Acheron army attacks Gate Pass, attempting to press toward the Shining Land of Shahalesti

Military action


The Second Acheron Army under command of General Danava assaults Gate Pass, while the Fourth Acheron Army marches through the mountains in the northlands, both attempting to press into Shahalesti. Gate Pass resists, and so Danava lays siege, demanding that the city open its gates to a contingent of Acheron Inquisitors, who will check whether the city is harboring enemies. Gate Pass kowtows, allowing the Inquisitors inside, but this is a ruse to lure them away from the bulk of the army, leaving the Acherons vulnerable to evocation magic cast by the archmage Gabal and his students. The inquisitors slay Gabal, but not before he destroys the Acheron siege engines. Danava retreats to regroup.