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The Kingdom of Valaris


The Illuminati of the Kingdom of Valaris is the esteemed senate that governs with wisdom and unity, representing diverse facets of Valarisian society. Comprising representatives from each caste, the Illuminati collaborates to enhance the kingdom's prosperity and welfare, embodying a collective vision of progress and fairness. While the Illuminati does not legislate, it serves as a paramount advisory body akin to a Supreme Court in times of legislative deadlock or constitutional interpretation.   Led by the Queen of Valaris, the Illuminati ensures that every member has an equal voice in council deliberations. Despite the monarch's leadership, each senator possesses the authority to veto decisions, underscoring a commitment to checks and balances within Valarisian governance. Within the hallowed halls of the Senate, debates are conducted with respect for differing viewpoints, guided by principles of wisdom and fairness championed by its illustrious members. The Illuminati stands as a testament to Valaris' dedication to inclusive governance, where the voices of its people are heard and heeded in shaping the kingdom's future.



Urban Areas: In larger cities like Alar, human clothing is elaborate and colorful, often made of silk and adorned with intricate patterns. Noblemen and women wear garments that signify their status, with men favoring doublets, breeches, and cloaks, while women wear gowns with flowing skirts and tight bodices. Jewelry and accessories, such as ornate belts, hats, and gloves, are common.   Rural Areas: In villages and smaller towns, human attire is simpler, made from sturdy cloth in earthy tones. Men typically wear tunics and trousers, while women wear practical dresses and aprons. Clothing is often handmade and functional, suitable for farming, crafting, and daily chores.   Culture
Festivals and Holidays: Humans celebrate numerous festivals and holidays, often centered around agricultural cycles, historical events, and religious observances. Major events include the Harvest Festival, Winter Solstice, and the annual Festival of Unity in Alar.   Cuisine: Human cuisine varies widely, with city dwellers enjoying a variety of dishes influenced by trade and cultural exchange. Common foods include breads, meats, vegetables, and fruits, with spices and herbs adding flavor. Rural areas rely on hearty stews, baked goods, and preserved foods.   Art and Music: Human art is diverse, ranging from grand paintings and sculptures in urban galleries to folk art in rural communities. Music is an integral part of human culture, with city concerts featuring orchestras and choirs, while villages enjoy lively folk songs and dances.  


General Attire: Elven attire is consistently luxurious, crafted from fine silk and vibrant in color. Wealthier elves adorn themselves with elaborate jewelry, typically featuring jewels set in white gold or silver. Men wear elegantly tailored robes and tunics, while women wear flowing dresses and gowns that highlight their grace and beauty.   Culture
Art and Architecture: Elven cities are renowned for their breathtaking beauty, with elegant, flowing architecture that blends seamlessly with nature. Art is highly valued, with elves producing exquisite paintings, sculptures, and musical compositions. Their homes are often adorned with intricate carvings and murals.   Magic and Nature: Elves have a deep connection to magic and nature, often practicing druidic or arcane arts. Their culture emphasizes harmony with the natural world, and many elven communities are hidden within vast forests, protected by powerful illusions and enchantments.   Celebrations: Elven celebrations are grand and mystical, often held under the stars with music, dance, and feasting. Key events include the Festival of the Moon, the Spring Blossom Festival, and various solstice and equinox ceremonies.  


General Attire: Dwarven clothing is practical and durable, often made from leather and cloth in earthy tones. Men and women alike wear tunics, trousers, and sturdy boots, with additional layers for warmth in their mountain homes. Jewelry, primarily gold, is common among dwarves, often featuring intricate metalwork and gemstones.   Culture
Craftsmanship: Dwarves are famed for their exceptional craftsmanship, producing some of the finest weapons, armor, and tools in Valaris. Their skills extend to masonry, engineering, and gem-cutting, with dwarven cities showcasing impressive feats of architecture and engineering.   Community and Tradition: Dwarven society is close-knit and steeped in tradition. Clan and family ties are paramount, and dwarves place great importance on honor, loyalty, and hard work. Festivals and ceremonies often celebrate these values, such as the Forge Day and the Great Feast of the Ancestors.   Cuisine and Brewing: Dwarven cuisine is hearty and robust, featuring dishes like roasted meats, thick stews, and baked goods. Brewing is a revered craft, with dwarven ales, meads, and spirits renowned throughout Valaris. Dwarven taverns are lively places, filled with music, stories, and camaraderie

Demography and Population

  • Humans 65%
  • Elves 20%
  • Dwarves 10%
  • Others 5%


The Kingdom of Valaris is a realm of expansive grassy plains, dense forests, and imposing mountain ranges that frame the north, east, and west. To the south, Valaris is bordered by the shimmering Veridian Sea, which facilitates its dominance over most of the sea’s trade routes. The formidable Abyss of Amir forms the northern boundary, adding a layer of mystery and danger. The kingdom is interconnected by dirt roads that lead to towns and villages, while the roads near the cities are paved, easing travel and trade.


Pantheon: Most races in Valaris worship a pantheon of gods and goddesses representing various aspects of life, nature, and magic. Temples and shrines are common in cities and villages, serving as places of worship and community gathering.
  Rituals: Religious rituals and ceremonies play a significant role in daily life, marking births, marriages, deaths, and seasonal changes. These practices vary by race and region but often involve offerings, prayers, and communal feasting.

Agriculture & Industry

Agricultural practices rely on oxen and traditional tools, with farm workers and maids forming the backbone of rural labor.

Strength in Unity, Honor in Tradition.

Founding Date
800 AD
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Family Leader
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Valar (gold)
Solis (silver)
Denari (copper)
Legislative Body
The Parliament
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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