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The Eternal City


Most of the inhabitants are humans, with a smaller number of elves, even fewer dwarves, and a minority of other races.  

Castes of the Kingdom of Valaris

The Monarchy
  • Description: The Monarchy sits at the pinnacle of Valaris' societal hierarchy. It comprises the royal family, including the King, Queen, their children, and close relatives. The Monarchy is responsible for overseeing the kingdom’s governance, making critical decisions, and ensuring the prosperity and stability of Valaris.
  • Role: They hold the ultimate authority, making decisions on national policies, foreign relations, and the kingdom's defense. The Queen, in particular, plays a pivotal role in the Parliament, guiding legislative processes and maintaining harmony among the different castes.
  The Nobles
  • Description: The Noble caste includes influential landowners, high-ranking officials, and aristocrats who possess significant wealth and power. They often have extensive estates and maintain a lifestyle of luxury and refinement.
  • Role: Nobles serve as advisors to the Monarchy, participate in the Parliament, and manage large tracts of land. They are instrumental in local governance, justice, and maintaining order within their territories.
  The Military
  • Description: The Military is composed of soldiers, officers, and knights who have dedicated their lives to the defense of Valaris. They are trained in combat and strategy, ensuring the kingdom’s security against external threats and internal unrest.
  • Role: Members of the Military are responsible for protecting the kingdom, enforcing laws, and leading military campaigns. High-ranking officers often hold significant influence and are involved in strategic planning and national defense policies.
  The Church
  • Description: The Church is a revered institution dedicated to the worship and service of the deities of Valaris. The Church is composed of clerics, paladins, priests, and other religious figures who devote their lives to the spiritual guidance and well-being of the people of Valaris. The Church plays a critical role in the moral and ethical framework of the kingdom, offering spiritual support, religious education, and charitable works.
  • Role: Members of the Church are responsible for conducting religious ceremonies, providing spiritual counsel, and leading rituals and festivals dedicated to Alar. They offer blessings, heal the sick, and provide sanctuary to those in need. The priests of Alar are also involved in the education system, teaching values and ethics aligned with the teachings of Alar. In times of crisis, they offer support and guidance to the other castes and ensure that the kingdom's moral compass remains aligned with the principles of compassion, justice, and wisdom.
  The Wizardry
  • Description: Mages, sorcerers, and scholars of magic make up the majority of The Wizardry. These individuals possess profound knowledge of the arcane arts and contribute significantly to the kingdom’s advancement in magical and scientific endeavors.
  • Role: Wizards and sorcerers provide magical support in various aspects, including defense, healthcare, and infrastructure. They often conduct research, develop new spells and magical technologies, and teach at magical academies.
  The Estate
  • Description: The caste includes the landed gentry, estate managers, and prominent farmers. They own and manage agricultural lands and are responsible for producing food and raw materials for the kingdom.
  • Role: They ensure a steady supply of agricultural products, manage rural communities, and maintain the kingdom’s food security. Their work is crucial for the economy and sustenance of Valaris.
  The Merchants
  • Description: The Merchants are made up of traders, shopkeepers, and business owners. They control commerce and trade, facilitating the movement of goods and services within and beyond the kingdom.
  • Role: Merchants drive the economy through trade, both domestically and internationally. They operate markets, manage trade routes, and ensure the availability of various goods, contributing to the kingdom’s wealth and prosperity.
  The Townsfolk
  • Description: The Townsfolk are the common citizens, including craftsmen, laborers, artisans, and service providers. They form the backbone of the kingdom’s day-to-day life and contribute to its vibrant community.
  • Role: Townsfolk engage in various occupations that support the kingdom’s infrastructure and services. They are the skilled workers, builders, and everyday citizens who keep the towns and cities functioning smoothly. Their work ensures the kingdom’s culture, economy, and social life thrive.


Though the King is the nominal ruler, true governance is a shared responsibility with the Parliament, led by the Queen and the Chamber. The Parliament is composed of nobles, merchants, and other influential residents who offer counsel and aid. The Queen is beloved and revered, and her leadership ensures that every caste has representation in government through The Chamber. This inclusivity ensures that all voices are heard, fostering a sense of unity and fairness.  

