Origin Standard Time

Origin Standard Time, sometimes simply called Origin Standard, is a universal system of measuring time based on the rotational period of Elaris, where a majority of the species in the Origin System originated. This system is used in any place where the Origin System holds sway and is universal due to the complications that would be caused to interplanetary (let alone interstellar) communication and commerce if each planet had a different way of measuring time based on their local planet's rotation and revolution around their star.

Minutes, Days, Weeks, and Year

The rotational period of Elaris corresponds to 1 day of Origin Standard Time. These days are divided into 24 hours of 60 minutes each. The orbital period takes 474 of these days, divided into roughly 47 weeks of 10 days each, with these weeks grouped into 15 months or a single Origin Standard year.


The fifteen-month Origin Standard calendar dates back to pre-Gap Elaris.

Days of the Week

Days of the week are numbered on their position, dropping their old naming based on the races of Elaris due to the expanded usage of the calendar.
  • Firstday
  • Seconday
  • Thirday
  • Fourthday
  • Fifthday
  • Sicthday
  • Seventhday
  • Eighthday
  • Ninthday
  • Tenthday
  • Months of the Year

    Months of the year draw their origins from ancient deities of Elaris.
  • Seraphia
  • Maeatris (Maeatria)
  • Tyndarusk (Tyndara(
  • Khorask (Khorath)
  • Ilaria (Ilaris)
  • Nerath (Nerathos)
  • Zathaska (Zathara)
  • Eldros (Eldrin)
  • Helis (Heliora)
  • Xandria (Candros)
  • Verix (Verilux)
  • Umbros (Umbraxis)
  • Galdris (Galdrin)
  • Thalorios (Thalorion)
  • Nyxos (Nyxia)
  • Measuring Years

    On most worlds where the Origin System holds sway, years in Origin Standard Time are measured relative to the end of the Gap in the Origin System. These years are denoted as being either "Pre-Gap" (PG) or "After Gap" (AG).

    Other Systems

    Other places outside the Origin System use local calendars, generally based on their local planet's rotation or revolution. When referring to these methods of diving time, they are generally referred to as a "local day" or a "local year".


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