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## Hestrhavn, the Stronghold of Sørvika **Key Locations:**
  • **Jarl's Longhouse:** The seat of Jarl Eirik Halvardsøn, a grand structure that overlooks the city.
  • **Bear's Head Tavern:** A popular gathering spot for adventurers and locals alike, known for its hearty ale and lively tales.
  • **Healer's Hall:** A sanctuary for those seeking healing and knowledge, run by the wise and compassionate healers of Hestrhavn.
  • **Black Iron Forge:** The finest smithy in the city, where weapons and armor worthy of Sørvikan warriors are crafted.
  • **Market:** The bustling heart of Hestrhavn, where merchants from across the lands come to trade goods and stories.
  • **Shipwrights:** Skilled craftsmen who build the sturdy ships that navigate the treacherous northern waters.
  • **Grove of Heroes:** A sacred place where the valiant dead are honored, and their spirits are said to watch over the city.
  • **Geography:**
  • Surrounded by dense forests and nestled against a natural harbor, Hestrhavn is a city built for resilience and trade.
  • The city's docks are always busy with ships coming and going, carrying tales of distant lands and the promise of adventure.
  • **Culture:**
  • Hestrhavn is a city of freedom and bravery, reflecting the values of the Luthi people.
  • The Coming of Age rites are a significant part of the city's traditions, with young Luthi setting out on adventures to prove their worth and gain wisdom.
  • **Current Events:**
  • Freya Eiriksdatter, the Jarl's daughter, is currently in the city as part of her Coming of Age rite, accompanied by Princess Ingrid Eiriksdottir of Luthien.
  • Maps

    • Hestrhavn
    Location under
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