Cherubim Elves

As ancient as the elves, Cherubim elves are unknown in most places of the world simply because they have never found comfort living among others not of their kind. Cherubim are winged elves with lightweight frames to help them soar high in the sky.  


Cherubim elves are self-absorbed and typically somewhat timid, preferring to fly over or away from danger rather than confront it. Aware of their physical fragility, they know that the best way for them to survive is to stay wary and alert. Their greatest fear is that something might happen to their wings. Introspective and contemplative, Cherubim speak only when necessary and have no time for humor, song, or frivolity. Many Cherubim are curious and investigative, which often clashes with their inherent fear—apprehension usually wins out.  

Physical Description

Cherubim are thin and frail even by Elf standards. Their skin is very pale—almost white—and their hair is typically black, pale blond, or white. The feathers on their wings match their hair color, and their wingspan is usually three times their height. Their eyes are pale grey or silver. The Cherubim’s are immortal, similar to elves, but their birth rate is considerably lower. (As a species, their numbers are ever so slowly decreasing, rather than increasing.)  


Cherubim feel skittish around non-elves. Humans and other species often mistake them for angels or aasimars, however, so most people seem favorably disposed toward them.  


Cherubim share the outlook of most other elves, although they are perhaps even more aloof and retiring.  

Cherubim Lands

Cherubim elves hail from the Isles of Arcanis, a mysterious chain of islands in the Boundless Sea. They prefer mountainous regions, particularly places accessible only from the air. Cherubim are not farmers or herders, but hunters and gatherers—mostly gatherers. Their communities are very small.  


Cherubim worship The Mother almost exclusively, but a small number worship The AllFather.  


Cherubim elves speak Elven.  


Cherubim names are similar to other elven names, except that they do not use surnames.  


Cherubim elves rarely adventure, simply because they are a bit timid and physically quite weak. Their ability to fly is such an asset, however, that most Cherubim who do attempt such a dangerous profession find that they are well suited to it.  

Racial Information

Immortal: Cherubim elves follow the same immortality rules as elves.   Frail. Your Constitution score decreases by 3.   Size. You are the same size as a regular Elf, but thinner and more frail. Your size is Medium.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a flying speed of 40 feet. Flying is especially tiring. Each minute of flying gives you one level of exhaustion (minimum one level of exhaustion). Finishing a short or long rest reduces your flight exhaustion by one level.   When you reach 3rd level, your flight stamina increases so that each ten minutes of flight gives you one level of exhaustion (minimum one level of exhaustion). When you reach 5th level, your flight stamina increases again so that each hour of flight gives you one level of exhaustion, and anything less than ten minutes of flight doesn’t exhaust you at all.
Geographic Distribution


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