Origin System

  • Zerza: This small Lava World with Desert Terrain is tidally locked, having a single moon as well as an orbital drydock. It has a diameter of x1/2, a mass of x1/5, a gravity of x1/2, and an atmosphere filled with toxic gasses from the volcanic planet. It has a ring of orbital mirrors helping to light the otherwise dark side of the planet.
    • Moon 1
    • Drydock 1
  • Urchil: This tiny Rocky World with Hill Terrain has a day of 10 hours and no moons nor other satellites. It has a diameter of x1/5, a mass of x1/200, a gravity of x1/10, and a normal atmosphere.
  • Delera: This large Rocky World with Mountain Terrain has a day of 21 days and no moons nor other satellites. It has a diameter of x2, a mass of x1, gravity of x1-1/2, and a thick atmosphere.
  • The Grand Ring: This massive ring of asteroids, space rock, metal, and ice each up to 600 miles across circles the sun at relatively high speeds. Many small pockets of life survive among the ring on some of the larger pieces of space junk.
    • Drydock 1
    • Drydock 2
    • Drydock 3
    • Drydock 4
  • Elaris: This medium Garden World with Lush Terrain has four moons, an orbital drydock, a refueling station, and a large research outpost. It has a diameter of x1, a mass of x1, a gravity of x1, and a normal atmosphere.
    • Cerdox
    • Bakal
    • Thinos
    • Moon 4
  • Loanbula: This small Gas World with Aerial Terrain has three moons and a research outpost. It has a diameter of x32, a mass of x64, a gravity of x5, and a special atmosphere.
    • Moon 1
    • Moon 2
    • Moon 3
  • Wonelos: This small Ocean World with Aquatic Terrain has a day of 15 hours and no moons nor other satellites. It has a diameter of x1/3, mass of x1/20, gravity of x1/2, and a normal atmosphere.
  • Tasto: This large Ice World with Aquatic Terrain has a day of 18 hours and has three moons made from blue stone and ice. It has diameter of x2, a mass of x2, gravity of x1, and a normal atmosphere.
    • Moon 1
    • Moon 2
    • Moon 3
  • Derelerth: This large Iron World with Desert Terrain has a day of 257 hours and no moons nor other satellites. It has a diameter of x5, a mass of x16, a gravity of x2, and a normal atmosphere.
  • Arsalis Prime: This large-scale Ark Ship with Urban Terrain has a day of 24 hours, with lights-out during the final 10 hours of the day. It has a diameter of 6 miles, mass of less than x1/100, artificial gravity of x3/4, and a normal, purified atmosphere.


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