History of the Acheron Empire

  • 229

    With help from the Sidhe of Dradolin, the people of the once-dark lands begin to rebuild following the Ghulwar
    Construction beginning/end

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  • 238

    Sidhe outposts and garrisons dot the landscape, providing security and maintenance on the roads

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  • 270

    Delian Von Tessel becomes ruler of Morrus. He christens his seat of power “The Lion-Guarded Throne” after his family symbol

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  • 280

    The Lion-Guarded Throne proclaims Imperial control over the lands around it. The Age of the Empire of Morrus begins

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  • 389

    Despite magical aids, Delian Von Tessel, first Emperor of the Lion-Guarded Throne, dies
    Life, Death

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  • 665

    Following the assassination of her husband, Empress of Morrus Addares (Von Tessel) X makes it illegal to own a firearm without an official Imperial dispensation
    Political event

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  • 692

    Endrigia—named after fragmentary facts from the distant past discovered by the loremaster Gerris Hin—is founded as a small port city on the edge of a large bay off The Skyfall. It is built near the fortress of Dalenguard and eventually will encompass it
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  • 839

    The Edict of Deviltry is issued in the Empire of Morrus, adding strict laws prohibiting arcane magic to the Vast Codex
    Religious event

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  • 841

    The First Inquisition terrorizes the Empire of Morrus. The “Days of Blood” begin against arcane spellcasters, in particular looking for a group of arcanists called the Inverted Pyramid
    Religious event

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  • 843

    The First Inquisition of arcane spellcasters in the Empire of Morrus ends
    Religious event

    The Edict of Deviltry falls into disfavor. The “Days of Blood” end. The leadership of Endrigia declares the city a safe haven for arcane spellcasters. The Edict of Deviltry is officially overturned.

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  • 857

    The Empire of Morrus is in chaos, with three different people claiming the Lion-Guarded Throne. Empress Addares (Von Tessel) XXXIV attempts to move the capital to Ironhold, her longtime home
    Political event

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  • 860

    The Empire of Morrus is overrun by barbarians from the Jonoi Highlands and their allies
    Military action
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  • 864

    The Empire of Acheron is founded by Emperor Drakus Coaltongue
  • 941

    The Torch of the Burning Sky Created
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

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  • 959

    Emperor Coaltongue defeats the army of the Free Citystate of Gate Pass, sets up a military government, and erects a 90- foot-tall statue of himself in the grand square on Summer’s Bluff before moving on to his next conquest.
    Military action
  • 991

    Explorers plumbing down into ancient Dwarvenhearth below Endrigia discover great treasures and begin bringing them to the surface
    Discovery, Exploration

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  • 996

    Endrigia becomes the center of much attention as more and more would-be treasure-seekers plumb the depths below the city. Activities of so-called “chaos cults” increase. The potential for both greatness and danger has never been as intense
    Discovery, Exploration

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  • 999

    23 /8

    12 /11

    Rebellion in the Province of Sindaire
    Military action

    Rebellion brews in the Province of Sindaire. Emperor Drakus Coaltongue takes the First Acheron Army to Castle Korstull via the Torch of the Burning Sky, and the rebellion is put to an end.

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  • 999

    15 /11

    Emporer Drakus Coaltongue assassinated in Sindaire and his body is abducted
    Life, Death

    Teleportation becomes deadly. The First Acheron Army is left stranded in Sindaire under the command of General Magdus. He orders a retreat from the flaming storm over Castle Korstull.

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  • 999

    1 /12

    Supreme Inquisitor Leska declares The Second Inquisition, known as The Scourge; a decree that all disloyal users of magic in Acheron and surrounding lands are to be captured or killed.
    Political event

    Supreme Inquisitor Leska, who seeks to seize control of Acheron with a strong show of force, orders General Magdus to move his forces to settle in for the winter and then join up with the Acheron imperial navy when it begins a blockade of Turinn, the capital city of Sindaire, in March. Acheron announces its intention to retaliate against the Province of Sindaire and the nation of Shahalesti for their involvement in the assassination of Emperor Coaltongue. In response to the announcement, Shahalesti sends out diplomatic envoys to nearby nations, seeking allies.

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  • 1000

    1 /1

    31 /1

    Acheron army attacks Gate Pass, attempting to press toward the Shining Land of Shahalesti
    Military action

    The Second Acheron Army under command of General Danava assaults Gate Pass, while the Fourth Acheron Army marches through the mountains in the northlands, both attempting to press into Shahalesti. Gate Pass resists, and so Danava lays siege, demanding that the city open its gates to a contingent of Acheron Inquisitors, who will check whether the city is harboring enemies. Gate Pass kowtows, allowing the Inquisitors inside, but this is a ruse to lure them away from the bulk of the army, leaving the Acherons vulnerable to evocation magic cast by the archmage Gabal and his students. The inquisitors slay Gabal, but not before he destroys the Acheron siege engines. Danava retreats to regroup.