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Legendary Enchantments

Legendary Enchantments are constant enchantments that draw energy from a place of important magical, historical, or geographic significance. An enchanter must prepare an item with an attunable enchantment and perform a ritual at a known or suspected site of significance. The essence of the area will manifest within the item as constant enchantments that are not normally obtainable.       Step 1: The item must be first enchanted with the attunable enchantment so it can absorb the energy from a Legendary Site. Simply follow the rules for Constant Enchantment. Regardless of the actual EL of an item, the ES of the Soul Gem used during this ritual will determine the EL of the attuned item for purposes of legendary enchantments.  This ES is always 5 as a Grand Soul Gem or Black Soul Gem is the only source that can be used for the enchantment.  The attunable enchantment always counts as an ES 5 Enchantment. Because of this enchanters really only choose the finest quality items made from the most powerful of materials. An enchanter can certainly enchant a steel suit of plate mail with an attunable enchantment but the resources remain the same so its not always resource efficient. The enchanter makes a test as if he was creating a constant enchantment at ES 5.   Step 2:   This step is a Ritual that requires the enchanter to have the Manifold Enchanter Talent. This ritual has 3 requirements:
  1. Only Soul Gems may be used and they must total 4,500 Soul Energy
  2. The Focus of the Ritual is the Attunable Item
  3. The Ritual must be done at the Legendary Site or area itself.
Some attunements will require a direct precise point, and others just need be in the geographical vicinity. The ES of the enchantment depends on the Legendary Site.  Regardless of the ES, the Legendary Attunement requires 3 grand soul gems worth of soul energy. Along with the attunable item, the enchanter must also have a physical object (Piece of rock, old artifact, soul gem of a dweller, etc.) from the site to act as the focus of the ritual.   Step 3: The Enchanter makes the test. The enchanter must take a -10% penalty for each ES above the Enchanters skill. Depending on the Degrees of Success (1-3 Degrees of success possible) the Attunable Item will now be invested with a Legendary Enchantment. The Degrees of Success will determine how many of the three possible enchantments will be infused in the item. 3 degrees of success will provide a fully attuned Legendary Item.   Specific Requirements very between legendary sites
The Vicious Ophidian Armor from Hel Ra Citadel  
Children Technologies
The Warrior Poets Armor from the Ruins of Vivec City (Or Vivec's Palace)  

Articles under Legendary Enchantments


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