenders.

Entry Points

  • The Colossi Gate: The main river entrance to Castival is guarded by the iconic colossi of Emperor Lorcan Castivir and his wife. This passage is heavily fortified, with hidden mechanisms to raise barriers and deploy chains across the river, preventing unauthorized ships from passing. The swords of the colossi themselves can be lowered into the river, blocking entry by ship into the city and stopping potential ship rams from reaching the gates. It is rumored that the colossi are actually alive.
  • Guarded Bridges and Gates: All bridges leading into Castival are engineered to be retractable or destructible in the event of an attack, ensuring no easy access for invading forces. The city gates, massive structures of iron and wood, are reinforced and guarded day and night by the city's elite guards.

Defensive Towers and Bastions

  • Archer Towers and Ballistae Emplacements: Along the walls and at critical junctures within the city, towers equipped with long-range archers and ballistae stand ready to repel attackers. These towers offer defenders a height advantage, making it perilous for any besieging force.
  • Mage Towers: Recognizing the importance of magic in warfare, Castival has dedicated towers where mages can augment the city's defenses with spells, creating barriers, and launching devastating attacks against besiegers.

Inner Defenses

  • The Citadel: At the heart of Castival lies the Citadel, a fortress within the city that serves as the last line of defense. It houses the royal family, the city's treasury, and emergency supplies. The Citadel is designed to withstand prolonged sieges, with its own water supply, food stores, and armory.
  • Emergency Tunnels: A network of secret tunnels runs beneath the city, allowing for the discreet movement of troops, evacuation of civilians, and, if necessary, a silent counterattack against besieging forces.

Technological and Magical Defenses

  • Arcane Wards and Shields: Employing the city's adept mages, Castival is protected by a series of arcane wards and shields that can repel magical attacks, spy attempts, and even airborne assaults.
  • Innovation in Defense Machinery: The workshops and inventors of Castival continuously develop new defense mechanisms, including advanced catapults capable of launching incendiary devices, massive cannons that launch a variety of ammunition, and intricate trap systems within and outside the walls.

Training and Preparation

  • Military Academies: Understanding that the best defense is a well-prepared defender, Castival boasts military academies that train soldiers in combat, siege warfare, and defense strategy, ensuring the city's defenders are among the best equipped and skilled.

Industry & Trade

Manufacturing and Craftsmanship

  • Metalwork and Smithing: Castival's blast furnaces and forges are legendary, producing a range of metal goods from simple tools to intricate jewelry and robust armor. Skilled smiths and artisans work with materials like iron, steel, and precious metals, creating items that are highly sought after both within and beyond the city's walls.
  • Shipbuilding: The city's shipyards, positioned along the river, construct everything from small fishing boats to large merchant vessels and warships. This industry benefits from innovations in design and craftsmanship, making Castival's ships renowned for their durability and speed.
  • Textiles: Leveraging the wool and silk traded through its gates, Castival hosts a thriving textile industry, with workshops dedicated to weaving, dyeing, and tailoring. These textiles are not only used domestically but also represent a significant export commodity.

Trade and Commerce

  • Strategic Trade Hub: Situated at the mouth of the largest river in the country, Castival serves as a vital trade hub. Its markets teem with goods from across the known world, facilitated by well-regulated trade policies and a fleet capable of protecting trade routes.
  • Exports: Key exports include metalwork (weapons, armor, and tools), textiles, ships, and technological innovations like advanced agricultural equipment and firearms. Additionally, Castival exports luxury goods, including jewelry and art, crafted by the city's renowned artisans.
  • Imports: The city imports raw materials such as ores, timber, and wool, along with spices, grains, and fruits to diversify its food supply. Exotic goods and luxuries not produced locally, such as wines, silks, and rare books, are also significant imports.

Agriculture and Food Production

  • Innovation in Agriculture: Surrounding Castival are fertile lands enhanced by innovative agricultural techniques, such as advanced irrigation systems powered by windmills. This sector ensures the city's food security and produces surplus grains and vegetables for export.
  • Fisheries: The river and coastal location support a robust fishing industry, with the catch supplying both the local market and trade partners.

Services and Intellectual Property

  • Banking and Finance: Castival is a center for banking and finance, with its merchants and nobility investing in ventures both within and outside the city. This financial acumen has led to the development of sophisticated banking institutions that facilitate trade and investment.
  • Education and Innovation: The city's academies, libraries, and workshops are not just centers of learning but also contribute to its economy through the development of new technologies and philosophies. Intellectual property, in the form of patents and books, constitutes a unique export that draws scholars and inventors from across the world.

