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Iroh Pacesinger (Eye-row)

Iroh Moltenguard (a.k.a. Pacesinger)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Most notable about Iroh when looking at him is that he is an aged dwarf, missing his left arm, his left foot, and left eye. The left side of his body is marred with residual scars of scrapes and marks on the face and body.

Special abilities

Divine magical abilities

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Iroh is one of 7 children with him being the 5th child in the family. Iroh is the oldest son of three boys while also having 4 older sisters. His two immediately older sisters are twins, and his to younger brothers are also twins as well. He and his siblings experienced day to day life as children being expected to hold family and honor above all else by their father. Honor was upheld by finding a trade and growing that trade until it supported the longevity of the family and clan. Iroh spent his first 50 years or so, working as a delver with his, father (successful delver and jewel supplier), like many of his siblings started out their lives doing. Iroh discovered with time that he had been touched with the power of Moradin’s flame. When the leaders of his clan discovered his divine gift, he was indoctrinated into the “Immortal Spark”. The Immortal Spark is a division of dwarf crafting community that are responsible for keeping the flame alive in all the holy furnaces blessed by Moradin’s touch. It can take decades for a furnace to get hot enough for mithril and adamantine to melt and shaped into ingots for beating. Only Immortal Spark sorcerers or the heat from an ancient red dragon can keep the flame lit. During Iroh’s time with the Immortal Spark, he has travelled only one time previously to the surface where he was commissioned to create a basic (by dwarf standards) furnace and light the flame for a town of humans and the human lord with his Immortal brothers and sisters, that adventure took almost 18 months to complete, these events transpired almost 150 years ago.   When Iron returned home, he returned on the eve of a Holiday and celebrated as tradition dictated for a week. In celebration he met a surface dwarf woman where they made passionate love and by the end of celebration she was gone returning to her home in the East. 2 years later twins were dropped off at his home and he was informed of the mother’s death in childbirth. This would also be the first time he learned of their birth and his former lover’s pregnancy. Iroh would go on to name the Children Ongza his daughter and Angzo his son (Dwarves version of Yin and Yang). By the time Iroh’s children, Ongza and Angzo were born, their grandfather was dying and named his successor to the family heritage and estate to Iroh’s sister “Onara Moltenguard” and since that time she has passed that onto another child of her own “Tai-Lee Moltenguard”.   His son and daughter were nearing their first century of life, Ongza had recently manifested powers same as her father a divine sorcerer. While Angzo had also shown signs of magical connection he channeled his energy into a berserker blood fighter and joined the military. One fateful day the holy furnace under the mountain had been breached by a Silver-dragon looking to put an end to the flame in the furnace under the mountain. The furnace was easily half a mile in diameter for it contained the spark of an ancient red dragon’s breath after it had been intensified by Moradin’s touch stone (a.k.a. ember crystals). Valiant warriors fought off the dragon to protect the flame, in the fight chaos overtook the city. Iroh with the rest of the Immortal flames stayed behind to help with tending to the furnace while also helping with evacuation of the citizens of the city. While the fight against the dragon raged onward the dragon would eventually be defeated but not before the dragon in the end began to destroy many pillars and collapse large portions of the crafter’s districts. Angzo like many warriors with him in the fight would be buried alive and Iroh would suffer many injuries himself, including the loss of his left arm, leg, and eye. The dragon narrowly escaping with its life and destroying half the city including the destruction of the “never-ending furnace”. Later, reports of the dragon being hunted down and slain would reach the city. Since that time 50 years later, the city has been rebuilt to the point of it being livable but the work to restore the furnace continues onward. Ongza is one of a few adept sorcerers leading the reconstruction, while Iroh lives his twilight years in mourning for Angzo and pride for Ongza.   After 50 years, since the tragedy Iroh has grown tired of waiting for death and has begun to long for one final adventure before he is reforged by the “Master Smith”. Now Iroh travels the surface hoping to pass on his knowledge onto any who would be interested in dwarvish smithing and forging techniques. The truth is Iroh longs for one final happy memory before he is gone.


Much of Iroh's learning came from the 50 or so years he spent with his father as a delver, and then with The Immortal Spark to be able to harness the natural divine abilities he started to show in the hundred or so years following.


Iroh worked as a delver with his father first, and then as a member of The Immortal Spark, creating and lighting forges.

Intellectual Characteristics

Iroh enjoys talking at length about his blacksmithing and furnace work, as well as the work of Moradin.

Morality & Philosophy

Iroh believes it is the duty of all civilized people to strengthen the bonds of community and the security of the people.


Contacts & Relations

Iroh has 6 siblings, and has had 2 children, although one is deceased.

Hobbies & Pets

Iroh's main hobbies are anything relating to blacksmithing and worship of Moradin.
Date of Birth
18th of Rottery
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Iroh speaks a Durramer dialect of Common, as well as Draconic and Dwarvish.


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