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Freya Eiriksdatter

Freya Eiriksdatter

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Freya is in excellent physical condition, a testament to her rigorous training and active lifestyle. Her stamina and resilience are well-suited for long journeys and the challenges of leadership. Her posture is straight and confident.

Body Features

She has a lean, muscular build that suggests both strength and agility. Her arms and shoulders are well-defined, hinting at proficiency with weapons and armor. Her overall physique is that of a seasoned warrior who is both strong and swift.

Facial Features

Her face is strong and symmetrical, with high cheekbones and a defined jawline. Her expression is serious and focused, exuding determination and resolve. She has a slight softness to her features that suggests a compassionate side beneath the warrior exterior.

Identifying Characteristics

A small, faded scar on her left cheek, received during a ceremonial spar, serves as a badge of honor and a reminder of her combat training.

Physical quirks

Freya's steps often carry a subtle rhythm, a reflection of her bardic nature and her affinity for music and dance.

Special abilities

With her voice and lyre, Freya can weave magic into her songs, bolstering her allies' spirits and sapping her enemies' will to fight. Fluent in several languages, Freya can communicate with diverse peoples, an asset in diplomacy and trade.

Apparel & Accessories

reya's clothing is a blend of practicality and tradition, with durable boots, a versatile cloak, and a belt adorned with pouches for her instruments and tomes.
Around her neck, she wears a silver pendant, an heirloom bearing the crest of her family, symbolizing her noble lineage and responsibilities.

Specialized Equipment

A masterfully crafted lyre with strings that resonate with the magic of the ancients, enhancing her bardic performances. A slender dagger with a hilt of carved bone, which she keeps hidden. It's said to carry enchantments that allow it to strike true when defending her honor or her life.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Freya's life has been shaped by the rich history and traditions of Sørvika. Raised to be a leader, she has always been aware of the responsibilities awaiting her. Her education and experiences have prepared her for the role she will one day assume.

Gender Identity

Freya identifies as female and embraces the roles and expectations that come with her position as the Jarl's daughter in Sørvikan society.


Freya has not let her sexuality define her, focusing instead on her duties and personal growth. She believes that love, regardless of form, is a personal journey that should not be constrained by societal norms.


Freya received a comprehensive education, including diplomacy, history, strategy, and the arts. She was tutored by the finest minds in Sørvika and has a deep appreciation for knowledge and wisdom.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Freya successfully negotiated a trade agreement with a neighboring realm, showcasing her diplomatic skills.
  • She has mastered several instruments and is known for her moving performances that can sway the hearts of her audience.
  • She have written several song about her famely members, and local heros.
  • Failures & Embarrassments

    Freya once misjudged the intentions of a visiting dignitary, leading to a minor diplomatic incident. She learned from this experience and has since honed her insight into people's motives.

    Mental Trauma

    The pressure of living up to her family's legacy weighs heavily on Freya, and she sometimes fears she will not meet the expectations set for her.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Freya is curious and open-minded, always seeking to learn more about the world. She has a strategic mind and is quick to adapt to new situations.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Freya believes in the inherent worth of all individuals and the importance of freedom. She is guided by a moral compass that values honor, justice, and the well-being of her people.


    Freya strongly opposes slavery and any form of oppression. She believes in the right of all beings to live free from bondage and exploitation.

    Personality Characteristics


    Freya is driven by a deep sense of duty to her people and a desire to see the world become a place where freedom and justice prevail. She is motivated by the legacy of her family and the need to protect her homeland from external threats.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    Freya has a natural talent for diplomacy and the performing arts, able to sway opinions and emotions with her words and music.
    Despite her many skills, Freya sometimes struggles with the subtleties of court intrigue and can be too trusting of others.

    Likes & Dislikes

    Freya enjoys the thrill of adventure, the camaraderie of her companions, and the simple pleasure of a well-played melody.
    She has a strong aversion to oppression, dishonesty, and the idea of destiny dictating one's path.

    Virtues & Personality perks

    Freya's greatest virtue is her courage, not only in battle but also in standing up for her convictions.
    Her optimism and ability to find hope in dire situations often inspire those around her.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Freya's passion for freedom can sometimes blind her to the complexities of leadership and governance.
    She can be impulsive, acting on emotion rather than reason, which has led her into trouble in the past.

    Personality Quirks

    Freya has a habit of humming tunes when deep in thought, and she often speaks in metaphors and analogies drawn from the songs and stories she knows.


    Freya maintains a high standard of personal hygiene, a reflection of her status and upbringing. She takes pride in her appearance, believing it reflects her respect for herself and others.



    As the daughter of the Jarl, Freya is in line to hold a significant position within Sørvika's leadership. Her reign, when it begins, will likely be marked by a focus on cultural preservation and diplomatic relations.

    Contacts & Relations

    Freya has established a network of contacts that includes nobles, merchants, and scholars. Her relations extend beyond Sørvika, particularly with the Luthi and neighboring realms.

    Family Ties

    Freya shares a strong bond with her family. She affectionately refers to Ragnar as "Eirikssønn," acknowledging him as a true member of the family. Her brother, Harald Eirikssøn, is a trusted confidant and advisor.
    Her mother is a wise and respected figure in Freya's life, providing guidance and support in her personal and political endeavors.

    Religious Views

    Freya is a follower of Cayden Cailean, the god of freedom, ale, wine, and bravery. Her beliefs align with her values of liberty and adventure.

    Social Aptitude

    Charismatic and eloquent, Freya is well-regarded in social circles. She is known for her ability to navigate complex social dynamics with grace and tact.


    Freya often gestures with her hands when speaking, especially when recounting tales or playing music. Her movements are fluid and expressive, capturing the attention of those around her.

    Hobbies & Pets

    Freya enjoys sailing and exploring the rugged coastlines of her homeland. She has a pet falcon named Skadi, trained for hunting and companionship.


    Freya speaks with a clear and melodious voice, reflecting her training as a bard. She often weaves poetic phrases into her speech, enchanting her listeners.


    Wealth & Financial state

    Freya's family is wealthy, with resources accrued from trade and governance. She has access to the means necessary to support her endeavors and maintain her status.
    Current Status
    on her coming of age raid
    Date of Birth
    17th Bloosom 1129
    Year of Birth
    1129 SC 20 Years old
    Freya has not let her sexuality define her, focusing instead on her duties and personal growth. She believes that love, regardless of form, is a personal journey that should not be constrained by societal norms.
    Her eyes are a striking blue, clear and piercing.
    Her hair is long and blonde, intricately braided and neatly styled, indicating a blend of practicality and pride in her appearance. The braids keep her hair out of her face during battle, but also reflect a certain elegance and attention to detail.
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Her skin is fair and smooth, with a light, sun-kissed glow that suggests time spent outdoors. Despite her fair complexion, there are no visible blemishes or scars, indicating that she either avoids unnecessary injuries or takes great care to heal and main
    150 lbs
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "By the strings of my lyre, I shall weave our fate."
    "Freedom is the song of the soul, and I will sing it loud."
    Aligned Organization


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