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Adam Scholz

Adam Scholz

Adam has short, curly, dark blonde hair and brown eyes. His lightly tan skin reflects the time he spends outdoors. Standing at an imposing 199cm tall (6'6"), he has an average build that suggests a lifetime of physical work.
Adam is somewhat shy and reserved, often feeling uncomfortable around people. He tends to be closed-minded and finds it challenging to embrace new ideas. However, he compensates for his reserved nature by being conscientious and well-prepared in his work. Despite his good intentions, he can come across as slightly unkind and insulting, though he doesn't mean to be. He is emotionally stable and slow to anger, preferring to maintain a calm demeanor. Adam has a deep appreciation for religion and the spiritual aspects of life. However, he is also very unorganized and struggles with maintaining order in his personal affairs.
Born and raised in the town of Ostenwald, Adam hails from a family of wheelwrights. For generations, the Scholz family had been known for their craftsmanship, building and repairing wagons for the townsfolk. However, Adam felt drawn to a different path in life.
At a young age, Adam developed a strong interest in cooking and hospitality. He loved the idea of bringing joy to others through food and creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Recognizing his passion, Adam's family supported his decision to pursue a career in the culinary arts.
After completing his training as a cook, Adam set out to find a place where he could put his skills to use and establish his own inn. Hearing of the small village of Fatun and its lack of proper dining establishments, Adam saw an opportunity to fill that gap. He opened "The Half Full Cup" in the heart of the village, hoping to create a space where people could come together, share meals, and enjoy each other's company.   The half full cup quickly became the hub of the community, with locals relying on Adam's cooking for their meals. Being the only inn in the area, it also serves as a gathering place for travelers passing through the forest. Despite Adam's reserved nature, he takes pride in his ability to entertain others and create an enjoyable experience through his food.
Adam is married to Ursula Scholz, a supportive and caring partner who understands his reserved nature and encourages him in his endeavors. They have one child, a daughter named Nyze Scholz .
Adam's main goal is to entertain others through his culinary skills. He finds great joy in creating delicious meals and fostering an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie within the inn. He hopes to continue improving his cooking techniques and expanding the variety of dishes he offers, ensuring that every guest leaves satisfied and happy.
With his inn being the central gathering spot in the village, Adam also aims to strengthen the sense of community among the villagers. He sees "The Half Full Cup" as a place where people can come together, share stories, and support each other.
As an NPC in a Pathfinder campaign, Adam Scholz can provide various opportunities for player interaction. He could offer quests or information related to the village and the surrounding forest, as well as provide a safe place for the players to rest and recover during their adventures. His closed-mindedness could create interesting challenges for the players to overcome, while his passion for entertaining could lead to unique events or celebrations taking place at the inn.


Adam Scholz


Towards Ursula Scholz

Ursula Scholz


Towards Adam Scholz

Current Location
Year of Birth
1100 SC 49 Years old
Ursula Scholz (spouse)
Aligned Organization


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