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Elsbeth Gertrud Baumgärtner

Elsbeth Gertrud Baumgärtner

Despite her ordeal, Elsbeth remains optimistic and curious. She is intelligent and has a natural affinity for nature and animals. She is somewhat shy around strangers but warms up quickly once she feels safe.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Elsbeth is in fair physical condition, considering her recent ordeal. She is naturally slender and agile, which has been somewhat compromised due to her injuries. Her recovery is ongoing, and she may tire more easily than before. However, her youthful resilience aids her healing process, and she is gradually regaining her strength.

Body Features

  • **Height**: Elsbeth stands at a modest height for her age, not particularly tall but not short either.
  • **Build**: She has a lithe build, with the lean muscles of someone used to living an active, outdoor life.
  • **Scars**: There is a new, noticeable scar that mars her otherwise smooth skin, a reminder of the injury inflicted during her rescue.
  • Facial Features

  • **Eyes**: Elsbeth's eyes are a clear, striking blue, often reflecting her emotions transparently.
  • **Nose**: She has a small, upturned nose that gives her a youthful appearance.
  • **Mouth**: Her lips are usually set in a determined line, but when she smiles, it lights up her entire face.
  • **Expression**: There is an innate kindness in her expression, mixed with a newfound wariness since her capture and rescue.
  • Special abilities

    Elsbeth has an uncanny ability to understand and communicate with animals. She also has a rudimentary knowledge of herbs and natural remedies, taught by her family.

    Apparel & Accessories

    She often wears a simple but well-made dress of green and brown, reminiscent of the forest colors, with a small pendant of a protective rune around her neck.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Born into the humble but respected Baumgärtner family, Elsbeth was raised in the verdant outskirts of a village shadowed by the vast Hirschwald forest. Her early years were filled with the love of her family and the teachings of her grandmother, who imparted the secrets of herbs and the healing arts.   As Elsbeth grew, so did her curiosity and her bond with the natural world. She spent countless hours in the forest, learning the language of birds and beasts, and gathering herbs under the watchful eyes of her elders. Her grandmother, suffering from painful arthritis, often sent Elsbeth to fetch specific plants known to ease her discomfort.   One fateful day, while on a quest for such remedies, Elsbeth stumbled upon a gathering of cultists deep within the forest. They were followers of Voragorath, the shadowed despot, a demon lord whose name was whispered in fear. The cultists, desperate to end the cruel reign of Baron Reinhardt Heinrich Wilhelm von Hirschwald, believed that the sacrifice of an innocent, one with a pure heart and a connection to the land, would grant them the power they sought.   Elsbeth was captured, and as the cultists prepared for their dark ritual, she felt the weight of despair. But fate intervened when a group of adventurers, drawn by the whispers of rebellion and the scent of dark magic, stormed the cultists' hideout. In the chaos of their rescue, Elsbeth was accidentally injured by one of her saviors, a wound that would leave scars both physical and emotional.   Now, free from the clutches of the cult but bearing the burden of her experiences, Elsbeth must navigate a world that seems both brighter and darker than before. Her trust in strangers is fractured, yet her hope remains kindled by the light of Erastil, her patron deity, who guides her path with a steady hand.   As Elsbeth heals, she finds solace in her abilities and the knowledge that her life was spared for a reason. She vows to use her gifts to aid those who saved her and to protect her homeland from the shadows that continue to creep at its edges.


    She learned to read and write from a traweling preist of Sarenrae and her future profetion from her parents.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    Despite her young age, Elsbeth has shown remarkable resilience. She has managed to maintain her kindness and hope, even in the darkest of times. Her ability to communicate with animals and her knowledge of herbs have been a source of comfort and pride for her, giving her a sense of purpose and achievement.

    Failures & Embarrassments

    The injury inflicted by a party member, though accidental, has left Elsbeth feeling vulnerable and embarrassed. She struggles with a sense of betrayal and questions her worth, wondering why she was harmed by those who saved her. This incident has shaken her trust, making her cautious around new people.

    Mental Trauma

    Elsbeth is grappling with the shock and confusion from her near-sacrifice and the subsequent injury caused by one of her rescuers. She experiences nightmares and has a heightened sense of fear, especially towards sudden movements and loud noises. Elsbeth may have moments where she seems distant or lost in thought, as she processes her trauma.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Elsbeth is remarkably perceptive for her age, with an innate understanding of the natural world that surpasses mere knowledge. Her intellect is not just book-learned; it's intuitive, especially when it comes to flora and fauna. She possesses a wisdom that seems to stem from her deep connection to the forest and its creatures. Elsbeth is also quick to learn and adapt, which has been crucial in coping with her recent traumas.
    Year of Birth
    1135 SC 14 Years old
    piercing blue
    long, wavy chestnut


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