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  • Age: Must be at least 180 years old to obtain the crown. 
  • Royal lineage: The Sovereign must be born into the royal family, which is usually traced back several generations. This requirement ensures that only individuals with the proper bloodline can ascend to the throne.
  • Education and training: The Sovereign must receive a thorough education and training in various disciplines, including politics, diplomacy, warfare, economics, and the arts. This requirement helps prepare the Sovereign to lead the nation and make informed decisions that benefit the entire elven community.
  • Mastery of magic: The Sovereign must have a deep understanding and mastery of magic, which is an essential part of elven culture and society. This requirement ensures that the Sovereign can protect the city and its inhabitants from external threats and maintain order within the city.
  • Proven leadership: The Sovereign must have a track record of effective leadership, either through serving in a high-ranking government position or leading a successful military campaign. This requirement demonstrates that the Sovereign has the skills and experience to manage the affairs of the city and make difficult decisions when necessary.
  • Popular support: The Sovereign must have the support and trust of the people. This requirement ensures that the Sovereign can govern with legitimacy and avoid popular uprisings or rebellions. The people's support can be demonstrated through various means, such as an election, a referendum, or a public proclamation of support from influential community leaders.


The ceremony for the appointment of the title of Sovereign is a grand and elaborate affair, full of pageantry and symbolism.   The ceremony begins with the ringing of the city's bells, signaling the start of the proceedings. The bells' ringing is a signal to the city's inhabitants that an important event is taking place and that they should prepare to gather in the city's central square.   At the appointed time, the elven nobles and dignitaries, dressed in their finest clothes and jewelry, make their way to the square. They are led by the Council of Glass, who carry the city's ceremonial sword and scepter, symbols of the Sovereign's authority.   As the crowd gathers, a hush falls over the square, and the Council of Glass announces the beginning of the ceremony. The Sovereign-to-be appears, accompanied by their family members and close advisers. They are dressed in traditional elven robes, adorned with jewels and intricate embroidery.   The Council of Glass then presents the Sovereign-to-be with the ceremonial sword and scepter, signifying their assumption of power. The Sovereign-to-be takes the oath of office, swearing to uphold the laws and traditions of the city, to protect the elven people, and to govern with wisdom and justice.   After the oath is taken, the Council of Glass leads the crowd in a series of cheers and acclamations, demonstrating their support for the new Sovereign. The bells of the city ring out again, and the crowd disperses, eager to celebrate the appointment of their new leader. The new Sovereign then proceeds to the palace to take up their duties as the leader of the elven city.


  • Executive power: The Sovereign holds the executive power of the government and is responsible for the administration of the state. 
  • Defense and security: The Sovereign is responsible for the defense and security of the elven nation, ensuring the safety and protection of its citizens.
  • Diplomacy: The Sovereign is the chief representative of the elven government in all diplomatic and international affairs. This includes negotiating treaties, alliances, and trade agreements with other nations.
  • Law and order: The Sovereign is responsible for upholding the law and maintaining order within the elven nation. They appoint judges and oversee the legal system.
  • Economic development: The Sovereign is responsible for ensuring the economic prosperity of the elven nation. This includes managing the treasury and overseeing the collection of taxes.
  • Environmental stewardship: The Sovereign is responsible for protecting the natural environment of the elven nation, preserving its forests, waters, and wildlife.
  • Social welfare: The Sovereign is responsible for the welfare of their people, ensuring that they have access to education, healthcare, and other basic necessities of life.


  • Meeting with advisors: The Sovereign may meet regularly with a council of advisors to discuss matters of state and receive recommendations on policy decisions.
  • Making decisions: As the ultimate authority in the elven government, the Sovereign must make many important decisions on a daily basis. These may include approving new laws or regulations, signing treaties, or authorizing military actions.
  • Communicating with other leaders: The Sovereign may engage in regular correspondence with other heads of state or attend meetings of international organizations to represent the elven nation's interests.
  • Attending ceremonies and events: As a figurehead of the elven nation, the Sovereign may be required to attend various public ceremonies and events, such as the opening of new buildings or the celebration of important holidays.
  • Overseeing the government bureaucracy: The Sovereign may need to work with other government officials to ensure that the daily functions of the state are being carried out effectively.
  • Handling crises: In the event of a natural disaster, military conflict, or other emergency situation, the Sovereign will be called upon to provide leadership and direction to the elven nation.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Starlight Diadem

The Starlight Diadem is an elven crown of exquisite beauty and intricacy, befitting a queen of the fae. It is crafted from fine mithril, a rare and precious metal, and adorned with delicate silver filigree, which glimmers in the light like a thousand stars. The diadem is set with a row of dazzling white diamonds, which resemble the brilliant stars of the night sky, and are said to be imbued with elvish magic.   The Starlight Diadem sits lightly upon the brow of the wearer, as if it were made for her alone. It is both elegant and regal, a testament to the grace and power of the elven queen who wears it. When she moves, the diadem sparkles and glitters in the light, casting a soft and enchanting radiance around her.   Legend has it that the Starlight Diadem was created by the elven craftsmen of the ancient city of empires, using skills and techniques passed down through the generations. It is said to have been blessed by the elven gods themselves, and to hold within it a fragment of the starry heavens. The diadem is a symbol of the elven queen's authority and her connection to the natural world, and it is believed to confer upon her a measure of elvish magic and wisdom.  


  Silverthorn is an elven sword of unparalleled beauty and craftsmanship. The blade is forged from a rare, enchanted metal that has a bright silver sheen, and is as strong as it is sharp. The handle is wrapped in soft, supple leather and adorned with silver wire, which has been woven into intricate patterns that glimmer in the light.   The pommel of the sword is fashioned in the shape of a delicate silver thorn, which is said to have been plucked from a tree in the enchanted forest of the elven realm. The thorn is sharp and pointed, and it is believed to imbue the sword with a measure of elvish magic, making it more deadly and effective in battle.   When wielded by an elven warrior, Silverthorn is a thing of deadly beauty. The blade moves with grace and precision, cutting through the air with a whisper and striking its target with deadly accuracy. It is said that the sword can slice through even the toughest of armor, and that it never loses its edge or dulls with use.   Legend has it that Silverthorn was once wielded by an elven hero of great renown, who used it to defend the elven realm from the forces of darkness. The sword is said to have been blessed by the elven gods, and to hold within it a fragment of the wisdom and power of the ancient elven race.

The Scepter of the Emerald Court

The Scepter of the Emerald Court is an exquisite work of elven craftsmanship, a symbol of the power and authority of the queen who holds it. The scepter is made of fine mithril, a precious metal that is as light as it is strong, and it is adorned with delicate filigree work that is reminiscent of the leaves and vines of the forest.   At the top of the scepter is a large, faceted emerald, which glows with a deep green light, like a beacon in the darkness. The emerald is said to be imbued with the magic of the forest, and to hold within it a measure of the power and wisdom of the elven race.   The handle of the scepter is wrapped in soft, supple leather, and is adorned with intricate silver wire, which has been fashioned into delicate patterns that shimmer in the light. When held in the hand of the queen, the scepter seems to take on a life of its own, radiating a quiet strength and authority that is both regal and commanding.   The scepter is a symbol of the queen's authority over the elven court, and it is believed to confer upon her a measure of elvish magic and wisdom. It is also said to be a talisman of protection, warding off evil and ensuring the safety and prosperity of the elven people.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

There are no written rules of how to remove a sovereign. Every sovereign that has been removed has been by force.
Form of Address
Her Sovereignty
Equates to
  • Emperor/Empress
  • King/Queen
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Related Locations
Related Organizations


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