Labor and Employment

The inhabitants of Castival are engaged in a wide range of professions, from artisans, merchants, and sailors to scholars, engineers, and soldiers. The city's economy offers diverse opportunities, ensuring that its citizens can find employment in various sectors according to their skills and interests.


Aqueducts and Water Management Systems

Understanding the importance of water for a thriving city, the engineers of Castival constructed a complex network of aqueducts. These aqueducts channel water from distant mountains and the river itself, ensuring a constant supply for drinking, bathing, and irrigation. Watermills situated along the riverbank harness the flow of the river to grind grain, supporting the city's food supply and stimulating trade and commerce.

Sewage and Sanitation

Castival boasts a comprehensive sewer system that prevents the stagnation of waste within populated areas. This system not only maintains the cleanliness of the city but also safeguards its citizens from disease, reflecting a profound respect for the well-being of the populace.

Roads and Bridges

The streets of Castival are a testament to its planning and foresight. Wide, paved roads facilitate the movement of goods and people, connecting different districts of the city with efficiency and ease. Majestic bridges span the river, serving as vital conduits for trade and communication and as symbols of the city's architectural ingenuity.

Courtyards and Public Spaces

Interspersed among the urban landscape are numerous courtyards and public squares, designed to foster community interaction and serve as venues for markets, festivals, and civic gatherings. These spaces are adorned with fountains and statues commemorating the city's history and achievements, blending aesthetic beauty with social functionality.

Blast Furnaces and Metalworking

The discovery and development of blast furnaces have propelled Castival into a new era of metalworking. These furnaces allow for the production of high-quality steel, which is used in the construction of durable tools, weaponry, and architectural reinforcements. The innovation in metallurgy has not only strengthened the city's defenses but has also sparked a renaissance in art and craftsmanship.

Shipyards and Maritime Infrastructure

Leveraging its strategic position at the river's mouth, Castival has established extensive shipyards, where skilled craftsmen construct vessels ranging from merchant ships to naval warships. These shipyards are a hive of activity, underscoring the city's prowess in navigation and exploration and its dominance in maritime trade.

Windmills and Agricultural Innovation

Outside the city's immediate periphery, windmills dot the landscape, harnessing the power of the wind to irrigate crops and mill grain. These innovations in agriculture have led to surplus production, ensuring food security and supporting a burgeoning population.

Educational and Cultural Institutions

Recognizing the importance of knowledge and culture, Castival has invested in the establishment of libraries, schools, and academies. These institutions are not only centers of learning but also hubs of innovation, where scholars and inventors gather to share ideas and advancements.

The Castivilian Colossi

At the very mouth of the river flowing forth from the city stand two monumental colossi, awe-inspiring guardians that not only symbolize the city's might but also pay homage to its founders. These towering structures have been meticulously crafted in the likeness of the late Emperor Castivir and his wife.
The Emperor
The first of these colossi depicts Emperor Lorcan Castivir, a figure of immense wisdom and valor, who founded Castival and the Cetandari Empire itself. This statue, rising majestically to the skies, portrays the Emperor in full regalia, his gaze cast over the horizon, embodying his vision for the future of Cetandar. Clad in intricately detailed armor that mirrors the craftsmanship and artistry of Cetandari's finest modern smiths, the colossus stands firm, a symbol of unyielding strength and protection.   In his right hand, he wields a massive sword, its blade etches with runes that tell of the city's history and the Emperor's deeds. The sword points downwards, across the river, resting the tip on the ground, signifying peace but readiness to defend. His left hand holds a towering shield, embossed with the crest of Castival as a testament to his commitment to safeguard his people and their achievements.
The Empress
Across the river from him stands the equally imposing colossus of his wife, Empress Antheia Castivir, a beacon of grace, intelligence, and the nurturing spirit that has fostered the city's growth and culture. Her statue exudes a serene yet formidable presence, her attire flowing elegantly, yet revealing armor beneath.   Her left hand holds a sword, crossed behind the Emperor's own and resting on his side of the river. Her right arm is held aloft toward the heavens, palm facing the sea as though in an act of prayer.
Artistry and Symbolism
Crafted from bronze and stone, these colossi are not only feats of engineering but also works of profound artistry, capturing the essence of their subjects. The colossi are heavily enchanted and have not corroded or decayed since their creation, looking just as powerful and elegant as the day they were constructed.   These colossi serve as a daily reminder to the citizens of Castival of their roots, the greatness achieved through unity and determination, and the eternal watchfulness of their founders. They are a promise that so long as these guardians stand, Castival will remain a beacon of civilization, prosperity, and hope.   Positioned to guard the riverway into the country, these statues are the first sight to greet travelers and merchants, embodying the welcome of a city that, though guarded, opens its arms to those who come in peace. They stand as monumental guardians, their swords and shields a declaration that while Castival thrives on culture and commerce, it remains formidable and unconquered.



