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The Sun Dominion of Hyrun'Thalor


In the Dominion, the executive branch is headed by a monarch known as the Sovereign. The Sovereign is the ultimate authority in the Dominion government and is responsible for the overall governance of the elven nation. The Sovereign is chosen through a hereditary system, with the monarch's successor being a direct heir.   The legislature in the elven government is known as the Council of Glass. The Council of Glass is made up of representatives from the various elven communities, who are elected by the people they represent. The Council of Glass is responsible for passing laws and regulations, as well as overseeing the operation of the government.   The judicial branch in the elven government is known as the Council of Scales. The Council of Scales is responsible for interpreting the laws and regulations passed by the Council of Glass and ensuring that they are enforced fairly and justly. The members of the Council of Scales are appointed by the Sovereign and are chosen based on their knowledge of the law and their ability to dispense justice impartially.   Overall, the elven government is designed to be a balanced system of power, with each branch of government having its own unique responsibilities and duties. The Sovereign serves as the head of the government and the ultimate decision-maker, while the Council of Glass and the Council of Scales provide a system of checks and balances to ensure that power is not concentrated in any one branch of government.


Core Beliefs

  • Elfkind descends from divine beings.
  • The world outside of the city walls is unfit for High Elven living.
  • Outsiders are not welcome and are usually dangerous.
  • Humans only create disaster and are not to be trusted.
  • Dwarves were given divine purpose by the ancient elves to protect the surface from Those Who Dwell Below.


  • The oldest woman in the family is deemed the Matriarch and is seen as the leader of the family name.
  • Men have mandatory military service and are rewarded greatly for continuing that service after the mandatory period is over.
  • Crimes are punished harshly.

Public Agenda

  • Isolationism is the key to continued Thalorian Elf survival.
  • Criminals are just as bad as outside enemy influence, even minor crimes are intolerable.
  • Strive for greatness, look to the stars for guidance.

Demography and Population

Population - 35,270
Birth rate - 6 births/1,000 population
Death rate - 15.1 deaths/1,000 population
Life expectancy - 576 years


The Dominion's Spear
Hyrun'Thalor has a standing army of about 15,000 soldiers. The Dominion's Spear has not been deployed for a military operation since 218, or since the end of the Nanethor Empire who was once allied with Hyrun'Thalor. Though not utilized since the city-state closed it's borders, the Spear remains ready to deploy at a moment's notice. All able-bodied men are required to enlist from the age of 120 for a period of 40 years. After which, they can elect to continue service or move on to another career. Women are given the option to enlist directly into the officer programs starting at age 135.
Because military enlistment is a requirement for men, many non-enlisted remain members of the militia to mobilize if the city were to come under attack.
Dominion Inquisitors
In the instances where the Dominion needs to send a small force outside of the city, they will often use the Inquisitors for smaller operations. An Inquisitor hasn't been seen outside of the city in over 180 years.

Foreign Relations

The Sun Dominion has shut down all foreign relations work since the appearance of Aestranem over 100 years ago.


Crime is separated into crimes against the Dominion and crimes against individuals. Whichever category, the accused is brought before the Council of Scales to stand trial.
  • Those convicted of committing a crime against the Dominion are often exiled or executed depending on severity. This is decided by the Sovereign. 
  • Exiled individuals may have the opportunity to return. 
  • Crimes against individuals are usually punished by prison sentences, large fines, or reparation payments.
  • Anything within the limits of Hyrun'Thalor starts as property of the Dominion, leased to individuals. 
  • After a certain amount of payment has been made, property can be turned over to an individual or family where they assume all maintenance responsibility.
  • Payment to workers must be made in Sovereign Coins. 
  • If a worker is injured on the job, they can be replaced as long as they are paid a year's salary and the cost of medical attention.
  • All transactions must use Sovereign Coins.
  • Transactions with non-citizens is prohibited.
  • Loans can only be given by the Sovereign or the Banker's Guild.
  • The Banker's Guild cannot loan out more than it has in Sovereign Coins.
  • There is a 10% sales tax on all purchased goods.
  • All privately owned property is taxed at a rate of 25%.
  • Businesses pay a 75% operations tax.
  • Civil suits are arbitrated by the Magistrates, appointed by the Council of Glass.
  • Laws are enforced by a police force called the Dominion Inquisitors.

"Find Beauty in All People"

Founding Date
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
Tir na nOg
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Sovereign Coins
A coin denomination of silver, gold, and platinum bearing the visage of the Soverign.
Legislative Body
The Council of Glass
Made up of the most influential families in Hyrun'Thalor.
Judicial Body
The Council of Scales
A group of three Judges tries all major crimes, heresy, dissidence, and debates whether the laws balance the scales of justice.
Executive Body
The Sovereign
Has the final say and maintains the direction of the Dominion.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Species

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