
Cultural Information

The haughty humanoid moves past you without even noticing you, paying as much attention to you as he would a gnat on his cloak. The elf is richly dressed, a rose among the detritus of the rest of the people on the street.
  1. What key concepts describe these people? The elves are a haughty, proud race, yet are a race in decline. The onslaught of the human expansion and the last century of war have left the elven race wondering what their place on Eldarr will be in the next century.   2. What is their genetic legacy and how does it affect them? Elves are thought to have been the first race created as the result of The AllFather's tears, the elves are basically immortal and ageless. Elves may only be slain by disease, sword, toxin or magic, for age does not affect them.   3. For what tasks are they especially suited/unsuited? Elves have a great affinity for magic, both arcane and divine. Also, their great age imparts several lifetimes of wisdom and experience into their actions. However, elves are frail of body, and so are generally unsuited for tasks requiring great strength or constitution.   4. How might they use their strengths? Elves have a great amount of knowledge of the history, nature and workings of Eldarr. However, their state of decline has them in a state of consternation, and they often react by being self-obsessed, haughty and aggressively protectionist of their society.   5. How might they compensate for their shortcomings? Their affinity for magic frequently allows them to make up for their physical shortcomings.   6. Where do they live? What is their primary habitat? The largest elven realm is the Shining Land of Shahalesti, Shahalesti is notable in that they recently conquered neighboring elven nations of Heronish and Montribla. Some feel that it is a bid by the elvish ruler Lord Shaaladel to take the throne of the Acheron Empire when Coaltongue perishes.   7. What are their homes like? How does the habitat affect their dwellings and lifestyle? Elvish homes are usually incorporated seamlessly into the natural world around them, with their homes often being works taking several decades to complete.   8. What is their level of civil construction and what are its characteristics? Elves tend to use a very organic construction method, often building homes within living trees or amid a running stream. However, that is not to say that their homes are rustic by any stretch; often their constructions are very elaborate and complicated to the non-elven eye, often using magical methods of deriving energy, waste management, and civil construction as opposed to engineering and technological methodology. Elven communities tend to be small and mono-ethnic, often numbering less than 100 elves and having very few or no inhabitants of other races.   9. What is daily life like? Elves are intensely passionate about their individual interests, hobbies, goals and personal fulfillment. Individual elves usually spend their days following their personal goals and ambitions. It is generally accepted among elves that communities are gatherings of individuals with a mutual desire to live in one place.   10. What do they eat and drink? How do they react to other foodstuffs? Elves are strict vegetarians, and tend to favor lighter fare and sweet drinks such as mead, white fruit wines, honeyed ale, or even pure water. Elves are violently sick if they eat animal protein of any kind, including milk, meat or egg.   11. How do they express themselves artistically? What are their styles of music, sculpture, poetry, painting, plays? Elves are incredibly passionate about their individual artistic talents. Elves may spend weeks working on individual works of art or performance. Once complete, these works are often displayed for others in the community during evening exhibitions under the light of the stars that the elves so love. Their art tends to be light, complex, and incredibly beautiful to all races, often associated with love of life, and the good gods.   12. Do they farm? If so, what? For what purposes? How is food distributed? Pure elvish communities work as individuals contributing to the greater whole. All individuals contribute food cultivated and gathered to the community, and meals are often shared throughout the community. Elves in the more mixed communities prevalent in Shahalesti tend to represent the aristocracy, and so food is purchased from the general rural population.   13. What does a farm look like? How is a farm organized? Elves do not farm on a commercial basis per se, but instead gather food and cultivate home gardens.   14. How do farms operate? What farming techniques do they use? See above.   15. What are their primary enemies, natural and cultural? Elves despise and persecute orcs and Half Orcs. Orcs and Half Orcs are not permitted to hold any public office in elven lands, and are often horribly exploited as nearly slave labor.   16. How do they defend against them? Elven militaries tend to focus on quality as opposed to quantity. It is not uncommon for all members of an elven unit to have at least one minor magical item. Elves vigorously maintain a watch on their borders by having stealthy guerilla warbands patrolling at all times. Typical warbands number approximately 15 elves, and will comprise at least 5 rangers or scouts, a mage for magical support, and a cleric for divine guidance and healing. These warbands are entirely self sufficient and very mobile.   17. What is their culture? Their government? Their politics? Their economy? The elves of Shahalesti make up the aristocracy of the Shining Lands, providing the government for the otherwise human population. The elves for the most part have very little to do with their human charges, and as a result some resentment has grown on the part of the humans living in this elven land. The elves themselves live in small reclusive communities, with no one elf over another. Each community has an elected Speaker that represents the community in the King’s court.   18. What is their history? What's the real story, and what is misunderstood or misremembered? On the far side of the mountains that mark the Acheron northern border spreads the Shining Land of Shahalesti, ruled by Lord Shaaladel, a middle-aged elf who rose from being a military commander to the nation’s ruler during the ascension of the Acheron Empire. Shahalesti was in danger of being conquered like Acheron’s other neighbors, and Shaaladel’s aggressive displays of force — including the conquest and destruction of two nearby elvish lands that were hostile to him — are credited as major reasons why Drakus Coaltongue has so far not looked north for conquest. During the Acheron annexation of its neighbors, Lord Shaaladel lent aid, and he and his trusted aides participated personally in battles at Coaltongue’s side. A canny, charismatic commander, Shaaladel is respected even by the Acheron army, and many expected him to succeed after Coaltongue’s death. Rumors say that the elvish lord had been quite displeased that the old emperor was refusing to die of old age.   19. Who are their allies? The elves of Shahalesti have a loose alliance with the Acheron Empire, thanks to some apt diplomacy on the part of their Lord Shaaladel. This alliance shields the elves of Shahalesti from conflict with others, although the elves wonder if they have brought an adder into their bed.   20. What are their dreams, goals, myths, legends? The elves dream of again becoming the dominant race on Eldarr. They are fervently in support of Lord Shaaladel, as the elven fortunes have been reversed of late by his rulership, and the elves feel that they are once again on the road to broader dominance.   21. What is their religion? The elves commonly worship The Mother; however, the elves are varied in the worship, with individuals worshiping almost any of the pantheon of Eldarr.   22. How does it affect their daily lives? Shrines to the various gods are typically small and found in the larger communities. Elves are particularly tolerant of all forms of worship, as long as it does not infringe upon individual freedoms.   23. What crafts have they mastered? What special abilities or knowledge do they have? How do these impact their lives? Elves are adept at woodcraft, gardening, and any other task they set their minds to. They will often take unrelenting interest in a particular skill for a decade or so, their immortality granting them immense patience to learn a skill. Also, given their incredibly long lives, elves are a great resource for information about the past. However, getting that information can be difficult. The elves are often enigmatic in giving information to those not of elven origins.   24. What is the criminal code and how are crimes punished? Crimes against the elven society are judged by a tribunal of elven elders, or in serious crimes by Lord Shaaladel himself. The worst crimes are punishable by banishment from Shahalesti forever.   25. How do they travel? Do they trade? With whom? For what? Are they good or bad at it? The elves of Shahalesti travel widely across Eldarr; trading, on diplomatic visits, or following their individual interests. There is active trade between Shahalesti and the Acheron Empire, primarily metals, gems and crafts through the neutral city of Gate Pass. The elves are astute traders that have a good understanding of current economics and pricing.   26. Do they use magic? What is their attitude to magic? Magic is ever-present around elves. They often take magic for granted, and can treat non-magical beings with disdain.   27. Do they use advanced technology? What is their attitude to science? Elves use no advanced technology, instead depending on magic to provide energy and change in their lives.   28. How do they react to outsiders? Elves have an air of superiority when dealing with any other race than elf. As a result, elves often remove themselves from other races, forming insular communities even within cities brimming with other folk. Elves view half-elves much as themselves. Half-elves who have chosen mortality often garner sadness and occasionally jealousy from their elven counterparts.   29. What weaponry do they use? Elves are adept with the bow and rapier, due to their excellent dexterity.   30. What are their personality archetypes? What are their cultural blind spots? What are the unspoken absolute beliefs that give society its foundation? Elves tend to take themselves very seriously, and will brook no insult. They have lived for countless centuries, and feel that other races should hold the utmost respect and honor for them. As a result, they tend to look down on those of another race and will miss any positive qualities that individual may have. There is also an underlying bitterness to their feelings toward others. The elven race is the longest living race and has a history of grandeur, but their influence on the world around them is slipping.  