The Chamber

The Chamber of the Kingdom of Valaris is the esteemed senate that governs with wisdom and unity, representing diverse facets of Valarisian society. Comprising representatives from each caste, the Chamber collaborates to enhance the kingdom's prosperity and welfare, embodying a collective vision of progress and fairness. While the Chamber does not legislate, it serves as a paramount advisory body akin to a Supreme Court in times of legislative deadlock or constitutional interpretation.   Led by the Queen of Valaris, the Chamber ensures that every member has an equal voice in council deliberations. Despite the monarch's leadership, each senator possesses the authority to veto decisions, underscoring a commitment to checks and balances within Valarisian governance. Within the hallowed halls of the Chamber, debates are conducted with respect for differing viewpoints, guided by principles of wisdom and fairness championed by its illustrious members. The Chamber stands as a testament to Valaris' dedication to inclusive governance, where the voices of its people are heard and heeded in shaping the kingdom's future.


Outer Walls
  • Structure: The city is encircled by massive stone walls, reaching heights of up to 40 feet and thicknesses of 15 feet. These walls are reinforced with both mundane and magical means, making them incredibly resistant to physical and magical attacks.
  • Battlements and Parapets: The tops of the walls are equipped with battlements and parapets, providing cover for archers and soldiers during a siege.
  • Watchtowers: Strategically placed along the walls are numerous watchtowers, each equipped with signaling systems and ballistae for long-range defense.
  Moats and Water Defenses
  • Moat: Surrounding the outer walls is a wide and deep moat filled with water from the nearby River Valar. The moat is designed to impede the advance of enemy siege engines and infantry.
  • Drawbridges: The city gates are connected to the main roads by drawbridges that can be raised to prevent entry during an attack. These drawbridges are heavily fortified and can be quickly retracted or destroyed if necessary.
  Magical Defenses
  • Arcane Wards and Barriers: Alar Academy of Arcane Arts has enchanted the city with powerful wards and barriers that can be activated during an attack. These barriers can repel magical assaults and provide an additional layer of protection.
  • Alarm Spells: Various parts of the city are under constant surveillance through magical means, ensuring that any breach or unusual activity is immediately detected and responded to.
  Underground Defenses
  • Hidden Tunnels and Safehouses: The city’s underground network includes hidden tunnels and safehouses, used for evacuating important individuals or launching surprise counter-attacks.
  • Sewer System: The extensive sewer system has strategically placed traps and checkpoints to prevent enemies from infiltrating the city from below.

Industry & Trade

Alar, The Eternal City, thrives on a diverse economy driven by culture, agriculture, trade, and magical innovation. Its inhabitants engage in a wide range of professions, from farming and craftsmanship to governance and magical research. The city imports essential materials and exotic goods while exporting high-quality art, agricultural products, and magical innovations. The manufacturing sector is robust, focusing on artisan goods, agricultural processing, and the creation of magical items, ensuring the city's continued prosperity and cultural richness.  

Imports, Exports, and Manufacturing

  • Exotic Goods: Alar imports luxury items, rare spices, and unique artifacts from distant lands to cater to its wealthy and cultured populace.
  • Raw Materials: Essential materials such as metals, stone, and wood for construction, crafting, and various industries.
  • Magical Components: Rare herbs, crystals, and other magical ingredients needed for the research and practice of arcane arts.
  • Art and Crafts: Finely crafted artworks, textiles, and cultural items created in the North Royal Court are highly sought after in other regions.
  • Agricultural Products: Fresh produce, grains, and livestock from The Fields are exported to surrounding areas.
  • Magical Innovations: Spells, potions, and magical devices developed by the Wizardry caste are traded to other kingdoms.
  • Artisan Goods: Alar is renowned for its high-quality handcrafted items, including jewelry, textiles, and pottery, primarily produced in the Royal Court and Bell districts.
  • Agricultural Processing: The Fields district processes agricultural products into consumables, such as dairy, preserved foods, and artisanal goods.
  • Magical Items: The Gloom and parts of Vendunt Ward are known for producing enchanted items, potions, and magical artifacts, thanks to the contributions of the Wizardry caste.


Alar, The Eternal City, is not just a center of culture, politics, and commerce but also a marvel of infrastructure. The entrepreneurial spirits of its inhabitants have built an intricate network of facilities and amenities that support the city's thriving population and economy.

