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Isabella Maria Agnes Stahlfäust

Magus Señjora Isabella Maria Agnes Stahlfäust

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Isabella maintains an excellent physical condition, honed by her rigorous training in battle magic and her disciplined lifestyle. She is both agile and strong, capable of both physical and magical combat.

Body Features

Isabella has a lithe yet muscular build, reflecting her training and physical fitness. She carries herself with a poised and regal bearing.

Facial Features

Her face is characterized by high cheekbones, a straight nose, and a well-defined jawline. Her expressive dark eyes and full lips add to her striking appearance.

Identifying Characteristics

She has a small, crescent-shaped birthmark on her left shoulder, often hidden by her attire.

Physical quirks

Isabella has a habit of twirling a strand of her hair when deep in thought.

Special abilities

Proficient in battle magic, she can cast powerful offensive and defensive spells. She also has a natural aptitude for strategic thinking and leadership.

Apparel & Accessories

Typically seen in elegant gowns that befit her noble status, Isabella favors deep reds and blacks with gold embroidery. She often wears a tiara and a necklace with a pendant bearing her family crest.

Specialized Equipment

She wields a staff imbued with arcane energy, which enhances her magical abilities. She also carries a dagger for close combat situations.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised in the Duchal palace in Valaragón, Isabella has always been surrounded by the trappings of nobility and power. Her education and upbringing were geared towards making her a capable leader and a powerful magus.


Studied battle magic at the Löwenstat Academy of Magic, where she excelled and made lasting connections.


Acts as an advisor and leader within the Grand Duchy of Arvargonia, often taking on diplomatic and strategic roles.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Graduated top of her class at the Löwenstat Academy. Played a crucial role in several diplomatic missions and military strategies for Arvargonia.

Failures & Embarrassments

Experienced a significant setback during an early diplomatic mission where her inexperience led to a temporary alliance break.

Mental Trauma

The pressures of her role and the expectations placed on her have led to periods of self-doubt and anxiety, particularly regarding her ability to lead and protect her people.

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly intelligent and strategic, with a deep understanding of magic, politics, and warfare.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes in the importance of honor, duty, and the protection of her people. She values wisdom and strength and seeks to uphold the legacy of her family.


Despises betrayal and dishonesty, particularly within the context of political and personal relationships.

Personality Characteristics


Driven by a desire to uphold her family's honor and protect the Duchy of Arvargonia. She aims to become one of the most powerful and respected magi in the land.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvy in diplomatic negotiations and magical combat. Less adept at casual social interactions and relaxing, often taking life very seriously.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Studying magic, strategic games, riding horses, and spending time with trusted friends. Dislikes: Deceit, unnecessary violence, and complacency.

Virtues & Personality perks

Courageous, intelligent, loyal, and compassionate towards her people.

Vices & Personality flaws

Can be overly critical of herself and others, occasionally aloof, and struggles with trusting new acquaintances.

Personality Quirks

Often hums softly while working on spells or reading. Has a tendency to over-prepare for events and meetings.


Maintains impeccable hygiene, always appearing polished and well-groomed, befitting her noble status.



Acts as a key figure in the governance of Arvargonia, particularly in magical and military affairs.

Contacts & Relations

Maintains strong connections with various noble families and influential figures, including her good friend Magus Señjora Maria Victoria Isabell Von Löwenburg-De Alba.

Family Ties

Daughter of Grand Duke Heinrich Karl Friedrich Stahlfäust, with a strong sense of loyalty and duty to her family.

Religious Views

Reveres Sarenrae, the goddess of the sun, redemption, honesty, and healing. She incorporates these values into her daily life and leadership style.

Social Aptitude

Highly skilled in formal and diplomatic settings, though she can come across as reserved in more casual social interactions.


Polite and formal, with a measured way of speaking. Often gestures with her hands when explaining complex ideas.

Hobbies & Pets

Enjoys studying ancient magical texts, horseback riding, and practicing her battle magic. She has a loyal falcon named Alerion.


Speaks with a clear, authoritative voice, often employing formal and precise language.


Fedrich August Martín Stahlfäust


Towards Isabella Maria Agnes Stahlfäust


Isabella Maria Agnes Stahlfäust


Towards Fedrich August Martín Stahlfäust


Maria Victoria Isabell Von Löwenburg

School freind (Important)

Towards Isabella Maria Agnes Stahlfäust


Isabella Maria Agnes Stahlfäust

School freind (Important)

Towards Maria Victoria Isabell Von Löwenburg


Wealth & Financial state

As a member of the noble Stahlfäust family, Isabella enjoys considerable wealth and resources.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Magus Señjora, reflecting her status as both a noble and a powerful magus.
Year of Birth
1124 SC 25 Years old
Dark and expressive, often conveying both intelligence and strength.
Long, dark, and wavy, usually styled elegantly.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, with a clear and smooth complexion.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Strength and wisdom guide my path." "In duty and honor, we find our true power."


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