Game Information

Your life, my friend, is but a passing instant in the span of my memories, a mere butterfly breath in a world of winds. I remember seeing the first of your kind come stumbling out from the jungle, still unsure of this world and clinging to us as a babe to its mother’s nipple. Elves have been here since the beginning of time, and we plan on being here until the end.
  The Elves of Eldarr are immortal. Individuals among the elves remember awakening in a young world populated only by the Valheru, dragons, giants and the animals of the land. They have seen the demise of the Old Ones and the rise of the Young races, and experienced the dawn of Arcana. The elves are ancient, and have always been.   Elves of Eldarr use the following game-related information:   +2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution.   Medium: As Medium creatures, elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.   Elf base land speed is 30 feet.   Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.   Low-Light Vision: An elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.   Weapon Proficiency: Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, rapier, longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats.   +2 racial bonus on Perception checks. An elf that merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Perception check to notice it as if he were actively looking for it.   Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.   Favored Class: Wizard. A multi-class elf’s wizard class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multi-classing.   Immortal: Elves are immortal. Elves gain the Wedded to History feat as a bonus level at 1st level and access to the Ancient feats described in the Feats section. Elves may choose only one Ancient feat other than Wedded to History.

Civilization and Culture


There is much of which I am forbidden to speak, names of power, fearful to invoke, things terrible to recall, but I may tell you this much. Long before man or dwarf came to this world, the Valheru ruled. They were part of this world, fashioned from the very fabric of its creation, nearly godlike in power and unfathomable in purpose. Their nature was chaotic and unpredictable. They were more powerful than any others. Upon the backs of the great dragons they flew, no place in the universe beyond their reach. To other worlds they roamed, bringing back that what pleased them, treasure and knowledge plundered from other beings. THey were subject to no law but their own will and whim. They fought among themselves as often as not, and only death resolved conflicts. This world was their domain, and we were their creatures.   We and the drow were of one race then, and the Valheru bred us as you would cattle. Some were taken from both races, for...personal pets, bred for beauty...and other qualities. Others were bred to tend the forests and fields. THose who lived in the wild became the forerunners of the elves, while those who remained with the Valheru were the forerunners of the drow.   But them came a time of changing. Our masters ceased their internecine struggles and banded together. Why they did so is forgotten, though some among the drow may still know, for they were closer to our masters than we elves. We may have known their reasons then, but this was the time of the Chaos Wars which ended with The Skyfall, and much was lost. Only this we know: all the servants of the Valheru were given freedom, and the Old Ones were never seen again by elf or drow. When the Chaos Wars raged, great rifts in time and space were opened, and it was through these that goblins, men, and dwarves came to this world. Few of our people or the drow survived, but those that did rebuilt our homes. The drow longed to inherit the might of our lost masters, rather than seek their own destiny as the elves did, and used their cunning to find tokens of the Valheru, and took to the dark paths of the Endless Dark. The old magic changes the drow because they sought the power out of dark longings.
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