  1. The Harbor District: The lifeblood of Vidar's Haven, this district is where the sea meets the city. It's bustling with docks, warehouses, fish markets, and shipyards. It's the first point of contact for traders, sailors, and travelers, making it a melting pot of cultures and goods. This district is most welcoming to wanderers.
  2. The Marketplace District: Featuring everything from open-air stalls to luxurious boutiques, this district is the economic heart of the city. Artisans, craftsmen, and merchants sell goods from across the empire and beyond, offering an array of items to locals and visitors alike.
  3. The Residential Districts: These areas are divided by status and wealth, from the opulent villas of the wealthy near the city center to the more modest homes on the outskirts. Each residential area has its own small markets, parks, and communal spaces.
  4. The Governmental District: Home to the city’s administration buildings, the senate house, and the military barracks. This district houses the formal mechanisms of power, including the city's ruling council and the representatives from the Cetandari Empire.
  5. The Temple District: A place of worship and reflection, featuring temples and shrines dedicated to various deities and spirits. It's a center for religious ceremonies, festivals, and pilgrimages.
  6. The Scholar's District: Home to the city’s library, schools, and academies, where scholars and students come to learn and research. It includes gardens and lecture halls where public discussions and debates are held.
  7. The Artisan's Quarter: A vibrant area where artists, potters, weavers, and other craftsmen live and work, creating everything from everyday items to exquisite works of art. This quarter often overlaps with the marketplace but is distinct in its focus on creation over commerce.

Districts Open to Outsiders

  • The Harbor District is the most accessible and welcoming to wanderers, offering a glimpse into the city's bustling trade and diverse population.
  • The Marketplace District and The Artisan’s Quarter also welcome travelers, providing a taste of local culture, cuisine, and craftsmanship.
  • Divisions of Power

    Formal Power Structures
    The ruling council, led by a combination of hereditary nobility and elected officials from among the citizens, oversees the city's governance. The military commander, appointed by the empire, ensures the city's defense and public order. Priests and scholars hold significant influence over cultural and spiritual matters.
    Informal Power Structures
    Merchant guilds and trade unions wield considerable economic power, often influencing city policies through their wealth. Street gangs and sailors' brotherhoods control various aspects of harbor life and the black market. Informal councils of elders and respected community leaders play a crucial role in the residential districts, mediating disputes and organizing local events.


Military Assets

  • Guardians' Arsenal: The elite military units of Castival, notably the Guardians of the Colossi, are equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry including masterfully crafted swords, spears, and bows. Their armory also contains advanced siege engines like catapults, trebuchets, and ballistae, ready to defend the city against any threat.

Technological and Industrial Equipment

  • Merchant Ships and Naval Vessels: Castival's shipyards construct a variety of ships, from swift trading vessels to robust warships. This fleet not only secures Castival's trade routes but also ensures its dominance over regional waters.

Cultural Treasures

  • The Great Library of Castival: Housing thousands of scrolls, books, and artifacts from across the world, the library is a treasure trove of knowledge and one of the city's most priceless assets.
  • Art and Sculptures: The city is adorned with exquisite art pieces, including statues, paintings, and mosaics that depict its history and celebrate its culture. These works are not only aesthetically valuable but also serve as cultural symbols that unify the city's people.

Stores and Resources

  • Granaries and Food Reserves: Castival's efficient agriculture, supported by its windmills and irrigation systems, results in abundant food stores that ensure the city can withstand sieges or famines.
  • Warehouses: Filled with goods from both local production and international trade, these warehouses hold textiles, spices, metals, and more, representing a significant portion of the city's wealth.
  • Raw Material Deposits: The city has access to and control over significant deposits of metals, stone, and timber, crucial for its construction and manufacturing industries.

Specialized Workshops and Laboratories

  • Inventors' Workshops: These hubs of innovation are where new technologies and devices are conceived and tested, ranging from agricultural tools to defensive mechanisms.
  • Alchemists' Laboratories: Focused on the study of substances and their properties, these labs contribute to advancements in medicine, metallurgy, and even warfare.

