
This young woman has deep, vivid eyes full of fey mystery and cautious curiosity. She is emaciated, as if she has never had a full meal in her life, and light leather armor clings to her waifish body. Dark hair floats around her shoulders, and faintly glistening wings twitch behind her back, withered like a dragonfly that got too close to a flame.   Tiljann is a young Seela woman, in the sense that she is only about fifty years old (the equivalent of late teens in a human), so the fire forest is all she has ever known. She has long been curious about the rest of the world, and has memorized the Tale of the Longwalker, a hopeful section of the Song of Forms that the seela seldom repeat today. She has been suspicious about one of her fellow seela, Vuhl, who has begun acting differently in the past few weeks. She questioned him, and he told her that he had traveled to the ruins of a lost Elf village upriver, where he saw something he could not speak of, something beautiful, that gave him hope that some of their people might survive if the song ends. Excited, Tiljann planned a trip for herself, and it is on this trip that she cames across the heroes that saved the Fire Forest of Innenotdar  Unbeknownst to Tiljann, the man named Vuhl is another Trillith, like Indomitability. This trillith, who calls itself Deception, came to the surface recently with a mission to free its brother from the f ire forest. This is particularly difficult because the song of the fey keeps Deception trapped in a body, but his innate powers allow him to take whatever appearance he desires. He snuck up on Vuhl when the fey was alone, killed him, and took his form, and has been deceiving the seela ever since. Deception has slowly been encouraging dissent among the seela, trying to get them to stop singing the song. Usually he simply speaks as Vuhl, who has become the leader of the rebels, but when necessary he has taken other forms to sow doubt and despair. He says that releasing the spirit that keeps the forest burning will end their suffering if they just die. There is no reason to keep singing. So far, Deception has convinced almost two thirds of the forty person village, and now only fifteen seela continue the song, singing in shifts of three.    Tiljann has been one of the strongest opponents to simply giving up and dying, but she likewise sees no point in singing forever. She longs for another solution, and Deception is worried she might find one, so he plans to have her killed. After giving her the fake story about something beautiful at the Elf village, Deception convinced six of the most vehement supporters of ending the song to follow Tiljann and, when she was far enough from the village, to kill her.
Chaotic good
Current Location
Year of Birth
951 49 Years old
Vivid purple
Long, dark
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Greenish tinge
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Ignan, Sylvan

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