The infrastructure of Alar, The Eternal City, is a testament to the ingenuity and industriousness of its inhabitants. From efficient transportation networks to vibrant marketplaces and prestigious educational institutions, the city’s infrastructure supports a high quality of life and fosters a thriving, dynamic community.   Transportation Networks
  • Roadways: Paved stone roads connect the various districts, ensuring smooth travel and trade within the city. These roads are meticulously maintained and wide enough to accommodate carts and carriages.
  • Bridges: Elegant and sturdy bridges span the River Valar, connecting different parts of the city and facilitating commerce and travel. The most notable is the Grand Arch Bridge, an engineering marvel known for its beauty and resilience.
  • Public Transit: Horse-drawn trams and carriages operate on a regular schedule, providing efficient public transportation for the city's residents and visitors.
  Water Supply and Sanitation
  • Aqueducts: A network of aqueducts brings fresh water from the nearby mountains to the city, ensuring a reliable supply of clean water for drinking, bathing, and irrigation.
  Commerce and Trade Facilities
  • Marketplaces: Large, bustling marketplaces like the Central Market in Vendunt Ward are filled with stalls and shops selling goods from across the kingdom and beyond. These markets are equipped with covered areas to protect vendors and shoppers from the elements.
  • Trade Halls: Grand trade halls serve as centers for business transactions, where merchants, traders, and guilds conduct their affairs. These halls are equipped with meeting rooms, storage facilities, and security services.
  Public Buildings and Services
  • Libraries and Archives: The Grand Library of Alar is a repository of knowledge, housing thousands of books, scrolls, and manuscripts. It is a hub for scholars and researchers.
  Cultural and Recreational Facilities
  • Theaters and Concert Halls: The North Royal Court is home to several theaters and concert halls, where residents can enjoy performances ranging from plays and operas to music concerts.
  • Parks and Gardens: Besides the Botanical Gardens in Aurum Castle, the city boasts numerous parks and green spaces, such as the Meadows and public gardens, providing residents with areas for relaxation and recreation.
  Educational Institutions
  • Schools and Universities: In addition to the prestigious Alar Academy of Arcane Arts, the city has numerous schools and universities offering education in various fields. These institutions are equipped with modern facilities and attract students from all over the kingdom.
  • Public Lecture Halls: Public lecture halls provide venues for educational talks, debates, and discussions, fostering a culture of learning and intellectual exchange.
  Defensive Infrastructure
  • Barracks and Armories: The Lord's Watch district houses barracks and armories that support the city’s military and defensive operations. These facilities ensure that the city’s guards and soldiers are well-equipped and ready to respond to any threat.
  • Emergency Shelters: The city has designated emergency shelters and safehouses, equipped with supplies and medical facilities, to protect residents during disasters or attacks.


The Royal Court

  The North Royal Court: The North Royal Court is the cultural heart of Alar, housing the finest arts and crafts. This district features galleries, theaters, and exquisite dining establishments known for their gourmet meals and finest brews.   The South Royal Court: The South Royal Court includes Aurum Castle, the centerpiece of the kingdom.   The Bell: The Bell is the central district of Alar, dominated by a towering belfry that watches over the city. The belltower, nearly as tall as the tallest tower in Aurum Castle, serves as both a landmark and a timekeeper for the city.
  • Features: The belltower, known as The Bell of Alar, is a marvel of engineering with intricate carvings and a resonant chime heard throughout the city.
  • Surrounding plazas and streets bustling with vendors, street performers, and citizens going about their daily lives.
  The Ruins: Once devastated by the dragon Vyndraeleir, The Ruins remain a stark reminder of the past. Rebuilt by wealthy merchants, this district is now a bustling hub for less acceptable trades and a center of tension between its residents and the Crown.
  • Features: Narrow, winding streets lined with rebuilt but somewhat haphazard structures.
  • The Watering Hole: A small, unassuming cabin on the outskirts, known for serving some of the most sought-after drinks in the kingdom. Owned by the small but renowned halfling, Beltumal Littleknight.
  The Fields: The Fields district is an expansive area dedicated to agriculture and open green spaces. It is the breadbasket of Alar, providing fresh produce and livestock to the city.
  • Features: Vast farmlands and pastures. 
  • Farmer's markets bustling with activity, selling fresh fruits, vegetables, and homemade goods.
  The Gloom: The Gloom is a district known for its narrow, shadowy alleys and hidden enclaves. It is often associated with the darker side of city life, including underground activities and secret societies.
  • Features: Dark, winding alleys and hidden doorways. 
  • A network of clandestine meeting places and hideouts for the city’s less savory characters.
  Vendunt Ward: Vendunt Ward is the commercial heart of Alar, where trade and business flourish. This district is home to bustling markets, merchants, and traders from across the kingdom and beyond.
  • Features: Busy marketplaces filled with stalls and shops selling goods from all over Valaris.
  • Trade guilds and merchant houses that drive the city’s economy.
  The Meadow: The Meadow is a serene, lush area located in the far reaches of The Ruins. It offers a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city.
  • Features: Rolling green fields and gentle hills. 
  • Picnicking spots, walking paths, and areas for public gatherings and festivals.
  The Lord's Watch: The Lord’s Watch is a district dedicated to the city’s defense and education. It houses the Dragon's Rest and the academy, making it a hub for both warriors and scholars.

