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Johann Gottfried

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Johann Gottfried possesses a robust and well-toned physique, reflecting his years of military training and active duty as a town guard. He maintains a strong and muscular build, which contributes to his physical prowess and ability to handle the demands of his role.

Body Features

Johann has a well-defined, athletic physique with a sturdy frame that showcases his physical strength and endurance. His body bears the scars of past battles, each mark telling a story of his dedication and sacrifice. Despite the wear and tear, his body remains resilient and capable, displaying the physical attributes of a seasoned warrior.

Facial Features

Johann has a rugged face that has seen its share of hardships. His weathered complexion speaks of long days spent under the sun, protecting the town and its people. His features are strong and defined, with a determined expression that reflects his unwavering resolve. His eyes, a piercing shade of blue, hold both a sense of authority and a glimmer of compassion for those he protects.

Identifying Characteristics

One of Johann's distinguishing features is a prominent tattoo on his right forearm depicting a rampant lion, symbolizing his devotion to Iomedae, the Inheritor and goddess of honor, justice, and valor. The tattoo serves as a testament to his faith and his commitment to upholding righteousness and protecting the innocent. It is a mark that sets him apart from other town guards and serves as a visible reminder of his duty.

Physical quirks

Johann has a habit of absentmindedly tapping his fingers against his belt when lost in thought or deep in contemplation. This rhythmic tapping is a quirk that manifests when he is pondering important decisions or considering strategies. It serves as a small indication of his introspective nature and his inclination to thoroughly assess situations before taking action.

Apparel & Accessories

Johann typically wears the standard uniform of the town guard, but with minor modifications to incorporate symbols and items associated with his faith in Iomedae. He dons a chainmail shirt emblazoned with the holy symbol of Iomedae on the chest, demonstrating his allegiance to the goddess and the virtues she represents. Over the chainmail, he wears a well-crafted leather jerkin adorned with intricate engravings depicting scenes of valor and justice.
As part of his attire, Johann also carries a ceremonial longsword, its hilt bearing the holy symbol of Iomedae. The blade is meticulously maintained and radiates a faint divine aura, a testament to his devotion to his deity. Additionally, he wears a pendant around his neck, a simple silver amulet shaped like a stylized lion, symbolizing his connection to Iomedae and his role as her champion.
To complete his ensemble, Johann wears a dark blue cloak with a gold trim, representing the colors associated with Iomedae. The cloak bears a small, embroidered lion's head on the back, serving as a further symbol of his dedication to his faith and his desire to embody the virtues of justice and courage.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Johann Gottfried's personal history is marked by his experiences as a town guard and his participation in the Siege of Zlatoreka. His time in the military exposed him to the horrors of war and led him to question the righteousness of his nation's actions. Witnessing the brutality and senseless violence, Johann's perspective shifted, and he developed a deep aversion to war and aggression. This personal history shaped his moral compass and influenced his commitment to justice and protecting the innocent.


Johann received a basic education in his formative years, focusing on literacy, numeracy, and basic knowledge of history and geography. However, his true education came from his experiences in the military and his interactions with diverse individuals during his service. Through his time as a town guard, he developed practical skills in law enforcement, conflict resolution, and maintaining order within the community.


Johann's employment as a town guard and watchman in Hirschwald is a significant aspect of his life. His role involves maintaining law and order, protecting the townsfolk, and ensuring the safety of the community. His employment provides him with a sense of purpose and fulfillment as he actively contributes to the well-being of the town.

Failures & Embarrassments

Johann's failures and embarrassments primarily stem from his involvement in the war. While he served his duty, he carries a deep regret for the actions he was forced to take and the violence he witnessed. He considers his participation in the invasion as a failure and feels immense guilt for the suffering caused during the war. Additionally, Johann views his inability to prevent the changes to Iomedae's teachings in his town as a personal failure, as it clashes with his values and the true essence of his faith.

Mental Trauma

The mental trauma Johann experienced during the war left a lasting impact on him. Witnessing the brutality, loss, and destruction took a toll on his psyche. The horrors of war have led to symptoms such as nightmares and periods of heightened anxiety. Johann grapplels with feelings of guilt and constantly questioning his actions and the role he played during the conflict. However, his resilience and determination to protect and serve others continue to drive him forward.

Intellectual Characteristics

Johann possesses a sharp intellect and a keen sense of observation. He is thoughtful and introspective, often reflecting on his experiences and the consequences of his actions. While not formally educated in academic pursuits, he displays practical intelligence and resourcefulness in his role as a town guard. Johann's ability to think critically and make informed decisions allows him to navigate complex situations and assess the morality of various choices.

Morality & Philosophy

Johann's morality is deeply rooted in principles of justice, compassion, and the protection of the innocent. He believes in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances. Johann's philosophy centers around the importance of empathy, fairness, and standing up against oppression. He strives to embody these ideals in his actions, resisting the distorted teachings imposed by the new mayor and upholding the true values of Iomedae.


Johann's primary taboo is the acceptance of unnecessary violence and aggression.