Guilds and Factions

The Guilds of Castival

  • Smiths and Metalworkers Guild: This powerful guild includes the finest smiths, armorers, and metal artisans in the city. Their control over metalworking, from mundane tools to exquisite pieces of art, grants them significant economic and political clout. They are crucial in maintaining Castival's reputation for producing the finest weaponry and armor.
  • Merchants and Traders Consortium: An amalgamation of the city's wealthiest and most influential merchants, this consortium controls a substantial portion of the trade flowing through Castival. They have a vested interest in shaping trade policies and maintaining the city's status as a trading hub.
  • Shipwrights' Syndicate: Overseeing the construction and maintenance of the city's formidable fleet, this syndicate is essential for Castival’s dominance in naval trade and warfare. Their expertise not only contributes to the city's economic prosperity but also its defensive capabilities.
  • Mages' Circle: A somewhat secretive yet influential faction, the Mages' Circle consists of the most adept magic-users in Castival. They advise on matters mystical and arcane, contributing their expertise to the city’s defenses and its technological advancement.
  • The Artisans' Collective: This guild represents a variety of craftsmen, including carpenters, stonemasons, weavers, and painters, ensuring the city’s cultural and aesthetic flourish. They are integral to maintaining the urban infrastructure and the production of luxury goods.

Influential Factions and Societies

  • The Council of Magistrates: While not a guild, this governing body is comprised of elected officials from various sectors of Castival society, including representatives of major guilds. The council manages the city’s laws, policies, and overall governance, balancing the interests of different factions.
  • The Scholars’ Assembly: A gathering of philosophers, historians, and scientists, this assembly influences the city through education and innovation. They often partner with the Mages' Circle and the Artisans' Collective to bring new technologies and ideas into Castival.
  • The Guardians of the Colossi: An elite military faction named after the city's towering statues, these guardians are revered defenders of Castival. They hold sway in matters of defense and security, often consulting with the Shipwrights' Syndicate and the Smiths and Metalworkers Guild.
  • The Patrons’ League: Composed of the city’s most affluent patrons, including nobles and successful merchants, this league funds artistic, scientific, and exploratory ventures. They wield considerable influence in cultural and economic developments, often acting as kingmakers in the political arena. They are often sought out by would-be bards that wish to start their storytelling careers.
  • The Undermarket Consortium: Operating in the shadows, this network of smugglers, thieves, and illicit traders deals in goods and information that bypass official channels. While officially condemned, their existence is a poorly kept secret, and they often hold leverage over both the common populace and the elite.

Points of interest

The Colossi of Castival

Dominating the city's skyline and guarding the river entrance from the sea are the towering statues of Emperor and Empress Castivir. These colossal figures, each holding a sword, serve as a symbol of protection and the enduring legacy of Catival's founders. They are engineering marvels, inspiring awe and reverence in all who pass between them.

The Great Library of Castival

A beacon of knowledge and learning, the Great Library houses thousands of scrolls, tomes, and artifacts from across the known world. It's not just a repository of history and wisdom but also a center for scholarly pursuit, attracting intellectuals and dreamers from far and wide. The library's architecture, with its high domes and intricate mosaics, is a testament to Castival's commitment to education and the arts.

The Market of Wonders

At the heart of Castival lies its bustling market, a place where goods from every corner of the globe can be found. From exotic spices and luxurious textiles to rare metals and ingenious devices, the Market of Wonders is where traders and adventurers converge. It's not only a hub of commerce but also a place where cultures mingle, stories are shared, and fortunes are made.

The Riverfront Shipyards

The shipyards of Castival are a sight to behold, sprawling along the riverbank. Here, vessels of all sizes are crafted, from sleek riverboats to majestic ocean-going ships. The shipyards are a symbol of Castival's naval prowess and its deep connection to the sea. They are also centers of innovation, where new designs and technologies are constantly being developed.

The Aqueducts and Water Gardens

An engineering marvel of the city, the aqueducts bring fresh water from distant mountains, supporting not only the populace but also the lush water gardens that are scattered throughout Castival. These gardens are serene oases amid the urban sprawl, offering citizens and visitors alike a place of reflection and respite.

The Arena of Valor

A colossal structure that hosts everything from gladiatorial combat to grand theatrical productions, the Arena of Valor is a centerpiece of entertainment and competition in Castival. It serves as a stage for displaying martial prowess, artistic expression, and the indomitable spirit of the city's people.

