The first book in the Astnyr trilogy is as follows: Worldbuilding-Editing and Re-Publish, Manuscript: Writing First Draft   Short-Story Series: Eldrinor (Notta Worldbuilding)


A War-Torn City

Written by AuthorChase

As seen in

Strection's Stronghold

Ironhammer by AuthorChase on Inkarnate

  Ironhammer used to be a prosperous weapon and jewel trading post. However, Strection blocked anyone from entering or leaving his city. Trade became stagnant as the wall of light finished construction. The Justice Paladins reinforced the defenses of Ironhammer, now waiting for Lunarius's Chosen to strike. The other Angels were fooled into thinking this chosen could help them against Lunarius, while Strection was right all along. He had to be right.  


Strection by AuthorChase on Heroforge
Ironhammer was first created when Strection created the Mountain Dwarf race. They based themselves in the forest mountains. Defenses were not as much of a concentration until Lunarius' minions attacked Ironhammer proper. Afterwards, the Mountain Dwarves improved their defenses, but still allowed trade and adventurers to pass through the city. That was until Sonance gave her vision to the Council of Angels.   Strection believed his daughter wholeheartedly, but Winter had their doubts. Even with his sibling's doubts, he knew that Lunarius' chosen was unredeemable, as to even associate themself with the god of madness. The siblings could not come to an agreement, so they separated their cities, no longer trading or visiting with each other. Not long afterwards, in his rage, Strection saw the other cities and villages as threats from Lunarius' chosen. This resulted in him closing Ironhammer off from the realm, including from those that needed the city's aid.   Ironhammer became a stronghold of pure defense and used offensive measures for any travelers or traders that wished to enter the city of the forest mountains. Justlight, Strection's father, was powerless to stop his son's hubris, even though he used justice magic against those who did not deserve such treatment.  


Strection concentrated on strength and protection for his people. The Mountain Dwarves prepared for Lunarius' chosen by creating more weapons and armor, and recruited any Dwarf to the new Paladin Oath. Ironhammer became quite militaristic since Sonance's vision was first spoken, and Strection believed he was leading his people to victory, while his sibling seemed to want to doom their efforts. The Mountain Dwarves refused to trade with Frosthalla, and eventually the rest of Astnyr's settlements, because of this disagreement.  


Ironhammer had two districts. These districts were called the crafter and the military districts.  

Points of Interest

The crafter district housed all the crafters and shops of Ironhammer. Because of its origin in Ironhammer, the merchants there sold their creations for a higher price. The military district housed all the military and bases. The bases were used to hold meetings and train new recruits and current soldiers.  
Crafter District by AuthorChase on Inkarnate

Military District by AuthorChase on Inkarnate



The defenses of Ironhammer comprised sturdy metal and stone fortresses reinforced with the power of Strection's light. The walls surrounding Ironhammer were made of the same material and even blinded enemies because of the sunlight that reflected off of these walls. This gave the Mountain Dwarves the advantage whenever forces or adventurers were not welcome into the city, as it became very closed off.

Wall of Justice's Light by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


National Trade

Ironhammer consisted of many mines that was dug into the forest mountain. This was to gain valuable resources that would otherwise be unreachable without humanoid interference. This was with the innovation of the Mountain Dwarves and the inventing of a mechanical digger that was able to retrieve resources deeper within the earth, some said it was too far in recent times. With workshops and impenetrable forces all over Ironhammer, other cities became cautious to even approach the Dwarven city.

During Magick Glades Invasion

With Strection's rage at an all time high, he did not help Magick Glades when it was invaded by the Lady of Death for the second time. With this, Nave knew her husband was forever changed and could not revert to who he once was. Unfortunatley with this decision, Nave fell victim to the Lady of Death and was missing in action since the invasion. There was no sense of mourning from Strection, only determination to quell a threat that was not imminent.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
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Cover image: by AuthorChase on Inkarnate


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