The Lorebearers

"Among the endless tomes and innumerable chapters within, secrets are hidden. What truths will be laid bare on the page that no mortal mind has contemplated in generations? What deeper understanding shall we gain when all knowledge is in our grasp?" - Illuminator Athalia Dewfoot


Illuminator - The Illuminator, or The Illuminated, leads the Lorebearers in their efforts. Primarily, they issue dictates and specify targets for acquisition; books, tomes, scrolls, and artifacts worthy of attention.

Amanuensis - The Amanuenses receive orders from the Illuminator which are then disseminated to the Scriveners and Initiates and, if necessary, lead expeditions for particularly desired items.  

Scrivener - Primary duties include expeditions to obtain targeted items containing ancient wisdom and knowledge. These items are stored in the Treasury following their entry to the Grand Lexicon, being directly copied if they are written works or being meticulously described after they are studied if the item is not of a written nature.

Initiate - Initiates perform menial tasks around the Bryndelweald Repository and make additions to the Grand Lexicon.


The Lorebearers believe that all knowledge should be collected and maintained for future generations. The Illuminator has given her members broad latitude in terms of means of acquiring this knowledge, however this permissiveness comes with the understanding that there are limits to which these means are acceptable.

Violent acquisition or thievery are not endorsed outside of specific circumstances, such as to save the destruction of a particularly valuable or rare item. Obtaining targets via discourse, bartering, and negotiation is always accepted.


The exact amount and worth of the knowledge compiled so far is difficult, if not impossible, to quantify.


The Lorebearers were founded in Year 821 by Athalia Dewfoot, a scholar from the Evarran Arcaneum. They are a relatively new organization so the public at large has only heard vague rumors about them if they've heard anything about them at all. Based primarily in the magic-steeped country of Evarra, their rather lofty goal is the collection of all knowledge spanning all realms. While the stated goal of this group is mundane enough, the purpose of this accumulation of knowledge is unknown by all but the highest ranking within the Lorebearers.

"He who seweth the seeds of wisdom, reaps eternity."

Founding Date
Guild, Adventuring

This article has no secrets.


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