The Alchemists' Quarter

Tucked away in a more secluded part of the city, the Alchemists' Quarter is where science, magic, and curiosity blend. Alchemists and inventors labor in their workshops, creating potions, concoctions, and devices that seem to defy the natural laws. The quarter is a place of wonder and, sometimes, danger, drawing those who seek knowledge at the edge of the known.

The Council Chambers

Situated in a fortified complex at the city's core, the Council Chambers is where Castival's governing body meets to decide the fate of the city. The building itself is a masterpiece of architecture, its halls adorned with frescoes depicting the city's history and achievements. It's a symbol of governance and the collective endeavor of Castival's citizens. All tax-paying citizens are welcomed within the halls of the Council Chambers, and allowed to sit in on any and all votes and hearings.

The College of Cantica

The college of cantica is one of the ten elder Bardic College, established as the final of the bardic curriculum to obtain the rank of Magna Alumnae. To properly graduate from the College of Cantica, one must master the traditional skills of the bard—skill of sword and blade, use of magic, talekeeping and storytelling—but must also master the less common skills of bards—song, dance, and music. The aspiring graduate must own and be proficient in the use of the nine prior Instruments of the Bards awarded for graduating from the prior elder colleges. Only after all of this is shown can a bard graduate from the College of Cantica.


Architectural Style

The core style of Castival's architecture exhibits a reverence for classical designs, with imposing columns, wide arches, and expansive courtyards. Yet, it diverges through the incorporation of more localized motifs—such as intricate tile work, carved wooden facades, and ornamental metalwork—that reflect the diverse heritage of its populace and the natural resources available in the region.


The primary material used in the construction of Castival's buildings is a durable, locally quarried stone. This stone varies in color from a deep, rich gray to lighter shades of beige, depending on the quarry. It is highly prized for its combination of beauty and strength, making it the material of choice for everything from the city's towering walls to its majestic public buildings and private homes.   For structures where flexibility or a lighter touch is desired, wood harvested from the nearby forests is used. This timber is known for its hardiness and is often treated with oils and resins to enhance its durability and resistance to the elements. Wood is predominantly used in residential buildings, market stalls, and as decorative elements in stone structures, adding warmth and texture to the city's aesthetic.

Adornments and Decorative Elements

Buildings in Castival are traditionally adorned with a variety of decorative elements that reflect the city's artistic spirit and the personal tastes of its inhabitants. Facades often feature elaborate carvings depicting scenes from mythology, history, or everyday life, offering insight into the values and stories held dear by the city's people.   Balconies and windows are frequently accented with wrought-iron railings or wooden shutters, each piece custom-made by local artisans. Public buildings and the homes of the wealthy might be further embellished with statues, fountains, or mosaics, adding layers of visual interest and luxury.   Roofs are typically made of terracotta tiles, their reddish hue providing a striking contrast against the stone and wood of the buildings. These tiles are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, offering protection from the rain and heat.

Public Spaces and Infrastructures

Public spaces, including squares, markets, and gardens, are designed with an emphasis on community. Paved with cobblestones or decorative tiles, these areas often include benches, water features, and abundant greenery, inviting citizens and visitors alike to gather and socialize.   The city's infrastructure, including its roads, bridges, and aqueducts, while primarily designed for function, does not eschew beauty. Bridges arc gracefully over waterways, their sides adorned with carvings or lanterns, while aqueducts feature columned walkways and detailed stonework.


The River and the Sea

The lifeblood of Castival is the majestic river that flows through it, originating from the mountains and snaking its way through the rolling hills before reaching the city. This river, the largest in the country, spills into the sea at Castival’s harbor, creating a natural gateway that has historically facilitated trade, travel, and cultural exchange. The harbor, protected from the sea's might by a natural bay, houses the city’s formidable fleet and bustling docks, making Castival a vital maritime hub.

Terrain and Natural Defenses

The terrain around Castival transitions from the flat, fertile plains near the riverbanks, ideal for agriculture, to the rolling hills that provide natural defenses against invasion. These hills are dotted with watchtowers and fortifications that blend into the landscape, offering panoramic views of the surrounding areas and early warning of approaching threats.   Beyond the hills, the mountains stand as silent sentinels, their peaks capped with snow. These mountains are not only a source of natural resources, such as minerals and timber, but also harbor numerous springs and streams that feed into the river, ensuring a steady supply of fresh water.

