Vikmordere - Human

These harsh people maintain a proud culture that deeply values nature and reveres the The Mother. They live in the wilds of the south in a vast, disjointed ‘country’ of the same name, surrounded by steep, snow-covered mountains in the Vikmordere Valley. Aventyr’s largest glacial body of water, Serpent Lake, begins here and meanders for hundreds of miles before emptying into the Serpent Tail River and onwards into the Province of Piliser . Raiders, warriors, rangers, and druids dominate the many tribes located within the valley, competing with one another for power and dominance from time to time, as well as very occasionally banding together to defeat a common foe.  


After launching numerous, routine raids on Piliserian villages, the PIliserian Exarch ordered troops into the mountains to oust the Vikmordere from their lands. They had been using Rybalka a village of tribal fisherman and woodworkers, as an operations base for their attacks on settlements under the Exarch's rule, focusing their efforts on the Three Sisters along the Serpent Tail river. A nearby iron mine manned by the Rybalkans became an important source of ore for the Vikmordere weapons and tools.   In response to these initial assaults by the raiders, the Exarch moved troops into the Vikmordere Valley and began arduous counterattacks, endeavoring to secure the strategic village of Rybalka and its lucrative iron mine.   After many failed attempts and the death of hundreds of ground troops, the Piliserians were finally able to oust the Vikmordere warriors, recapturing the small village and natural resources it produces. To secure the location, additional soldiers were ordered to clear the mountainside forests of the rest of the Vikmordere forces, resulting in horrible casualties for the Piliserians. Save for a few raiders hidden in abandoned ruins and inaccessible mountainside caves, nearly all Vikmordere in a 15-mile radius were slaughtered.   Most of the Vikmordere still thrive in the mountains and deep recesses of the winding Serpent Tail river, waiting for the day a great champion rises among them. Legends foretell that this warrior will lead their people to victory, reclaiming their ancestral lands and the Village of Rybalka.  

Physical Description

Tall, broad of shoulder and with a natural survival instinct, Vikmordere are lean, tough, and hardy. They wear furs and cloaks made from the animals hunted down by their tribe, and always carry a stylized dagger specific to its owner (called a seax).  


Reverence to tradition, one’s tribe and nature are the central tenets of Vikmordere society.  


Most people are untrustworthy of Vikmordere when they first meet them—they are notorious for raiding villages, after all. This does not make them savages however, and once known they can become fast allies. Vikmordere trust has to be earned and isn’t freely given.  

Alignment and Religion

While Lawful alignments among the Vikmordere aren’t entirely unknown, most tend to be Chaotic or Neutral. They worship many gods, but primarily show tribute to The Mother and their patron, the Great Hunter, Storjeger.  


The wandering, nomadic spirit of the Vikmordere make them ideal adventurers, and their survival instincts make them capable explorers. At home in the wilds, they readily serve as scouts, guides, and trackers.   Vikmordere Racial Traits All Vikmordere receive a seax as a free weapon. These simple daggers have several variations but usually have a tang in the center of the blade that inserts into an organic hilt (often crafted from wood or the horn of an animal common to the cold region) with only one sharpened edge.   Vikmordere follow one of three roles in their society, and receive racial skill bonuses and penalties in addition to the traits normally granted to humans:   Ancestral Shaman Those that have the greatest reverence for the Vikmordere, the land, and The Mother are raised by the tribal shamans. Their upbringing is spent learning the history of their people and the teachings of nature. While they may be an important repository of knowledge for their society, the studious upbringing of Ancestral Shamans leaves them less able to deceive and frighten others. Ancestral Shamans receive a +2 racial bonus to Knowledge (nature) and Knowledge (history) checks, but suffer a -2 racial penalty to Bluff and Intimidate checks.   Barbarian Raider The most robust, aggressive, and hardy of the Vikmordere learn the ways of their people by raiding, establishing the lay of the land around the villages, and spending plenty of timein the wild. Their independent, rough-and tumble upbringing leaves them less social than other Vikmordere and ill-at-ease on horseback. Barbarian Raiders receive a +1 racial bonus to Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (geography), Profession (hunter) and Swim, but suffer a -2 racial penalty to Diplomacy and Ride checks.   Southern Warden The biting cold of the Vikmordere’s homeland makes the role of hunters paramount, and many of its youth are trained from childhood to stalk the southern wilds. These warriors of the woods ensure the safety of the people from fell beasts and famine, at home either in the trees of the forests or on the slopes of the mountains. This leaves them little time to socialize however, and they are both aloof and uncouth. Northern Wardens receive a +2 racial bonus to Climb and Knowledge (geography), but suffer a -2 penalty to Bluff and Sense Motive checks.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aws’Kal, Dot’Wolk, Lass’Kat, Nola’Skit, Tuuk’Was, Yuw’Lits

Masculine names

Atk’Low, Ko’Woltak, Sulwotik, To’Kuuw, Yon’Dolak, Wo’Tolik
Encompassed species
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