The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)

Lunarius Sealed

Celebration of Vanquishing Lunarius

Written by AuthorChase

The Great War

When Lunarius gained the power of the god of madness, he wrought destruction across Astnyr. Only the other Angels could stop him with the aid of the Scholars of Hystoria. Many lives were lost, including those of soldiers and civilians. In the end, Astnyr prevailed against Lunarius, sealing him under the ocean in a sealed fortress.

by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


Sealed Celebration

"We have prevailed against a God! Long live our own Gods! Long live Astnyr!"
— Light Paladin of Strection
  The celebration of the seal of Lunarius was first celebrated after the war with the god of madness ended. Every major city, except for Hystoria, celebrated the end of the Great War. The people from small towns or villages attended the proceedings in the nearest city. This was a great day of cheer and revelry for the citizens of Astnyr, but it brought a message along with it.  

Even Angels Can Become Corrupted

"Today is not only one to celebrate, but to discover. We know mortals can become corrupted with power and madness. But so to can Angels of Aeftir, just as Demons do"
— Nave
  Lunarius's seal represented how even Angels could become corrupted from a foreign entity, or even themselves. This told the Angels to be careful with their decisions and emotions. Morana was such an Angel through grief a half century later. Astnyr was near annihilation with Strection as a third corrupted Angel through rage. No one knew if Astnyr would prosper if more Angels became corrupted by these powerful emotions. Madness, Grief, and Rage already took three, after all.   Knowler felt hopeless as he witnessed his fellow Angels fall to corruption. However, there might be an unseen hero from his brother's domain to help rally to repair the damage.

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Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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