Natural Beauty and Views

The natural beauty of Castival and its surroundings is unparalleled. From the city, one can witness the mesmerizing spectacle of the sun setting over the sea, painting the sky in hues of gold, orange, and purple. The riverfront, with its bustling activity during the day, transforms into a place of serene beauty at night, lit by lanterns and the reflections of the moonlight on the water.   The hills offer lush greenery and wildflowers in spring and summer, turning into a tapestry of red, orange, and yellow in autumn. They provide a natural recreational area for the city’s inhabitants, offering opportunities for hiking, picnicking, and simply enjoying the outdoors and make it a popular spot to stop on a Cet's initial adventure should they come from nearby.   The mountains, with their rugged terrain and breathtaking vistas, are a constant reminder of nature’s majesty and the adventurous spirit they inspire. Trails and paths wind through the mountains, leading to hidden valleys, ancient ruins, and secluded spots that offer peace and solitude.



Spring in Castival is a time of renewal and beauty. The weather gradually warms, with average daytime temperatures ranging from mild to comfortably warm. This season is marked by occasional rain showers that nourish the soil and contribute to the blooming of flowers and the verdant greenery that adorns the city and its surrounding countryside. Spring is celebrated with festivals and markets, taking advantage of the pleasant weather to engage in outdoor activities and agriculture.


Summers are warm and sunny, with clear skies and gentle breezes from the sea tempering the heat. The climate allows for extended days outdoors, making it an ideal time for sea voyages, fishing, and trade expeditions. The warm temperatures encourage a wealth of crops to flourish, supporting the harvests that are crucial for the city’s sustenance and economy. Evenings in summer are balmy and inviting, perfect for social gatherings and cultural events held throughout the city.


Autumn brings a cooler, more comfortable climate, as temperatures gradually decrease. This season is characterized by its mild weather, with occasional rainfalls that do not disrupt daily life but instead add to the region's beauty, turning the leaves of the trees into vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow. The harvest season is in full swing, with markets bustling with the abundance of grains, fruits, and vegetables. It's a time of celebration and the giving of thanks for the city’s prosperity.


Winters in Castival are mild compared to more northern or mountainous regions due to the nearby sea. Snowfall is rare and light when it occurs, creating picturesque scenes without causing significant disruptions. Temperatures are cool but seldom reach freezing, allowing for most outdoor activities to continue, albeit at a slower pace. The mild winters contribute to the city’s ability to trade year-round, ensuring that the harbor remains active and the river navigable.

Overall Climate

The climate of Castival tends towards stability, with each season bringing its own charm and set of activities. It is neither prone to extreme weather events nor significant unpredictability, making it an enviable place for both its inhabitants and those looking to settle or trade. The moderate climate supports a rich biodiversity in the surrounding areas, contributing to the city’s self-sufficiency and the well-being of its populace.

Natural Resources

Forests and Woodlands

The forests surrounding Castival are a bountiful source of timber, providing wood not just for construction and heating but also for crafting and shipbuilding. These woodlands are managed sustainably, ensuring a constant supply, as well as being watched over by circles of druids and conclaves of rangers and wardens. Beyond timber, the forests are rich in medicinal herbs and game, supporting both the city's healthcare needs and its cuisine with a variety of meats and foraged goods.

Agricultural Lands

The fertile plains and valleys near the riverbanks are the heartland of Castival's agricultural production. These lands yield an abundance of grains—wheat, barley, and rye—supporting both the city's food supply and its brewing traditions. Orchards and vineyards thrive here as well, producing fruits and wines that are prized both locally and for export. The agriculture is enhanced by sophisticated irrigation systems, a testament to the city's ingenuity.

Livestock and Pastures

The rolling hills that gradually rise from the plains to the mountains are dotted with pastures where sheep, cattle, and goats are raised. These animals provide the city with meat, dairy products, and wool, the latter being a critical raw material for Castival's textile industry. The pastoral lifestyle also contributes to the city’s culture, with traditions and festivals that celebrate the bond between the people and their land.

Minerals and Metals

Beneath the earth, Castival boasts rich deposits of iron, copper, and silver, mined from the nearby foothills. These metals are crucial for the city's renowned metalworking and smithing industries, producing everything from everyday tools to luxurious adornments and formidable weapons. Additionally, quarries extract high-quality stone used in construction, ensuring that the city's architecture is both beautiful and enduring.

Fresh Water

The river that flows through Castival is perhaps its most vital natural resource, providing fresh water for drinking, irrigation, and supporting a diverse ecosystem. The river's presence has shaped the city's development, facilitating trade and providing a means of transportation. Moreover, the river teems with fish—particularly trout, an important food source and a basis for a thriving fishing industry.
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Founding Date
12th of Auraris, 0
Approximately 29,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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