Province of Piliser
The Province of Piliser, the southern province of the Imperial Seat of Acheron, is a populous country, and consists of people of widely economically disparate means. Those that call themselves Piliserians are a hearty, steadfast folk that have found ways to cope with the near-impossible hand dealt to them by the harsh lands bordered to south by the horse tribes of the Lands of Ronius. A large portion of the year (and in higher elevations, all year round) the climate of the region is sub-arctic, and after thousands of years enduring the cold (often going without food or water for days at a time) has led to the “weak” dying out to leave only the “strong” behind. This refers to adaptability as much as physicality. While wilderness travel is rarer for those living in the big cities, every Piliserian has braved the wilds for overland journeys at one time or another and these trials reinforce what it means to be raised in these unforgiving lands.
Exarch Styrmir Valbrandsson maintains a large military presence that dominates much of the province, protecting the boundaries from border to border. Every single Piliser citizen—man or woman—is required to train in the use of the sword and axe, and their fierce, fiery spirits quickly rise up when push comes to shove. However, the demanding experience of the desolate region leaves many of their citizens slightly paranoid, fearful of that which they do not understand (which can cause problems both for them and others).
Geopolitical, Province
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
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