Personality Characteristics


Johann's primary motivation is to rebel against the current authority and protect the integrity of his faith. He is driven by a strong sense of justice and a desire to preserve the true teachings of Iomedae. Johann's experiences during the war and his aversion to violence fuel his motivation to stand up against oppression and ensure the well-being of the innocent.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Johann is savvy when it comes to maintaining order, enforcing laws, and resolving conflicts within the town. His experience as a town guard has honed his skills in these areas. However, he may struggle with more nuanced political maneuvering and navigating the complexities of changing religious dynamics. Johann's straightforward and principled nature may make him inept at playing manipulative or deceptive games.

Likes & Dislikes

Johann enjoys spending time with his family, playing the trumpet, and caring for his dog. He appreciates moments of peace and tranquility amidst the chaos of the world. Johann finds solace in nature and may have a fondness for gardening or taking long walks in the countryside. He dislikes unnecessary violence, oppression, and the distortion of his faith's teachings. Johann has a distaste for dishonesty and hypocrisy, and he has a strong aversion to war and its destructive consequences.

Virtues & Personality perks

Johann possesses several virtues and personality perks. He is compassionate, showing empathy and kindness toward others, especially those in need. Johann is principled and upholds a strong sense of moral integrity. He is brave, willing to stand up for what he believes in, even in the face of opposition. Johann's loyalty to his family, friends, and his faith is unwavering, and he possesses a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards those he cares about.

Vices & Personality flaws

While Johann has many admirable qualities, he is not without his vices and personality flaws. He can be overly idealistic at times, struggling to compromise when his principles are at stake. Johann may also be prone to stubbornness, resisting change that he perceives as detrimental to the greater good. His aversion to violence may sometimes lead him to hesitate in decisive or confrontational situations, which could be seen as a flaw in certain circumstances.


Family Ties

Johann Gottfried's family is a tight-knit and loving unit that provides him with support, joy, and a sense of purpose beyond his duties as a town guard. Let's delve into the members of Johann's family: Wife: Johann's wife, Ingrid Gottfried, is a kind and nurturing woman who stands by his side through thick and thin. She shares Johann's values and supports his aspirations to protect the innocent and rebel against unjust authority. Ingrid brings warmth and stability to the family, fostering an environment of love and understanding.   Children: Johann and Ingrid have three children who bring joy and excitement to their lives. Their eldest son, Erik, exhibits a sense of responsibility and duty similar to Johann's. He looks up to his father as a role model and may follow in his footsteps one day. The middle child, Greta, possesses a free-spirited nature and a curious mind. She often challenges societal norms and constantly seeks knowledge and new experiences. The youngest child, Nikolai, symbolizes unity and bridges cultural traditions with his name that resonates with both Averlander and Zernovi cultures. Nikolai represents the hope for a harmonious future.   Extended Family: Johann's parents, Hans Gottfried and Gertrude Gottfried, have been instrumental in shaping his values and beliefs.. Johann's siblings, Karl and Anneliese, provide a sense of camaraderie and support, even though they have chosen different paths in life.   The Gottfried family is a haven of love, compassion, and understanding. They serve as Johann's anchor, reminding him of the importance of protecting and caring for his loved ones and the community. Together, they share a commitment to justice, empathy, and the pursuit of a better world.

Social Aptitude

Johann is known for his approachable and friendly nature. He possesses excellent social aptitude, making him well-liked among the townsfolk. He has a knack for putting people at ease and engaging them in conversation. His open-mindedness allows him to connect with individuals from different backgrounds, fostering a sense of inclusivity and community.


Johann carries himself with an air of confidence and authority befitting his role as a town guard. He has a strong presence and projects a sense of reliability and dependability. He maintains a calm and composed demeanor even in tense situations, showcasing his ability to handle pressure. Additionally, he has a habit of nodding thoughtfully when listening to others, conveying his attentiveness and respect for their perspectives.

Hobbies & Pets

In his leisure time, Johann enjoys spending time with his dog, a loyal companion and cherished member of his family. He often takes his dog for walks around the town, using this time to clear his mind and find solace in the company of his four-legged friend. Johann also finds joy and relaxation in playing the trumpet. He appreciates the soothing melodies it produces and uses it as a way to express himself creatively.


Johann's speech is characterized by a clear and authoritative tone, instilling confidence in those who listen to him. He has a tendency to use respectful and polite language when addressing others, displaying his upbringing and adherence to the ideals of courtesy and respect. While he can be direct and assertive when necessary, he also possesses a natural warmth and empathy that shines through in his conversations.


Johann Gottfried


Towards Ingrid Gottfried


Ingrid Gottfried


Towards Johann Gottfried


Anneliese Gottfried


Towards Johann Gottfried


Johann Gottfried


Towards Anneliese Gottfried


Karl Gottfried


Towards Johann Gottfried


Johann Gottfried


Towards Karl Gottfried


Wealth & Financial state

Johann's financial state is modest but stable. As a town guard, he receives a modest salary that allows him to provide for his family's basic needs. While not wealthy, he values the importance of hard work and prudence when managing his finances. He prioritizes the well-being of his family over material possessions and is content with a simple and comfortable lifestyle.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1119 SC 30 Years old
Karl Gottfried (Brother)

Articles under Johann Gottfried


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