Sidhe - Human

Physical Description

The Sidhe people of the western Rhodanian continent tend to have pale, freckled skin, straight to curly, often blonde, sometimes red or brown hair and light(-mixed) eyes. Rather tall, broad-shouldered and more roundish features, the Sidhe can take on a softer, overweight stature as they age. Their nose is straight and their forehead high.  


Traditionally, the main unit of Sidhe society was the tribe. The extent of a tribe's lands varied with geography, population, and the power of the tribe itself, but most Sidhe tribes occupied an area of roughly 36 square miles. Within the tribe, there were smaller social units which might be called clans.   The values on which Sidhe society is based are common to nearly every society on Eldarr which has been given the name "barbarian," and to so-called "lawless" societies from the Stone Age to the Wild West and beyond. Loyalty is the key, and loyalty operates at various levels. A Sidhe is expected to be loyal to himself, to his kindred, and to his tribe. Loyalty to oneself demands that an individual should be strong, brave, skilled in combat, and true to his word. Someone who fails in any of these basic virtues was seen as betraying his own honor.   Kin are a vital protection in Sidhe society. They will stand with you against your enemies, avenge your murder, stand for you in law, and back you up whenever you need it. This duty is two-way, of course, and a Sidhe individual owes the same to each and every one of his kin. In Sidhe language, a kinless man is called dicenn—"headless"—because a person who is alone in the world might be as good as dead. An individual of exceptional strength and skill might be able to survive without kin, but they had better get used to sleeping with both eyes open. Someone who can survive without kin is regarded with the same mixture of awe, fear, and distrust as a modern outlaw biker.   The tribe is the highest focus of loyalty in Sidhe society. The tribe gives each member a set of traditional friends and enemies, and a social structure within which the individual's own position and social progress can be measured. Loyalty to the tribe was the most important requirement of traditional Sidhe society, and those who betray the tribe to its enemies are regarded with hatred and contempt.   The Sidhe people are the most common ethnicity on the northwestern Rhodanian continent. A long period of temperate weather and adequate rainfall allowed the tribes to spread from their traditional lands in Culan to the lands around the forests of the Shining Land of Shahalesti and south. There was no real idea of Sidhe uniting against non-Sidhe, and when the former nation of Morrus (who themselves were of Sidhe descent) began to attack the Sidhe world this lack of unity and inability to lay old feuds aside was the single most important factor influencing Morrus victory. It took the wily Emperor Drakus Coaltongue to unite the nations formerly made up of Sidhe tribes and keep them united in what is today the Imperial Seat of Acheron.  


The insular nature of the Sidhe tribal loyalties that have carried to today makes them exceptionally abrasive to the point of racist when dealing other races and even other human ethnicities.  

Alignment and Religion

While Chaotic alignments among the Jonoi aren’t entirely unknown, most tend to be Lawful and Neutral. The Sidhe do not each pick a single deity to serve; they worshipped all of them, calling upon individuals for specific problems. Given their connections to nature, their ancestors traditionally worshipped The Mother in day to day life, led by druids.  


The shear number of Sidhe people makes them common in any adventuring role.  

Sidhe Racial Traits

All Sidhe receive Knowledge (nobility) as a class skill.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Gwaeddan, Siwan, Anna, Erin, Rhoslyn, Tangwen, Aberfa, Liliwen, Awsta, Irwen

Masculine names

Delwyn, Lyn, Trefor, Gwydyon, Rhodri, Cybi, Cadwgan, Elgar, Berwyn, Goronwy

Family names

Luain, O'hiIceadh, O'Teamhnainn, O'Maol, Murchadha, Caollaidhe, Murghaile, Cadhla, Cléirigh


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