Guilds and Factions


The Chamber (Governing body)
The Parliament (Governing body)  


Valari (City guard)
Dragon's Rest (Monster hunter guild)
Alar Academy of Arcane Arts

Points of interest

  • Aurum Castle: The crown jewel of the Kingdom, Aurum Castle boasts grand halls filled with art, comparable to the churches in the Vatican and the Notre Dame. The castle's architecture is a testament to the kingdom's grandeur, with intricate stained glass windows, towering spires, and detailed frescoes.
  • Botanical Gardens: Located within Aurum Castle, the Botanical Gardens are a lush oasis open to the public. These gardens are a wonder of flora, featuring rare plants and serene walking paths.
  • Alar Academy of Arcane Arts: Welcome to the illustrious Alar Academy of Arcane Arts, a bastion of magical education and knowledge that stands as the pinnacle of arcane learning in the city of Alar and indeed, the entire continent.
  • Dragon's Rest: A renowned monster hunter guild where seasoned hunters and aspiring warriors train and take on quests to protect the kingdom from monstrous threats.
  • The Celestial Observatory: Perched on one of the highest hills overlooking Greyridge, the Celestial Observatory is a unique place of worship dedicated to the star deities. The observatory features a grand telescope and an open-air altar where astronomers and stargazers gather to study the night sky and interpret celestial omens. Rituals here often involve star charts and telescopic offerings to the gods of the heavens.


Alar, The Eternal City, is set in a region of remarkable geographic diversity and natural beauty. With its rolling hills, fertile plains, access to the River Valar and Lake Serene, and proximity to the Azure Sea, the city enjoys a blend of scenic views, abundant resources, and a favorable climate. These geographic features not only enhance the city's aesthetic appeal but also support its vibrant culture, thriving economy, and high quality of life for its residents.  

Terrain and Landscape

Location and Surroundings
  • The city is nestled in a broad valley, with gently sloping hills rising around it, offering natural defenses and stunning views.
  Access to Fresh Water
  • The city is blessed with access to the River Valar, which flows through the northern part of Alar. This river is a vital source of fresh water for the city's residents and supports both agriculture and daily life.
  • The River Valar is also used for transportation and trade, with docks and piers facilitating the movement of goods and people.
  Nearby Water Bodies
  • To the east of Alar lies Lake Serene, a large freshwater lake known for its clear waters and tranquil beauty. The lake serves as a recreational spot and an additional water source for the city.
  • The presence of the lake and river contributes to the lush vegetation and thriving agriculture in the region.
  Proximity to the Sea
  • While Alar is not directly on the coast, it is relatively close to the western shoreline of the Kingdom of Valaris. The city is approximately a four-day journey from the Veridian Sea, entering via Greyridge, providing access to maritime trade routes.
  • This proximity to the sea influences the city's climate and contributes to its moderate and pleasant weather.

Natural Beauty and Views

Scenic Views
  • From various vantage points within Alar, such as the high towers of Aurum Castle and The Bell of Alar, residents and visitors can enjoy sweeping views of the surrounding hills, the River Valar, and the distant Lake Serene.
  • The rolling hills and fertile plains create a patchwork of green fields, forests, and meadows, adding to the city’s natural beauty.
  Flora and Fauna
  • The Botanical Gardens within Aurum Castle showcase a wide variety of flora, including rare and exotic plants. These gardens are a testament to the city's dedication to preserving natural beauty.
  • The surrounding countryside is home to diverse wildlife, including deer, rabbits, and numerous bird species, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts.


Alar enjoys a temperate climate with mild winters and warm summers, influenced by its proximity to the River Valar and Lake Serene. The city experiences regular rainfall, ensuring lush vegetation and bountiful harvests. The combination of water bodies and rolling hills creates a pleasant microclimate, ideal for both agriculture and comfortable living.

0 BD

Founding Date
800 AD
100 000+
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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