The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)


Snowy Wisdom

Written by AuthorChase

The Clans of Wisdom

Frosthalla by AuthorChase on Inkarnate

  Frosthalla held the Frost Giants and, more recently, the Frost Dwarves. They mastered strength in their forces of the Snow Guard, but they followed wisdom most of all. Especially the wisdom that their God, Winter, held. They guided their people to prosperity and goodwill, even during harsh times.  


Winter by AuthorChase on HeroForge
The god Winter created the Frost Giants and built Frosthalla. They believed that there needed to be a settlement that values wisdom over strength, the opposite of their brother's vision for Ironhammer. Winter gifted much magic for their Beserkers during the time of military formation. Once training was complete, the Beserkers became Frosthalla's first line of defense against the wilds. They even fought Lunarius' minions while the god of madness was trying to hold his conquest over the world.   However, after Sonance's vision of Lunarius' return, Frosthalla's relationship with Ironhammer shifted. Strection believed in his daughter's vision wholeheartedly. Meanwhile, Winter had a different opinion on it. They believed the chosen spoken of in the vision could stop Lunarius from returning if they knew the truth. Strection disagreed with this and declared the chosen must die or Astnyr would fall into ruin. The siblings' relationship became tenuous ever since, and their cities have ceased trade with each other.
Winter's Guidance by AuthorChase on HeroForge
  Frosthalla became the home of the Frost Dwarves after this aggression started. These Dwarves believed that the chosen of the god of madness had hoped to redeem themselves. They joined Winter's side as they sought wisdom from the god.  


Winter concentrated on wisdom over strength, unlike their brother Strection. The god was using their doctrine to educate their people on battle strategy and world history. Winter held the belief that those who were unaware of the history of the realm or the planet would be condemned to repeat it. Battle strategy was used to protect all clans of Frosthalla from the dangers of the snowy wild and other dark forces, such as cultists of the Lady of Death.   Taxes were used to repair old buildings with the help of the Goddess Beight. This money also funded world research into other realms along with their own. This was inspired by Winter after he flew around Celmani to help Lunarius explore the region.  


Berserker by AuthorChase on HeroForge
The major defenses for Frosthalla were Berserkers and Snow Paladins. They depended on magic for their defenses, bringing brutal devastation to their targets. There were also magical defenses that included ice walls in front of the clans while Berserkers were in the front line.   The Berserkers of the snowy mountains that were commanded by Winter were the major defensive force to protect the clans. The Berserkers rarely dispatched themselves to other cities and villages, as their key priority was always protecting their homes. Thankfully, their forces were bolstered when Snow Paladins joined the Snow Guard.  


There were many snow huts across Frosthalla, which was built by Beight. She listened to Winter's vision for the multiple clans within the snowy mountains and built buildings based on this. These clans had different purposes for the city, but everyone was free to travel from one to another.  

Points of Interest

Aside from the many huts that housed the denizens of the city, there were farmlands and shops that populated a few clans. They referred to this area as the shopping district. Livestock farmers and Scholars sold their animals or books. With Knowler's permission, these Scholars sold their research to share with as many people as possible, so they could learn more about the world around them. These points were to share food and knowledge with citizens and travelers in Frosthalla.  

Shopping Clans by AuthorChase on HeroForge


National Trade

Most regular citizens were scholars that studied the realm and the planet. Others were livestock farmers in the snowy mountains who provided food for all clans within Frosthalla. They exported some produce to many other cities and villages, which became a delicacy among other races.

Regular Hostility

Make sure no one opposes me! Chosen sympathizers must be killed and burned with the light of justice magic! With my decree, I make it so!
— Strection during a moral speech to his soldiers
  Strection sent Justice Paladins on regular attacks against Frosthalla. Strection saw fit to repeatedly attempt to eradicate Winter and their people, as they were considered sympathizers to Lunarius's future chosen. Winter wished their brother was more sensible in these situations, but his rage was too powerful for even their father, Justlight. No one else could send aid with the concentration on their efforts to find the Lady of Death and her necromancers. Their resources were cut thin.
Inhabitant Demonym
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Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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