River Gate Expansion

Construction beginning/end


The River Gate Expansionwas a major construction initiative to enhance the port facilities of Castival. This project significantly boosted the city's trade capacity and defensive capabilities and is celebrated with a three-day festival once a year on the 18th of Auraris.

After years of meticulous planning and labor, the River Gate Expansion construction was begun. This extensive construction aimed to dramatically enhance the city's port facilities, allowing for greater—and safer—maritime traffic and more efficient trade and defense mechanisms.
  The River Gate Expansion was conceived in response to the burgeoning trade demands and the strategic need to bolster the city’s defenses. As trade routes expanded and the volume of goods flowing through Castival's ports increased, the existing infrastructure became insufficient to handle the surge. The expansion included the construction of new docks, the widening of the river channel, and the installation of advanced mechanical gate systems capable of quickly closing or opening to manage naval traffic and protect the city during times of conflict.
  The construction of the River Gate is not celebrated each year with a three-day festival, showcasing the rich cultural heritage and trade of cultures and goods that the river gate has enabled within the city.

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